Integral Matrix for a Fragmented World



These are raw statements and notes we are gathering as we figure out what this project is doing and how to do it.

Objectives and Vision - From Kavita

[We should] promote the “memes” of interconnection and Oneness at all other levels – ecological, economic, political – as an essential feature of the new story. I think many people could relate to that. It’s not such a difficult concept to grasp, and is a central key to healing our fragmented, broken world.

This would entail presenting:

  1. A vision based on the principles of interconnection and Oneness at all levels: ecological, economic, socio-political (governance)
  2. How the capitalist system, with its competitive, divisive values, has contravened these principles, with the consequences of extreme social and economic inequality and ecological destruction
  3. How restoring the principles of interconnection and Oneness at each of these levels would reverse the destruction
  4. What that would look like at each level
  5. How we get there (by convening a global citizens movement around a clear statement of this vision)

For 5), I think it is essential that we offer a clear, concise statement of our goals that many groups could gather around (and, as I said earlier, it’s up to us to set the context: to show how these goals, which serve the Whole, also serve each of the groups’ particular goals and self-interests.)

From Bruce: It seems this phrase "New Story" comes from Thomas Berry. Here is an original source document from 1978 on The New Story written by Thomas Berry, which makes it clear that he is a top-level scholar as well as a brilliant man of spirit and vision. It's not easy reading but it's a great place to start.

Charter statements and visions


    The “NESI Charter” is a collaborative statement built with the contribution of hundreds of people from the five continents. The final text was co-written by representatives of several new economy models and with the support of the University of Barcelona. The NESI Charter was presented on 19th April 2017 in the NESI Forum celebrated in Málaga (Spain) . The NESI Charter states that “The goal and purpose of the new economy will be to serve people and the planet” and it defines five strategies to catalyse the transition towards this new model.

Systematic outreach

This framework supports organized electronic outreach

What are our criteria for inclusion?

Who do we want to contact? Who do we want to connect?

We are looking for groups that -- do what?

Inclusive interspiritual ethics

We want to work in a context that is open to sacred experience, but not limited or exclusionary because of this connection. Our center of gravity and spirit is Oneness or One, which we see as consistent with religion, spirituality, science and humanism.

The vision of One is not exclusionary. It can be approached in a spirit of "sacred" awareness, which can be absolutely holy. Or it can be approached in a spirit of simple respect and humility.

Interspirituality means "co-creation" as we listen to one another and create new solutions and new ways to understand ancient and fragmenting problems.

Our strategy and vision

Define and construct a comprehensive "global matrix" capable of defining all the basic dimensionality of a collaborative world grounded in Oneness and the ideals of justice, wholeness, and inclusion. Build interconnections between all participants as feasible. Support "unity in diversity", and co-creative solutions to problems that must be negotiated.

Use interviews and detailed surveys and polls that enable people and organizations to characterize themselves in high detail.

Create a system where people and organizations can "drill down" into specific levels of detail depending on answers and responses they have provided in previous polls and surveys.

Creating Oneness

We are not simply proclaiming the doctrine and philosophy of oneness or The One. We are developing a technology for creating oneness, for weaving One out of Many.

Why do you call this process "organic"?

We call it "organic" because

Causes and factors in cognitive polarization

Why do political discussions become so heated?

Why is the US congress so often gridlocked on important issues?

Proposal and design

It is widely recognized that we are living in an age of transition and significant social change. This is a dramatic period in history, with new possibilities emerging, and serious dangers threatening human welfare and the earth. There are hundreds or thousands of organizations and emerging networks and projects in the world concerned with these conditions.


This project is concerned with locating and identifying as many of these organizations as possible, and undertaking the task of identifying common factors in these organizations and projects

SECTOR -- a whole world depends on integrating human understanding -- as Thomas Berry suggests




Create a network system capable of interconnecting multiple sectors around common ideals including

Guiding principles

We want to explore ways to develop a comprehensively inclusive technology for holistic and global decision-making in a form that embraces all disciplines, all social sectors and all relevant data.

This place is not a blog site, full of prosy articles to read and study and think about. We can point to blog sites and interact with them. The primary objective is to build resonant connection between individuals and groups around common factors, so this place is more like a switchboard -- connect A to B

We recognize that "everything is connected to everything else", but this extreme interdependence creates great challenges for cooperation and collective decision-making.