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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Cosmic Consciousness
Richard M Bucke
This is a classic study in the evolution of the human mind, and is a pioneering work as valuable today as when it was first published in 1901.

1 "The pure in heart see the Lord as the clear mirror reflects the sun." Ramakrishna Paramahansa

2 "Before and behind births and deaths, the emergence ever-more expanding." Horace Traubel

3 "Heaven and earth with all their inhabitants, and moreover God himself, is in man." Franz Hartman, 'The Life and Doctrines of Jacob Boehme'

4 "You are a little world formed out of the large one." Jacob Boehme

5 "The universal scheme is woven in one piece."

6 "One IS those objects and things and persons that one perceives (and the whole universe)." Edward Carpenter

7 "That which we seek with passionate longing, here and there, upward and outward, we find at last within ourselves. The kingdom within! The indwelling God!" C. M. C., anonymous author

8 "All the great seers teach that God in himself is infinite love – that his manifestation, form or body is infinite wisdom – that divine love is the self-subsisting life of the universe."

9 "God IS the Cosmos."

10 "The justice of God sees – in that is everything." Honore deBalzac, 'Louis Lambert'

11 "All is well, always has been and will always be." C. M. C., anonymous author

12 "In the prison One shall come; and the chains which are stronger than iron, the fetters harder than steel, shall dissolve – you shall go free forever." Edward Carpenter, 'Towards Democracy'

13 "That infinite ocean [is] the eternal love, the soul of nature and all one endless smile!" C. M. C., anonymous author

14 "The true quality of the soul is that of space, by which it is at rest, everywhere." Edward Carpenter, 'Civilization, Its Cause and Cure'

15 "All is well for ever and ever, for there is no place or time where God is not." C. Y. E., anonymous author

16 "I have never really doubted for a moment that an Infinite Wisdom and Love DOES encircle all our lives." J. W. W., anonymous author

17 "There is in man a divine consciousness." Edward Carpenter, 'Civilization, Its Cause and Cure'

18 "Love is blessing, is salvation, is our guardian genius." Plotinus

19 "The consciousness of the Deity and of the Cosmos [are] the same thing."

20 "Only one in all the infinite universe! The All-loving, the Perfect One!" C. M. C., anonymous author

21 "There is a raying out of all orders of existence, an external emanation from the ineffable One." Plotinus

22 "In Cosmic Consciousness there is no condemnation, no sin, no evil, no death. This may be a hard saying, but it is true."

23 "That there rise in us waves of consciousness from those around us – from the people to which we belong – is certain." Edward Carpenter, 'Civilization, Its Cause and Cure'

24 "The wise man recognizes the idea of the good within him." Plotinus

25 "God and human life…are greater and better than any one has said or can say."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite