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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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1 "Through finding himself and understanding his own nature, man arrives at that centre within himself which is one with all that is." From Intellect to Intuition (Alice A. Bailey)

2 "Mandalas have been used by many cultures to represent the creation of the universe. Carl Jung has theorized that mandalas represent centering, the unification of parts of the psyche." Seeing With the Mind's Eye (Mike Samuels, M.D. and Nancy Samuels)

3 "So long as man shall exist, perfection will continue to appear as the circle, sphere, and the round; and the Primal Deity who is sufficient unto himself, and the self who has gone beyond the opposites, will reappear in the image of the round, the mandala." Erich Neumann, 'The Origins and History of Consciousness' Ariadne's Clue, A Guide to the Symbols of Humankind (Anthony Stevens)

4 "Since Deity is as a circle whose centre is everywhere, it follows that a divine centre, a vital and immortal principle, exists within ourselves." The Meaning of Masonry (W. L. Wilmshurst)

5 "The invisible centre is Adam Kadmon, the Original Man." Collected Works (Carl Jung)

6 "Unconsciously dwelling at our inmost center; beneath the surface shuttlings of our sensations, precepts, and thoughts; wrapped in the envelope of soul (which too is finally porous) is the eternal and the divine, the final Reality." Beyond the Post-Modern Mind (Huston Smith)

7 "The unconscious can be reached and expressed only by symbols, and art, myth, dream, and fantasy, with their symbolic propensities, are effective psychopomps, leading the mind to an anamnesis of the origins of psychic life. The result of this anamnesis (an 'unforgetting' or rediscovery) is, on the one hand, an accession to power and vitality resultant from this integration. On the other hand, the mind experiences a perception of something akin to essential form and divinity at the heart of the creation and begins to sense an underlying acausal pattern of continuous creation. The two aspects coalesce in spontaneous images, often taking the form of a mandala and emphasizing a unifying centrality surrounded by a symmetrical quaternary or circular structure suggesting a microcosmic-macrocosmic identity between creature and the cosmic creation." The Strong Eye of Shamanism, A Journey Into the Caves of Consciousness (Robert E. Ryan, Ph.D.)

8 "We're like the spokes on a wheel, all radiating out from the same center. If you define us according to our position on the rim, we seem separate and distinct from one another. But if you define us according to our starting point, our source – the center of the wheel – we're a shared identity." A Return to Love, Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles (Marianne Williamson)

9 "The centre is that microcosmic point in which the macrocosm is concentrated." Ariadne's Clue, A Guide to the Symbols of Humankind (Anthony Stevens)

10 "Look at the spokes of a bicycle wheel. At the rim, each spoke is separated from all the others. At the hub, each spoke is one with all the others. Each of us is like one of those spokes, connected with all the others at the center, at our spiritual hub." The Gift of Change, Spiritual Guidance for a Radically New Life (Marianne Williamson)

11 "The fire at the center of the tepee, pipe, or of sweat lodge represents Wakan-Tanka, the Great Spirit within the world. How close this comes to Meister Eckhart's teaching that a 'spark of the soul' burns within every creature and every human that will never be extinguished and that this spark of the soul is the divine presence within us all. All of creation shares in this holiness." The Coming of the Cosmic Christ (Matthew Fox)

12 "Every movement that returns to its point of origin must adopt the form of a circle. Only circular movement is continuous and consistent. Every object of nature is, then, a circle, whose function and activity derive from its center point, which is the soul." Dr. Felix Marti-Ibanez, 'Centaur, Essays on the History of Medical Ideas' Reincarnation: The Phoenix Fire Mystery (Cranston/Head, editors)

13 "At the center, at the Source of our being, we find all others – for our Source is also their Source. We find that all others are one with us in coming forth from creative love." Centering Prayer, Renewing an Ancient Christian Prayer Form (M. Basil Pennington, O.C.S.O.)

14 "Precisely because there exists in all beings a common centre, scattered and separable though they are in appearance, they meet together at a deeper level. The more they perfect themselves naturally and sanctify themselves in grace, the more they come together and fuse into one, within the single, unifying Centre to which they aspire: and we may call that Centre equally well the point upon which they converge, or the ambiance in which they float. All these reachings-out that draw beings together and unify them constitute the axis of all individual and collective life." Writings in Time of War (Pierre Teilhard deChardin)

15 "In the centre of the heart dwells the true soul, the breath of God." Paracelsus, 'Liber Azoth' Collected Works (Carl Jung)

16 "That consciousness, wide as the sea, with 'its centre everywhere and its circumference nowhere', is a great and glorious FACT." The Inner Life (Charles W. Leadbeater)

17 "The world we know does not develop haphazardly, but is structurally dominated by a Personal Centre of universal convergence." Science and Christ (Pierre Teilhard deChardin)

18 "The center of unity is not material nor visible. It is an internal principle which dwells in all its parts, and binds them altogether in one harmonious whole." A Dictionary of Freemasonry (Robert Macoy)

19 "At the secret centre of individual human life exists a vital, immortal principle, the spirit and the spiritual will of man. This is the faculty, by using which we can never err. It is a point within the circle of our own nature." The Meaning of Masonry (W. L. Wilmshurst)

20 "Point: The point signifies unity, the Origin and the Centre. It also represents the principles of manifestation and emanation….There are two kinds of point to be considered: that which has no magnitude and is symbolic of creative virtue, and that which – as suggested by Ramon Lull in his 'Nova Geometria' – has the smallest conceivable or practicable magnitude and is a symbol of the principle of manifestation. Moses deLeon defined the nature of the original Point as follows: 'This degree is the sum total of all subsequent mirrors, that is, of all external aspects related to this one degree. They proceed therefrom because of the mystery of the point, which is in itself an occult degree emanating from the mystery of the pure and awe-inspiring ether.'" A Dictionary of Symbols (J. E. Cirlot)

21 "Could men see clearly – as the seers have always seen – experience would be apprehended as an organic whole, continually proceeding from and returning to the one source – the center of being." Mandala (Jose and Miriam Arguelles)

22 "The center is the beginning of the Mandala as it is the beginning and origin of all form and of all processes, including the extensions of form into time." Mandala (Jose and Miriam Arguelles)

23 "In a twelfth-century hermetic text known as 'The Book of the Twenty-Four Philosophers' there is a statement that has been quoted, through the centuries, by a number of Christian thinkers – among others, Alan of Lille (1128-1202), Nicholas Cusanus (1401-1464), Rabelais (1490?-1553), Giordano Bruno (1548-1600), and Pascal (1632-1662), as well as Voltaire (1694-1778); to wit: 'God is an intelligible sphere, whose center is everywhere and circumference nowhere.'" Joseph Campbell Tarot Revelations (Joseph Campbell & Richard Roberts)

24 "God is the centre of any one thing – a centre the periphery of which is nowhere." Robert Fludd, Western Esoteric Masters Series (William Huffman, editor)

25 "When we go to the center, we leave behind time and place and separateness. We come to our Source and are in the Being from which we ever flow and in which we ever stand and apart from which we are not." Centering Prayer, Renewing an Ancient Christian Prayer Form (M. Basil Pennington, O.C.S.O.)

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite