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United Earth Wheel of Synergy

We will link all these categories into an individual user profile soon

United Earth

Expertise and interest (all that are relevant)
Food, Environment, Water, Wildlife
Health, Wellness, Family
Science, Technology, Energy
Housing, Infrastructure, Transport
Arts, Culture
Resource-Sharing, Economics, Trade
Ancient Wisdom
Justice, Sovereignty, Governance
Spirituality, Personal Development, Religion
Relations, Peacebuilding, Community
Learning, Education
Media, Communication
Oneness and the Whole - Pattern of the Whole
Arts - Culture

Alliance for Sustainability and Prosperity
Charter for Compassion
Convergence on Camppus
Earth Nation Alliance
EARTHwise Centre
Economy for the Common Good
Emergence Magazine
Gather the Women
Global System Change
Great Transition Stories
Interspirit Foundation
The Assemblage
The Circle Way (net)
The Circle Way (org)
United Nations Research Institute for Social Development
United Religions Initiative
Upward Spirals