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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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The Quotable Spirit
Peter Lorie and Manuela D Mascetti, editors
A treasury of religious and spiritual quotations from ancient times to the twentieth century

1 "All eyes that look on me are my sole eyes; the one heart that beats within all breasts is mine." Sri Aurobindo (1872-1950), Yogic master, 'Sonnets of Cosmic Consciousness'

2 "Life is a pure flame, and we live by an invisible sun within us." Sir Thomas Browne (1605-1682),

3 "Virtues are virtues because they give joy once they are practised. If a virtue does not give joy, it is not a virtue." Hazrat Inayat Khan (1882-1927), Sufi master musician, 'The Sufi Message of Hazrat Inayat Khan'

4 "No form or shape has the incorporeal One most holy, beyond comparison. He was ere aught was made in heaven or earth; but His existence has no date or birth." The Kaddish, Prayers for the Pilgrim Festivals

5 "Never the spirit was born; the spirit shall cease to be never; never was time it was not; end and beginning are dreams! Birthless and deathless and changeless remains the spirit forever." The Bhagavad Gita (ca. 500 bce),

6 "I have put duality away. I have seen that the two worlds are one: one I seek, one I know, one I see, one I call. He is the first, he is the last. He is the outward, he is the inward." Jalal Al-Din Rumi (1207-1273)

7 "If one knows oneself not as the individual but as the supreme Self, one becomes free from fear." Shankara (788-820), Indian seer, 'Meditations'

8 "In every human being there is a special heaven, whole and unbroken." Paracelsus (1493-1541), German-Swiss physician and alchemist, 'Essential Writings'

9 "There is One Reality, the Unmanifested-Manifested. Ever-existent, He is Naam (Conscious Spirit), the Creator, pervading all." Guru Nanak (1469-1539), Indian disciple of Kabir, 'Psalms and Devotions'

10 "Nothing in the universe exists independently of your own consciousness." Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk, poet, 'Old Path White Clouds: The Life Story of the Buddha'

11 "I am part of the sun as my eyes are part of me. That I am part of the earth my feet know perfectly, and my blood is part of the sea. My soul knows that I am part of the human race, my soul is an organic part of the great human soul." D. H. Lawrence (1885-1930), 'Apocalypse'

12 "Justice is immortal." The Wisdom of Solomon, Old Testament Apocrypha

13 "These bodies are perishable; but the dwellers in these bodies are eternal, indestructible, and impenetrable." The Bhagavad Gita (ca. 500 bce),

14 "The soul is the mirror of an indestructible universe." G. W. Leibniz (1646-1716), German philosopher, 'The Monadology'

15 "This is the Spiritual Domain. This is the Spirit-World. This is the world of God. God is not merely invisible and inside us. This is the manifestation of God." Da Free John, 'The Fire Gospel'

16 "Through it all man is marching from epoch to epoch towards the fullest realization of his soul, - the soul which is greater than the things man accumulates, the deeds he accomplishes, the theories he builds; the soul whose onward course is never checked by death or dissolution….Yes, they are coming, the pilgrims, one and all – coming to their true inheritance of the world, they are ever broadening their consciousness, ever seeking a higher and higher unity, ever approaching nearer to the one central Truth which is all-comprehensive." Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941), 'Soul Consciousness'

17 "There is a very slight distinction, if any, between complete, conscious faith and love." Alan Watts (1915-1973), 'This Is IT and Other Essays on Zen and Spiritual Experience'

18 "He is boundless the Vedas proclaim. He is in eighteen hundred worlds the Muslim texts say. The Reality behind forms is one and the same." Guru Nanak (1469-1539), Indian disciple of Kabir, 'Hymns of Guru Nanak'

19 "It is an obvious fact that time affects neither God nor the soul." Meister Eckhart (1260-1327), 'Meditations'

20 "May the vision that so many mystic masters of all traditions have had, of a future world free of cruelty and horror, where humanity can live in the ultimate happiness of the nature of mind, come, through all our efforts, to be realized." Sogyal Rinpoche, 'TheTibetan Book of Living and Dying'

21 "As the human species awakens to itself as a collection of immortal souls learning together, caring for the environment and the earth will become a matter of the heart, the natural response of souls moving toward their full potential." Gary Zukav, 'Evolution and Business'

22 "To the question 'What must I do to free myself?' Zen replies: 'There is nothing you need do since you have never been enslaved and since there is nothing in reality from which you can free yourself." Hubert Benoit, contemporary French philosopher, 'The Supreme Doctrine'

23 "Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest….whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are of good report….think on these things, these things do, and the God of peace shall be with you." Elizabeth Clinton (1574-1630?), English author, Letters

24 "One god there is hidden in every creature, the Self of all creatures, and all pervading, abiding in all." Sueta Upanishad (900-600 bce)

25 "Is not the sea – though vast and deep – a single drop? Is not the Earth – though flung so far – a single sphere? Are not the spheres – though numberless – a single universe? Likewise is mankind but a single Man – likewise is Man, with all his worlds, a singleness complete." Mikhail Naimy (1889-1988), 'The Book of Mirdad – A Lighthouse and a Haven'

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite