Day |
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Convener |
Panelists |
83 |
Wed, Aug 12, 2020 |
Next Gen2030- Integral actions for Everyday Life
Jim Garrison |
Matt Robertson |
Raji Jayasinghe |
Shelot Masitihi |
Veronical Saldias |
82 |
Tue, Aug 11, 2020 |
A crucial time of choice- healing humanity healing the earth
This virus carries an urgent message for us to wake up to the small window of opportunity we have to change course before it’s too late. This means change in every sphere of life: change in politics, economics and business practices; change in the very concept of what it means to be human and living on this extraordinary planet — change above all, in our relationship with the planet.
Anne – from England - Look up the excellent paper she read from – the most noticeable thing s the care tat people are giving to their patients – a sacrifice – the feminine in action – we are seeing the best of humanity in actions as well as the worst of humanity in action – focus on the destructive nature of masculine archetypal forms for over 2000 years – all religious traditions carry the messages that we carry divinity within us and we are part of the divinity that surrounds us – we need to change the image of God to say that the nature of god in in nature – our vision of god – the new spirituality could come from all religions – perhaps the source of spirituality will come from science itself – science may end up leading the way – if we interpret a new story -
Unlike past inflection points in human history, this one caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has not just exposed fault lines in human society, but also those in our relationship with animals and Nature. This calls for a fundamental rethinking of our global industrial civilization to bring it into alignment with sustainable values of truth, freedom, equality, kindness and compassion. However, as Buckminster Fuller said, "You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete."
Jim Garrison
Anne Baring, author, The Myth of the Goddess, The Dream of the Cosmos
Sailesh Rao, Director, Climate Healers |
81 |
Mon, Aug 10, 2020 |
Science as a Radical Collabrative Endeavor
We will consider how science can better contribute to a sustainable, equitable world by developing respectful, radical collaborations with other ways of knowing, both internally and externally, and use of knowledge for all.
Jim Garrison
Valerie A. Luzadis, PhD, Chair, Board of Directors, National Council for Science and the Environment, and Professor, State University of NY, College of Environmental Science and Environment |
Anna M Stewart Ibarra |
Bradly D Parrish |
Daniela Manuschevich |
Elisabeth Chole Erdmann |
80 |
Sun, Aug 9, 2020 |
Women Transforming our Nuclear Legacy - 75th Anniversary of Nagasaki
Jim Garrison |
Christine Ahn |
Mary Olson |
Molly Hurley |
Togzhan Kassenova |
79 |
Sat, Aug 8, 2020 |
8:8 StarLionGate Sacred Fire for Global peace
Jim Garrison |
indegenous people ceremony around the world |
Linda Tucker |
78 |
Fri, Aug 7, 2020 |
Concious Leadership
Members of the Conscious Leadership Guild will have a dialogue on the pressing need for conscious leadership in the world during these times of multiple crises and uncertainty. Convener: • John Renesch, Chairman, Conscious Leadership Guild Presenters: • Corrie Voss, Master of Organization Development Program, Bowling Green State University • Joseph Jaworski, author, Synchronicity and other books • David Marshall, CEO, Berrett-Koehler Publishers
John Renesch |
Corrie Voss |
David Marshall |
Joseph Jaworski |
77 |
Thu, Aug 6, 2020 |
Transforming our Nuclear legacy75 anniversary of Hiroshima
Transforming Our Nuclear Legacy Commemorating the 75th Anniversary of Hiroshima https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIBVejbCK94 August 6, 2020 This special session of Humanity Rising will commemorate the 75th anniversary of the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. The session will open with a Remembrance of Hiroshima, including a blessing for peace, a Hibakusha story and the gift of song. Women leaders in nuclear policy, peace and security will consider “The Nuclear Stakes Today: Challenges and Opportunities.” At a time when former U.S. Secretary of Defense William Perry says that we are at a greater risk of a nuclear catastrophe today than at any time in history, these women will explore why we are at such a high risk of a nuclear disaster, steps we must take to reduce the risk, and a pathway forward to eliminate nuclear weapons.
The final part of the session will feature women leaders dedicated to transforming our nuclear legacy through groundbreaking global, humanitarian, spiritual and youth initiatives to abolish nuclear weapons.
• Cynthia Lazaroff, Founder, NuclearWakeUpCall.Earth Presenters: • Hawaiian Cultural Practitioner Kumu Hula Puna Dawson will offer a blessing for peace and Hawai’i artist and activist Makana will offer the global premiere of his song, “Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes” • Christine Ahn, Founder and Executive Director, Women Cross DMZ • Kehkashan Basu, United Nations Human Rights Champion, Founder-President, Green Hope Foundation • Rachel Bronson, President and CEO, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists • Audrey Kitagawa, Chair, Parliament of the World’s Religions • Jessica Sleight, Program Director, Global Zero • Hawai’i artist and activist Makana
Cynthia Lazaroff |
Audrey kitagawa |
Christine Ahn |
Jessica Slight |
Kehkashan Basu |
Kuma Hula Puna Dawson |
Rachel Bronson |
76 |
Wed, Aug 5, 2020 |
Practicing Pause Post Covid19
Practicing Pause post COVID-19
Jennifer K. Hill, noted journalist with Awake TV, discusses with leaders how to expand the power of the pause into the future of tomorrow in a post COVID-19 world. She explores tools with panelists that people can use, and how those tools can help us all sustain a balanced tomorrow.
Jim Garrison
• Sister Dr. Jenna, Director, Brahma Kumaris Meditation Museums & Host, America Meditating Radio
• Dr. Rollin McCraty, Director of Research, Heart Math Institute
• Arthur Joseph, Founder, Vocal Awareness
• Michael Ventura, CEO, Sub Rosa
• Amanda Masters, Co-Founder, Awake TV Network |
Amanda Masters |
Arthur Joseph |
Dr.Rollin McCraty |
Michael Ventura |
Sister Dr.Jenna |
75 |
Tue, Aug 4, 2020 |
Developing Personal Empowerment ina time of COVID
Developing Personal Empowerment in a Time of COVID
The speakers today will present ideas and experiences that can empower you personally in these turbulent times. • Andrea Bartofi, artist, teacher, on how we can create our greater selves out of joy and gratefulness instead of wanting to change things out of fear and scarcity. Then out of our greater selves new creation is being born in effortless, joy-filled ways while we use our imagination and play with art freely. • Sarah Drew visionary author of the eco-feminist novel, GAIA CODEX, on Personal and Cultural Regenesis and Awakening to Our Mother Earth. • Jeff Dunne, Chairman, International Consciousness Research Laboratories, on the issue of positive upbringing. • Peter Engberg film director of international documentaries with i.a. Dalai Lama and other world leaders about the global paradigm shift today. Peter will speak on the unprecedented global slowdown in life speed and how the ground is more ripe than ever for planting new seeds for our future values and mindsets. We need to move from Speed to Seed. • Gary Wohl, Coaching consultant, on transforming our shared mindset from the inside out, which he has been developing over 5 decades of in a body-centred approach for personal and global transformation. • Matt Robertson, Rhyme activist, performing the piece, "Birds of a Feather" about community solidarity and awakening within the process of collective transformation.
Jim Garrison |
Andera Bartofi |
Gary Wohl |
Jeff Dunne |
Matt Robertson |
Peter Engberg |
Sarah Drew |
74 |
Mon, Aug 3, 2020 |
Creating Sustainable Brands
Brands shape our world. Superbrands such as Apple, Facebook, Coca Cola, Nike, Adidas, and Google are omnipresent and global. People no longer just buy products, they buy brands. Brands create community. Brands catalyze loyalty. Brands transcend culture. How do we ensure that the dominant brands contribute to a better future?
How do we ensure that they integrate sustainability, social justice, healthy and well being into their products? To help us understand the power of brands, we will be in dialogue with David Hopkins, Director of Business Development at Sustainable Brands. We will explore the power of brands and how they can contribute to a more sustainable world.
Jim Garrison
David G Hopkins |
73 |
Sun, Aug 2, 2020 |
Voices from the Elders
Jim Garrison will be in dialogue with Chief Phil Lane of the Ihanktonwan Dakota and Chickasaw Nations, who is a citizen of both Canada and the United States. With Masters degrees in Education at National University and Public Administration at the University of Washington, Chief Phil Lane is an internationally recognized indigenous leader in human and community development.
In the midst of all the tumult of the pandemic and the accelerating crises besetting our world, it is important to pause to hear from our indigenous elders. The indigenous peoples have not forgotten their connection to the Earth and to the larger ecofield of all sentient life. Their wisdom should guide us now. They know the way home.
Jim Garrison will be in dialogue with Chief Phil Lane of the Ihanktonwan Dakota and Chickasaw Nations, who is a citizen of both Canada and the United States. With Masters degrees in Education at National University and Public Administration at the University of Washington, Chief Phil Lane is an internationally recognized indigenous leader in human and community development.
• Phil is the founder and chairman of the Four World's International Institute (FWII), an organization dedicated to unifying the human family through the Fourth Way.
• Ejna Fleury is the convener of the The Sacred Earth Council which has emerged through dreams, visions, and synchronicities as a self-organized circle of diverse participants who share a commitment of service to humankind, Mother Earth, and all beings that inhabit her and grounded in a sense of the sacredness of all
Jim Garrison |
Chief Phil Lane |
Ejna Fleury |
72 |
Sat, Aug 1, 2020 |
Mindsets for Change How conscious leaders design meaningful action towards a Vital World
Discover the mindsets of visionary leaders who design effective collaborations between systems and organizations. These conscious leaders know that they are part of a living system that evolves from and is changed by wise choices and commitments and that only by working together can we change the design of the past on behalf of a new future.
Participants • Karen Wilhelm Buckley, international consultant, speaker, executive coach and trainer Karen specializes in personal transformation, and designing and facilitating collaborative change strategies and processes. Karen’s commitment develops authentic leaders who generate substantive results while evoking resonance, wisdom and love in their organizations.
Karen develops wise leaders and conscious organizations. Her long-term retainers with clients create breakthroughs, expand the rich potential of people, products and services, build thriving cultures, create sustainable enterprises, and establish high leverage collaborations. Based in San Francisco. • Prishani Satyapal, passionate about the long-term value that business can create in society. She is in the business of mapping and implementing strategic and operational change processes so that business and society may realise the sustainability agenda. Working in management roles in professional services, finance, and primarily mining.
Her key strength is developing an understanding of complex issues at a broad systemic level, identifying the change levers at an operational level and developing strategies to drive sustainable change. Based in Johannesburg.
• Kristin Envig, a global authority on leadership. A visionary, writer, speaker, and advocate she curates conscious leadership programs & events that have involved 22,000 leaders worldwide.
Kristin is the pioneering founder of WIN, a global leadership initiative most known for its' flagship experience: The Global WINConference. In its 22nd year, WIN is the most established leadership forum preparing women leaders for the future. Based in Geneva.
• Adah Parris, futurist, keynote speaker, performance artist, cultural strategist. TED2019 Emerging Innovator. In 2019, Adah was recognised by TED Talks as one of their Global Emerging Innovators. And in 2018, she was UK’s Top 100 Black and Minority Ethnic (BAME) Leaders in Technology.
Adah is a creative problem solver who empathetically subverts the status quo and who takes philosophical and anthropological approach to technology. She has over 20 years experience in transforming cultures to nurture decentralised humanity-centred innovation environments. Based in London.
• Elisa Mallis, currently with the Center for Creative Leadership as their Vice President and Managing Director for the Asia Pacific region. CCL is a top-ranked, global provider of leadership research and executive development. She is also currently serving as a Co-Chair for the European Chamber of Commerce in Singapore's Digital Economy Committee and HR Committee.
Elisa has over 20 years of experience as a business leader with a focus on transformational change, human capital strategy and sales and marketing. She is known for her ability to successfully blend a focus on values, purpose and meaning with practical actions and results to support the positive evolution of humanity. Based in Singapore.
Jim Garrison |
Adah Parris |
KarenWilhelm Buckley |
Kristin Envig |
Prishani Satyapal |
71 |
Fri, Jul 31, 2020 |
From Value Chains & Circular Economies to System Value Cycles
31 Day 71 From Value Chains & Circular Economies to System Value Cycles
(This is a very complex and detailed discussion) As a contribution to the discussion about the new economic models such as Doughnut economics, r3.0’s Value Cycles Blueprint Lead Authors Bill Baue and Ralph Thurm will walk participants through the Blueprint’s explorations of “value” from Shareholder Value through Shared Value to System Value, and of “cycles” — from linear Value Chains through the Circular Economy and Thermodynamic Accounting to Value Cycles, Spirals, and Webs. r3.0 will be releasing its Value Cycles Blueprint at its virtual Conference 8-11 September, with a full track devoted to Value and Circularity so this presentation will serve as an introduction to that deeper dive and answers questions that arise. Panelists:
Jim Garrison
Ralph Thurm, r3.0 Managing Director
Bill Baue, r3.0 Senior Director |
70 |
Thu, Jul 30, 2020 |
Dialogue with Thomas Hubl
Thomas Hübl is a modern mystic and spiritual teacher whose work integrates the core insights of the great wisdom traditions with the discoveries of contemporary science, illuminating both with his profound understanding.
Thomas’s teachings offer a unique approach for living as a mystic in the “marketplace” of human activity. His work combines somatic awareness practices, advanced meditative practices, a sophisticated analysis of cultural architecture, and transformational processes that address trauma and shadow issues. His teachings aim to guide practitioners toward a deeper level of self-awareness—from an ego-centered worldview to a life of authentic expression, service, and alignment.
Since 2004 Thomas has been leading workshops, multi-year training programs, and larger events and festivals. A sought-after private advisor to social entrepreneurs, business leaders, government officials, and spiritual aspirants, Thomas is a regularly featured speaker at conferences and workshops worldwide.
Kim Rosen, Author of Saved by a Poem, will offer poetry and Clair Hiles, pianist, will provide piano music.
Jim Garrison
Kim Rosen, Author of Saved by a Poem, will offer poetry and Clair Hiles, pianist, will provide piano music. |
Clair Hiles |
Kim Rosen |
Thomas Hubl |
69 |
Wed, Jul 29, 2020 |
Bouncing Beyond
We close the series of webinars with two recent initiatives. Bounce Beyond’s action plan is developed in collaboration with the Global Assessment for a New Economics. GANE is a parallel 18-month research program, that began mid-June. GANE will produce a Global Assessment policy report to create a regular progress process similar to IPCC assessment reports; a set of change pathways and priorities, in order to develop new economies, and; infrastructure in terms of new networks and working groups around particular priorities and issues. BB will identify 10 emerging Next Economies Community Transformations (NECTs) and bring them into a ‘fractal’ relationship. This means being able to see the common patterns their formations display and sharing those commonalities to stimulate similar pattern matching across the planet.
The central fact we must all confront is that humanity stands on the precipice of self destruction as climate change and a range of other global crises spin out of control. How we work together to transform the crisis the pandemic represents into an opportunity for human and ecological renewal is the most pressing challenge in the world today.
Jim Garrison
Steve Waddell, Founder, Bounce Beyond
Jasper Kenter, Founder, GANE. |
Jasper Kenter |
Steve Waddell |
68 |
Tue, Jul 28, 2020 |
Wellbeing Economy Alliance
WEAll is the leading global collaboration of organisations, alliances, movements and individuals working together to transform the economic system into one that delivers human and ecological wellbeing. It is vital that collaboration and togetherness define our destination and also how we get there. The transformation required calls for an entirely different way of being within human society: a shift from “us vs. them” to “WE All.”
A crucial role for WEAll is providing the connective tissue between the different elements of the movement for a wellbeing economy. WEAll is driving forward and coordinating ambitious work to shift popular narratives around the purpose of the economy, synthesize and disseminate knowledge and evidence about what a wellbeing economy looks like and how we get there, and galvanize a non-elite power base through place-based hubs and a global network of individuals and organizations.
Jim Garrison
Amanda Janoo, Co-Convener, WeAll
Katherine Trebeck, Co-Convener, WeGo |
Amanda Janoo |
Katherine Trebeck |
67 |
Mon, Jul 27, 2020 |
Innovative Approaches to Regenerative Economics
Jim Garrison |
Manuel Valle |
Marilyn Hamilton |
Rieke Cordon |
66 |
Sun, Jul 26, 2020 |
Alternative Economic Systems
Jim Garrison |
Ali Niknam |
Bert Ola Bergstrand |
Brett Scott |
Christian Faber |
John Fullerton |
65 |
Sat, Jul 25, 2020 |
Cities that are applying the doughnut economic approach
Jim Garrison |
Bente Milton |
Eduard Muller |
Riardo Castro Iragorri |
Rieta Aliredjo |
Robert Metzke |
Roy Alejandro Barreras |
Yolanda Eijgenstein |
64 |
Fri, Jul 24, 2020 |
Fundamentals of Doughnut Economics
Jim Garrison |
Andrew Fanning |
Bente Milton |
Kate Rayworth |
63 |
Thu, Jul 23, 2020 |
Embracing Doughnut and Regenerative economics as a pathway to a better future
Jim Garrison |
Ross Jackson |
Steve Waddell |
62 |
Wed, Jul 22, 2020 |
Transpersonal Contribution to Human Evolution
Jim Garrison |
Dr.Ingo Benjamin Jahrsetz |
Ingrid Indane |
Jure Biechonski |
Magda Sole |
Pier Luigi Lattuada |
Regina U Hess |
Vladimir Maykov |
61 |
Tue, Jul 21, 2020 |
Transformations in learning in a VUCA ( Volitile, uncertain, complex, ambigous ) world
Jim Garrison |
60 |
Mon, Jul 20, 2020 |
Connecting the Dots
Jim Garrison |
Bob Stilgar |
David Karchere |
Elizabeth Dowdswell |
Tony Webb |
59 |
Tue, Jul 21, 2020 |
Artivism race and the Environment
Jim Garrison |
Aaron Ableman |
Amber Lily |
Liangzly Fangz |
Mobolaji Olambiwonnu |
58 |
Mon, Jul 20, 2020 |
UP leveli.ng with members of the Curiosity generation. The first generation not definedby age
Jim Garrison |
Elani Meraki |
EveKonstantine |
Geoffrey Nelson |
Holly Odneal |
Jeff Burton |
Justin Faerman |
57 |
Sun, Jul 19, 2020 |
People Planet purpose or prophet? Is sustainability spirituality and whos listening to nature
Jim Garrison |
Adam Williams |
Jo Wood |
Katie Hill |
Monica Gonzalez |
Rachel Mc Clelland |
Stephanie Jordan |
Tanitha James Kraan |
56 |
Thu, Jul 16, 2020 |
Healthy Human Habitats
Jim Garrison |
Beth Sanders |
Kirstin Miller |
Lalit Kishor Bhati |
Marilyn Hamilon |
Mark Moore |
Martin winiecki |
55 |
Wed, Jul 15, 2020 |
Energy work at scale
Peter Merry |
54 |
Tue, Jul 14, 2020 |
Lessons from the french revolution
Jim Garrison |
53 |
Mon, Jul 13, 2020 |
Centers of Light a vital catalyst
Centres of Light have to emerge as a network across the globe to provide the healing, support, education and transformation required to take us into the next stage of evolution for humanity.
Jim Garrison
Roger Tempest, entrepreneur, founder, Rural Solutions
Paris Ackrill, co-founder, Avalon Wellbeing
Lawrence Bloom, Secretary General of a UN Intergovernmental Organisation, Chief Sustainability Officer hotel JV with the Universal Music Group
Sophie Nevill, Psychotherapist, Meditation Teacher
Rafia Morgan, Co-Founder, Path of Love
Stefan Rechtschaffen, Blue Spirit Costa Rica
Brooks Cole, career brand communications expert, ResonantBrand |
Brooks Cole |
Lawrence Bloom |
Paris Ackrill |
Rafia Morgan |
Roger Tempest |
Sophie Nevill |
Stefan Rechtschaffen |
52 |
Sun, Jul 12, 2020 |
Social Entreprenuership
In these times of change, rapid research and development is needed to find the solutions that fit the challenges. Social entrepreneurs are at the leading edge of identifying real needs in the world and coming up with products and services that truly embed the triple bottom line of people. planet and profit.
Jim Garrison
Peter Merry
Tatiana Glad, Impact Hub Amsterdam, Being the Bridge to the Future We Want
Sofia Breitholtz, CEO, Reach for Change, A Decade of Social Entrepreneurship, What we have learned
Savera Weerasinghe, CEO, Ananta Sustainable, Compostable Coalitions
Claudia Valladares, Impact Hub Caracas
Maher Ezzeddine, Chief Executive Officer, Ideanco |
Claudia Valladores |
Maher Ezzeddine |
Savera Weerasinghe |
Sofia Breitholtz |
Tatiana Glad |
51 |
Sat, Jul 11, 2020 |
Education for a new world
The current educational model is totally dysfunctional. If you think about it, every sector of society has changed with the progression of human history, except education. Medicine, economics, technology, culture, art, spirituality have all evolved. Education has not. Students are compelled to attend class, take notes, memorize information, take tests, just like in ancient China and Greece. What is urgently needed is a radically new way of learning, one that is not based on competition but collaboration, not about memorization but about wisdom, and not about degrees but about competencies. Education must be integral, uniting the head, heart and hands so students have the mindsets, skillsets and toolsets they need to live abundant lives and come together and solve critical global challenges.
Jim Garrison
May East, Director, Gaia Education
Aftab Omer, Founder and CEO, Meridian University |
40 |
Tue, Jun 30, 2020 |
The New Art Economy - The New Art for Humanity Rising
Jim Garrison |
Epi Ludvic Nekaj |
Evgenia Emets |
Ferhat Ozgur |
Marianne Mangin |
Sylvain Levy |
39 |
Mon, Jun 29, 2020 |
Gail Taylor Scaffolding Helping to support a new paradigm in its becoming
Jim Garrison |
38 |
Sun, Jun 28, 2020 |
Dialogue with Jean Houston
Jim Garrison |
Clair Hiles |
Jean Houston |
Kim Rosen |
37 |
Sat, Jun 27, 2020 |
weaving community in a fragmented world- inspirationa and challenges from the global ecovillage network
Jim Garrison |
Macaco Tamerice |
Sabine Lichtenfels |
Sonita Mbh |
Visolela Rosa Namises |
36 |
Fri, Jun 26, 2020 |
United Nations sustainable development goals
Jim Garrison |
Eva Vati |
PollyYoung -Eisendrath |
Shelly Alcorn |
Yonathan Parienti |
35 |
Thu, Jun 25, 2020 |
Money still rules the world- Move your money and start making demands
Jim Garrison |
Jan de Dood |
Lisa Kleissner |
Nadine Viel Lamare |
33 |
Tue, Jun 23, 2020 |
New Approaches to global challenges Reforming the Global System , dealing with Climate living with microbes
Jim Garrison |
Daniel Pinchbeck |
MargretSolomon |
Mouch Bar |
Richard Horowitz |
Robert Bransfield |
32 |
Mon, Jun 22, 2020 |
UN Unity Week
Jim Garrison |
Jon Ramer |
Jude Currivan |
Mariko Pitts |
Rick Ulfick |
31 |
Feeding the Soul
Jim Garrison |
Andrea Molinari |
Fariba Bogzaran |
MarinaBelokurova |
Mauricio de Luna |
Pier Luigi Lattuata |
Serge Beddington- Berhens |
Stuart Sovatsky |
ValentinaLattuada |
Vera Saldanha |
Virginia Gawel |
30 |
Sat, Jun 20, 2020 |
Dialogue with Rollin McCraty
Jim Garrison |
29 |
Fri, Jun 19, 2020 |
Crowdsourcing and regenrative business
Jim Garrison |
Epi Ludwick |
Marcello Plazzi |
28 |
Thu, Jun 18, 2020 |
strategies for new business
Jim Garrison |
Andi Page |
Asa Sandberg |
Dr,Tia Kansara |
Dr.Tia Kansara |
Robert Rubenstine |
Scilla Ellesworthy |
27 |
Wed, Jun 17, 2020 |
Dialogue with Vandana Shiva
Jim Garrison |
Kim Rosen (Poem) |
Vandana Shiva |
26 |
Tue, Jun 16, 2020 |
Social Movements
Jim Garrison |
John Bunzl |
Skeena Rathor |
Yan Golding |
25 |
Mon, Jun 15, 2020 |
Communities for Change
Jim Garrison |
Aart Bos |
Bente Milton |
Bijarni Snaebjorn Jonsson |
Tim Clarke |
24 |
Sun, Jun 14, 2020 |
personal resilience
Jim Garrison |
Dylan Newcomb |
Imad Elabdala |
Jan Bonhoeffer |
Sandun Fernando |
23 |
Sat, Jun 13, 2020 |
Radical collaboration
Jim Garrison |
Daniel Wahl |
Emanuel Kuntzelman |
George Por |
Jeff Genung |
23 |
Peter Merry
Peter Merry |
22 |
Fri, Jun 12, 2020 |
David Gershon |
Jan Rotmans |
Jonathon Porritt |
Seleyn DeYarus |
21 |
Thu, Jun 11, 2020 |
Interconnecting the Elements of Global Transformation
Kurt Johnson |
Claudia Welss |
David Korten |
David Sloan Wilson |
Diane Williams |
Geraldine Ann patrick encina |
Steve Farrell |
Xiye Bastida |
20 |
Wed, Jun 10, 2020 |
Whole system change day 2
Jim Garrison |
Hans Andeweg |
Marylin Hamilton |
Peter Merry |
Richard Barrett |
19 |
Tue, Jun 9, 2020 |
Whole System Change
Jim Garrison |
Julene Siddiqui |
Richar Hames |
Robin wood |
18 |
Mon, Jun 8, 2020 |
Charls Eisentien- the pandemic, george floyd and the world to come
Jim Garrison |
Charles Eisenstien |
paul Ray |
17 |
Sun, Jun 7, 2020 |
Transforming Cities for a post pandemic society
Jim Garrison |
16 |
Sat, Jun 6, 2020 |
education and integral wisdom
Eva Konstitine |
George Boch |
Hayley Peter |
Justin Faerman |
Kateryna Tymoshchuk |
Mary Carrol |
Veronica Saldias |
15 |
Fri, Jun 5, 2020 |
leadership, entreneprenership and a world beyond covid19
Yvette Tackle |
Amani Alphonce Shayo |
Ayanda Siboto |
Debhora Saki |
Isacc Damian Ezirim |
Petrider Paul |
14 |
Thu, Jun 4, 2020 |
From Anxiety to agency- How do we inspire change in time of crisis
Clover Hogan |
Alexinadria Villasenor |
Elizebath Wathuti |
Melati Wijsen |
13 |
Wed, Jun 3, 2020 |
shaping a safer tomorrow- Ther MBA journey
Tulika Poddar |
Christina Dodenwela |
Dinda Dwita Puspasari |
Faiz Mordiffi |
Marcel Bandur |
Wong Mushan |
12 |
Tue, Jun 2, 2020 |
Personal empowerment and ledership in times of crisis
Kathryn Ulh |
Achraf Tasfaout |
Akhmad Ramadhan |
David Sanchez |
Ifreet Taheea |
Linda Kemoli |
Mila Lucik |
11 |
Mon, Jun 1, 2020 |
Youth Green Business- Future Capitalism and Planet
Andrea Paige |
artist offering Lily Fangz |
Eric Doak |
Kavitha Urvasie |
Sue Lennox |
Tia Kansara |
9 |
Sat, May 30, 2020 |
A living Room Conversation
Joan Blades |
8 |
Fri, May 29, 2020 |
Future is originYINVEST in systematic healing for a new prosperous Earth
Future is Origin — YINVEST in systematic healing for a new prosperous Earth. Normally speaking, we all know what successful investing looks like. We can measure its success according to financial rate of return, the value created, or even “impact” metrics referring to a social good. But what about those things we cannot measure? To accommodate these, we have coined the term “Yin investor” or “Yinvestor.” A Yinvestor is not just a woman doing the kind of investing that men have traditionally done. It is someone, often but not necessarily a woman, who is part of shifting the whole investment paradigm to embody more traditionally feminine or Yin values which align with the natural rhythms and cycles of nature. Moderator: Sabinije von Gaffke, Founder, Impactfulness Ventures. Communications Catalyst, Moderator, Speaker and Soulpreneur. Convener: Yanling Duan, Founder, Davos Blockbase PAST / Inheritance of Timeless Wisdom Marysol Gonzale Sterling Elizabeth Donavan Ecocentric Earth Service, our original contract with Gaia - Linda Tucker - South Africa Realize world peace from within, teaching mediation in the warzone - Amandine Roche - France/US Healing with ancient and modern technology, Quanqtrum QI - Ama Lia - Bali/Singapore PRESENT/ Systematic Healing in Action Bridging Faith & prosperity with Green Entrepreneurship - Christina Lee - Singapore Deep earth architecture, designing for nature-centered world - Wendy Hastrich - Australia Art & design for resonance & generative experience - Stacey Griffin - Holland/Canada Weaving the Tapestry of Ancient Future - Gabi Weaving Rivers -Switzerland/New Zealand FUTURE/ Holistic Systematic Re-Design Holistic education for future new human- Xie Kang - China Epigenetic path to balance in life - Mickra Hamilton - USA Embodied Emotional Intelligence for Leadership Training - Andre Paige - US Emotional Resonance, teamwork in the future - Francesca Gabetti - Italy/Spain
Stafeina Van/ |
7 |
Thu, May 28, 2020 |
Transforming the Pandemic crisis into an opportunity
MAY 28 Humanity Rising Day 7
Transforming the Pandemic Crisis into an Opportunity. How can we use this moment of disruption to create the future we want? What must we change and what needs to change in us? Moderator: Sabinije von Gaffke, Founder, Impactfulness Ventures. Communications Catalyst, Moderator, Speaker and Soulpreneur. Convener: Marilia Bezerra, Managing Director, Philanthropy at Synergos Participants: Molly Bingham, Founder, Orb Media, US Mallika Dutt, Founder, Breakthrough and Interconnected, India/US Erin Mazursky, Founder, Rhize, US Marlene Ogawa, Acting Country Director, Synergos, South Africa Zainab Salbi, humanitarian, author, entrepreneur, Iraq/US Dar Vanderbeck, former Chief Innovation Officer at CARE, US
Marilla Bezerra |
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Wed, May 27, 2020 |
Women Entreprenuers amplifying the feminine spirit
Women Entrepreneurs Amplifying the Global Feminine Spirit.
Do you have a pressing professional issue? Join us as we speak of how we change the face of business and exchange perspectives that open new vistas. Moderator: Sabinije von Gaffke, Founder, Impactfulness Ventures. Communications Catalyst, Moderator, Speaker and Soulpreneur. Convener: Lisette Schuitemaker, author and co-convener of UnitedSuccessGlobal, The Netherlands Participants: Lara van Druten, founder and CEO of The Waste Transformers, the Netherlands/South-Africa Jenny Elissen, author and founder at GiantLeapers.com and the interdependent.nl, the Netherlands Maureen Erekua Odoi, author and founder of African Aurora Business Network, Ghana Manuela Gil, CEO of Ingeniera Hospitalaria, Colombia Christi Maherry, founder and CEO of LAWTrust, South-Africa Sabine Quaritsch, founder and CEO of Dufte Welt, Germany
Lisette Schuitemaker |
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Tue, May 26, 2020 |
Codes for a healthy earth - Governance for whole systems health
MAY 26 Humanity Rising Day 5 Codes for a Healthy Earth: Governance for Whole-System Health. This circle of women leaders will reflect on Codes for a Healthy Earth as a unifying framework for rapid and radical whole-system healing and transformation. Moderator: Sabinije von Gaffke, Founder, Impactfulness Ventures. Communications Catalyst, Moderator, Speaker and Soulpreneur.
Convener: Shelley Ostroff, Together in Creation, Israel Participants: Jude Currivan, Whole-World View, UK Amanda Kiessel, Good Market Global, US/Sri Lanka Julie Krull, GOOD of the WHOLE, US Dee Kyne, One Step One Love, UK/Portugal Dot Maver, Global Silent Minute, US Mira Michelle, Sacred Female Rising Institute, US/Germany Katharine Roske, Hummingbird Transformative Learning Center, US Linda Tucker, Global White Lion Protection Trust, South Africa Robin Youngblood, Dance to Heal the Earth, US
Shelly Ostroff |
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Mon, May 25, 2020 |
Courage and compassion in collaboration : creating resilient, creative and diverse circles of change.
Courage and Compassion in Collaboration: Creating Resilient, Creative, and Diverse Circles of Change. Join a gathering of Warrior Goddess women as we explore how to dream beyond what we know is possible while learning to gracefully navigate conflict and diverse viewpoints. As we come together to vision this new paradigm we need nourishing rituals, multi-dimensional tools, and mindfulness practices to balance our warrior clarity and goddess creativity. We will dance with the importance of building solidarity with the wisdom of intersectionality from a foundation of joy and respect. Moderator: Sabinije von Gaffke, Founder, Impactfulness Ventures. Communications Catalyst, Moderator, Speaker and Soulpreneur. Convener: HeatherAsh Amara, Community Weaver, Author, Warrior Goddess Training Participants: Sarina Harz, Licensed Master Social Worker Makenna Held, Professional Status Quo Buster & Unfettering Mentor Sarika Jain, Relationship Coach Adelee Mirelez, Transformational Leadership guide; MS -Management and Leadership Banafsheh Sayyad, Founder, Dance of Oneness
Heather Ash Amara |
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Sun, May 24, 2020 |
Community, creativity and spirituality Rebelieving our world
Re-Believing our World: Community, Creativity and Spirituality. To create a different world, we need to be newly enchanted with life, with nature, with each other. We need to believe that a different future is possible and that we can create it. The women at this table have all made a difference in the world: from finance to food, from justice to health care, from spirituality to environmental issues, form conscious fashion to politics.
Moderator: Sabinije von Gaffke, Founder, Impactfulness Ventures. Communications Catalyst, Moderator, Speaker and Soulpreneur. Convener: Esperide Ananas, Psycho-sociologist, Damanhur Foundation Panel: Anna Naturalista, Founder, Miracle Matrix Academy, US Emilia Queiroga Barros, Director/President, Nucleo de Integraçao das Cièncias, Brasil Pamela Girard Allard, Partnership Advisor, Health Improvement Project Zanzibar (HIPZ), Zanzibar Rama Mani, Founder, Theatre of Transformation Academy, France Ann McCreath, Founder, Fashion for Peace, FAFA, Managing Director, Kikoromeo, Kenya Julie Piatt, Founder of SriMati Music & SriMu, Best-selling Author, US Lorrana Scarpioni, CEO and Co-Founder, Bliive, Brazil Holly Woods, Best-selling Author, Purpose Driven Coaching and Consulting, US
Espiride Ananas |
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Sat, May 23, 2020 |
How indigenous women are findng solutions to climate change andthe pandemic
Indigenous Voices from the Front Lines of Climate Justice and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Convener: - Osprey Orielle Lake, Founder, Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN) International, US Panel: - Freda Huson (Chief Howihkat) Unist’ot’en Wet’suwet’en People, Leader and spokesperson for the Unist’ot’en camps resisting the Coastal GasLink Pipeline - Faith Spotted Eagle (Tunkan Inajin Win), Dakota and Nakota Nations within the Oceti Sakowinan resisting the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines - Tara Houska, Couchiching First Nation Anishinaabe, Tribal Attorney and Founder of Giniw Collective resisting Line 3 pipeline - Eriel Tchekwie Deranger, Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation, Executive Director of Indigenous Climate Action, resisting Tar Sands extraction
Ospery oriel lake, Founder ( WECAN - womens earth and climate action network) |
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Fri, May 22, 2020 |
Global Summit - Establishing the power of women in the world.
A historical gathering of great minds and hearts open the Humanity Rising Summit curated by Dr. Jim Garrison, President of Ubiquity University.
Speakers in the order of appearance: - Apela Colorado, Elder, Oneida Tribe - Banafsheh Sayyad, Founder, Dance of Oneness - Jim Garrison, President, Ubiquity University - Lynne Twist, Co-founder, Pachamama Alliance - Jane Goodall, Primatologist, Founder - the Jane Goodall Institute & UN Messenger of Peace - Nicole Schwab, Co-Director, Platform to Accelerate Nature-Based Solutions, World Economic Forum - Bruno Giussani, Global Curator, TED - Jacqueline Pitanguy, Founder, CEPIA, Brazil - Clover Hogan, Founder, Force of Nature, UK - Vandana Shiva, Author, Founder, Navdanya, India - Lisette Schuitemaker, Author, Co-Convener, United Success, Holland - Yanling Duan, Founder, Davos Blockbase, Founder, House of Beautiful Business, China -Osprey Orielle Lake, Founder, Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN) International, US - Linda Tucker, Founder, White Lion Protection Trust, South Africa - Mahnaz Afkhami, Founder, Women’s Learning Partnership, Iran - Hafsat Abiola, President, Women in Africa, Nigeria - Sheva Carr, Heart Ambassadors
Jim Garrison |