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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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1 "The need to establish Right Human Relations is paramount." Soul Centered Astrology, A Key to Your Expanding Self (Alan Oken)

2 "Every living entity is part and parcel of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and as such every living entity is intended to serve the Supreme Lord by his own constitution." Bhagavad-Gita As It Is (A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada)

3 "The mystics reassure us, as the Buddha taught, 'On life's journey, faith is nourishment and virtuous deeds a shelter.'" Entering the Castle: An Inner Path to God and Your Soul (Caroline Myss)

4 “Give to others that which you would wish for yourself.” Questions and Answers on Conversations With God (Neale Donald Walsch)

5 "Regard your neighbor's gain as your own gain: and regard your neighbor's loss as your own loss." T'ai Shang Kan Ying P'ien (Taoist) Basic Theosophy (Geoffrey Hodson)

6 "Man must renounce all wars and settle his differences by peaceful means. This means, of course, that there must be mutual trust and confidence that agreements made in the interest of peace will be kept. But this, in short, requires a real regard for moral and spiritual values such as the major religions of mankind have always stressed." The Nature and Truth of the Great Religions (August Karl Reischauer)

7 "Labour to keep alive in your breast that little spark of celestial fire – conscience." George Washington One Thousand Inspirational Things (Audrey Stone Morris, Compiler)

8 "Visualize the Law of Right Human Relations as two clasped hands encircling a bright, glowing planet Earth. Contemplate and consider the implications of Right Human Relations. Make a plan as to how you may demonstrate Right Human Relations individually in the world." Soul Centered Astrology, A Key to Your Expanding Self (Alan Oken)

9 "To be a happy and useful person, it is important to understand and practice the Laws of Life. These laws are simply the set of rules by which we should live. They come from a vast array of sources – the major Scriptures of the world; various schools of philosophical thought, both ancient and modern; storytellers, such as Aesop; scientists, such as Isaac Newton; and from various artists and historians – to name a few." Worldwide Laws of Life: 200 Eternal Spiritual Principles (John Marks Templeton)

10 "Sublime virtue is profound, is immense…It will bring about a state of universal freedom." Lao Tsze (c. 604-531bc) Wisdom for Life (Lynette Evans, editor)

11 "Confucius replied….'wisdom, compassion and courage – these are the three universally recognized moral qualities of man." Tze-sze (ca. 335-288 bce), Chinese philosopher, grandson of Confucius, 'The Golden Mean of Tze-sze' The Great Thoughts (George Seldes, compiler)

12 "Tsze-kung asked, saying, 'Is there one word which may serve as a rule of practice for all one's life? The Master said, 'Is not Reciprocity such a word? What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others." Confucius (551-479 bce), Chinese sage, 'Analects' The Great Thoughts (George Seldes, compiler)

13 "The forms of Virtue are: justice, courage, magnificence, magnanimity, liberality, gentleness, prudence, wisdom." Aristotle, (384-322 bce), Greek philosopher, 'Rhetoric', Bk. II The Great Thoughts (George Seldes, compiler)

14 "There are many persons today who have the capacity for profounder insight into themselves. Such self-knowledge is of prime importance, because through it we approach that fundamenal stratum or core of human nature where the instincts dwell. Here are those pre-existent dynamic factors which ultimately govern the ethical decisions of our consciousness." Memories, Dreams, Reflections (Carl Jung (edited by Aniela Jaffe))

15 "May we grant one another the opportunity to live out our dreams, to care for the wounded child in one another, and to pass on to others still unborn an earth as alive and diverse and wondrous as the one we have inherited." The Coming of the Cosmic Christ (Matthew Fox)

16 "Throughout it all the great themes of righteousness or duty, of love or devotion, of truth in word, thought, and deed, of reward and punishment or cause and effect or action and reaction, of self-sacrifice, generosity, hospitality, remain the basic seeds of all civilizations, are present in all religions and are as fundamental and vital today as ever before." Jeanine Miller, 'The Relevance of the Vedas to Modern Man' The American Theosophist (various)

17 "To obey the laws of nature is the only safe and sure road to the spiritual evolution of the senses of the soul." Encyclopedia of Ancient and Forbidden Knowledge (Zolar)

18 "When all things are perceived as infinite and holy, what motive can we have for covetousness or self-assertion, for the pursuit of power or the drearier forms of pleasure." Aldous Huxley Revelations: The Wisdom of the Ages (Paul Roland)

19 "True glory is in virtue. Ah, I would willingly give all the applause I have received to have performed one good action more." Last words of Lupe de Vega (1562-1635), Spanish actor and dramatist Last Words of Saints and Sinners (Herbert Lockyer)

20 “Brotherhood extends to all corners of the earth, including all races and species without distinction.” Lectures on Ancient Philosophy (Manly P. Hall)

21 "The moral life is a spiritual worship." Catechism of the Catholic Church (Various)

22 "Pursue the line of conduct marked out by the strictest integrity, as regards the interests of the whole." Last words of Lorenzo de Medici (d. 1492), poet and prince of Florence, Italy Last Words of Saints and Sinners (Herbert Lockyer)

23 "Our acts of lovingkindness not only matter, they are the medium through which we can bring the world together in a new era of human relationship." God Is A Verb, Kabbalah and the Practice of Mystical Judaism (Rabbi David A. Cooper)

24 "The good neighbour looks beyond the external…..and discerns those inner qualities that make all men human and, therefore, brothers." Martin Luther King, Jr., American Baptist pastor and civil rights leader The Lion Christian Quotation Collection (Hannah Ward & Jennifer Wild, compilers)

25 "Life is always a moral question that lies before us sweetly, dependent on our gratitude and constant struggle to cause as little suffering as possible to all and everything around us." Paul Hawken, entrepreneur and environmentalist The Mystic Hours, A Daybook of Interspiritual Wisdom & Devotion (Wayne Teasdale)

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite