Many / One

A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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The World's Religions
Huston Smith
Chapters on Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Islam, Judaism and Christianity, plus chapters on primal religions such as native traditions of the Americas, Australia, Africa and Oceania, with expanded sections on the inner dimensions of these great religions.

1 "In the context of wholeness, the opposites appear as no more than phases in an endless cycling process, for each turns incessantly into its opposite, exchanging places with it. Life…bends back upon itself to come, full circle, to the realization that all is one and all is well."

2 "Life being one,…our duty to our fellows is to understand them as extensions, other aspects, of ourselves – fellow facets of the same Reality." Christmas Humphreys, 'Buddhism'

3 "Every human being, simply by virtue of his or her humanity, is a child of God and therefore in possession of rights that even kings must respect."

4 "All life down to its smallest element, can, if rightly approached, be seen as a reflection of the infinite source of holiness, which is God."

5 "The career of a soul as it threads its course…is guided by its choices, which are controlled by what the soul wants and wills at each stage of the journey."

6 "The will remains free. The lawfulness of things makes the present state the product of prior acts, but within the present the will is influenced but not controlled. People remain at liberty to shape their destinies."

7 "A typical feature of religion is grace, the belief - ..that Reality is ultimately on our side. In last resort the universe is friendly; we can feel at home in it."

8 "The welfare of everything in creation is affected to some degree by what each individual contributes to or detracts from it."

9 "I saw my Lord with the eye of the Heart. I said: 'Who are you?' He answered: 'You.'" Al-Hallaj

10 "Seen in perspective, the world is ultimately benign."

11 "For nearly two thousand years the first sentence a Chinese child, living in the direct light of Confucius, was taught to read was…'Human beings are by nature good.' We may smile at the undisguised moralizing, but every nation needs it.'"

12 "Human bodies are of course separate, but on a deeper level we are joined like icebergs in a common floe."

13 "One has lived from an endless past and will live into an endless future. At this very moment one partakes of Eternal Life – blissful, luminous, pure." Ruth Fuller Sasaki, 'Zen – A Religion'

14 "It is a myth, not a mandate, a fable, not a logic by which people are moved." Irwin Edman

15 "We live in a world in which there is no chance or accident. Those words are simply covers for ignorance."

16 "The One is none other than the All, the All none other than the One. Take your stand on this, and the rest will follow of its own accord." Seng Ts'an, 'Trust in the Heart'

17 "Twenty-five hundred years ago it took an exceptional man like Diogenes to exclaim, 'I am not an Athenian or a Greek but a citizen of the world.' Today we must all be struggling to make those words our own. We have come to the point in history when anyone who is only Japanese or American, only Oriental or Occidental, is only half human. The other half that beats with the pulse of all humanity has yet to be born."

18 "Every moment…is Indra's cosmic net, laced with jewels at every juncture. Each jewel reflects the others, together with all the reflections IN the others."

19 "There is but one reality, like a brimming ocean, boundless as the sky, indivisible, absolute."

20 "You can find God in the world of everyday affairs as readily as anywhere."

21 "God is the Cosmic Dancer, whose routine is all creatures and all worlds."

22 "The overwhelming thrust of the Koran is to proclaim the unity, omnipotence, omniscience, and mercy of God."

23 "Reality is in fact one and perfect."

24 "Locked in every human being is a store of love that partakes of the divine – the 'imago dei', image of God, it is sometimes called."

25 "If we could really understand life, if we could really understand ourselves, we would find neither a problem. Humanistic psychology proceeds on the same assumption. When 'awareness of experience is fully operating', Carl Rogers writes, 'human behavior is to be trusted, for in these moments the human organism becomes aware of its delicacy and tenderness towards others.'"

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite