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United Earth Wheel of Synergy

We will link all these categories into an individual user profile soon

United Earth

Expertise and interest (all that are relevant)
Food, Environment, Water, Wildlife
Health, Wellness, Family
Science, Technology, Energy
Housing, Infrastructure, Transport
Arts, Culture
Resource-Sharing, Economics, Trade
Ancient Wisdom
Justice, Sovereignty, Governance
Spirituality, Personal Development, Religion
Relations, Peacebuilding, Community
Learning, Education
Media, Communication
Oneness and the Whole - Pattern of the Whole
Relations - Peacebuilding - Community

1 God
Agreements Institute
AI Commons -- Appreciative inquiry
Art of Hosting
Association for Global New Thought (AGNT)
Bay Area Nonviolent Communications
Be the Change Earth Alliance
Ben Franklin Circles
Berkana Institute
Bob Stains Conflict Transformation
BRDGES Academy
Bridge Alliance
Brook Lyndhurst
Caring Economy
Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs
C-Growth - Accelerators of Change - Institute for Centered Growth
Charter for Compassion
Circle Connections
Circle Training and Gathering in Obenaus
Citizens for a Healthy Earth
Coexist Foundation
Co-Intelligence Institute
Collective Healing
Collective Presencing
Common Ground at UCSC
Communitarian Network
Community Listening Infrastructure
Community Wealth
Contemplative Life
Context Institute
Convergence Center for Policy Resolution
Convergence on Camppus
Conversation Cafe
Council of Communities
Creating the New World
Crossing Party Lines
Democracy Collaborative
Dharma Healing International
Dialogue Circles
Dialogue Institute - Journal of Ecumenical Studies
Diversity and Spirituality
Earth Charter
Earth Nation Alliance
EARTHwise Centre
Economy for the Common Good
Essential Partners - PublicConversations
Euphrates Institute
Films for the Planet
Garden of Light
Gather the Women
Global Fund for Women
Global Oneness Project
Globalization 101
Golden Rule Day
Good of the Whole
Great Transition Stories
Green World Rising
Harmony Interfaith Initiative
Heart Circle
Humus - the flourishing of organizations and individuals
Initiatives of Change
Institute for Environmental Negotiation
Institute for Progressive Policy Research
Institute for Religious Tolerance, Peace and Justice
Interaction Institute for Social Change
International Association of Facilitators
Interspirit Foundation
Ken Cloke - Center for Dispute Resolution
Kosmos Journal
Leadership Learning Community
Leading for Well Being
Listen First
Living Economies Forum
Living Room Conversations
Lorenzo Fioramonti
Lynn Cole - Dispute Resolution Professional
Movement Net Lab
Mutual Aid Network
National Coalition Building Institute
National Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation
National Institute for Civil Discourse
Nectar Earth
New Economy Coalition
New Economy Organisers - NEON
New Story Hub
On the Commons
Open Center
Open Space Technology
Pachamama Alliance
Parliament of World Religions
Peer Spirit - The Circle Way
Peggy Holman
Presencing Institute
Rally Point for Collaborative Change
Real Economy Lab
Regeneration Hub
Revive Civility
Science and NonDuality
Service Space
Shakti Centre
Sustainable at Heart
Tenneson Woolf
The Assemblage
The Circle Way (net)
The Circle Way (org)
The Fearless Heart
The Intersector Project
The Leap Manifesto
The Listening Project - Rural Southern Voice For Peace (RSVP)
The Next System Project
Thriving Reslience
Together in Creation
Transform the System (dot org)
Transition Network
Transition US
U.S. Solidarity Economy Network
United Diversity
United Global Shift
United Religions Initiative
Upward Spirals
Voice of the People
Ways of Council
We have the choice
We the World
Weaving Unity
Whole World View
World Cafe
World Summit
World Weavers