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A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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The Quotable Spirit
Peter Lorie and Manuela D Mascetti, editors
A treasury of religious and spiritual quotations from ancient times to the twentieth century

1 "It is God's will that is done, forever and ever." Guru Nanak (1469-1539), Indian disciple of Kabir, 'Hymns of Guru Nanak'

2 "Justice is immortal." The Wisdom of Solomon, Old Testament Apocrypha

3 "To Zen, time and eternity are one." D. T. Suzuki, 'Zen Buddhism'

4 "Humility, unostentatiousness, non-injuring, forgiveness, simplicity, purity, steadfastness, self-control; this is declared to be wisdom; what is opposed to this is ignorance." Bhagavad Gita (ca. 500 bce)

5 "Virtues are virtues because they give joy once they are practised. If a virtue does not give joy, it is not a virtue." Hazrat Inayat Khan (1882-1927), Sufi master musician, 'The Sufi Message of Hazrat Inayat Khan'

6 "Is not the sea – though vast and deep – a single drop? Is not the Earth – though flung so far – a single sphere? Are not the spheres – though numberless – a single universe? Likewise is mankind but a single Man – likewise is Man, with all his worlds, a singleness complete." Mikhail Naimy (1889-1988), 'The Book of Mirdad – A Lighthouse and a Haven'

7 "I have put duality away. I have seen that the two worlds are one: one I seek, one I know, one I see, one I call. He is the first, he is the last. He is the outward, he is the inward." Jalal Al-Din Rumi (1207-1273)

8 "Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest….whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are of good report….think on these things, these things do, and the God of peace shall be with you." Elizabeth Clinton (1574-1630?), English author, Letters

9 "Divinity is not in some remote heaven, seated on a throne. Divinity is love….Wherever goodness, beauty, truth, love, are – there is the divine." Harry Emerson Fosdick (1878-1969), Liberal Protestant minister, teacher, author, 'The Hope of the World'

10 "This is the Spiritual Domain. This is the Spirit-World. This is the world of God. God is not merely invisible and inside us. This is the manifestation of God." Da Free John, 'The Fire Gospel'

11 "Joy is the realization of onenes, the oneness of our soul with the world and of the world-soul with the supreme love." Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941), Indian poet

12 "He who watches over the birds, beasts and insects, He who cared for you whilst you were yet in your mother's womb, shall he not care for you now that you have come forth?" Kabir (1440?-1518), Indian Sufi master, 'One Hundred Poems of Kabir'

13 "In every human being there is a special heaven, whole and unbroken." Paracelsus (1493-1541), German-Swiss physician and alchemist, 'Essential Writings'

14 "There is one divine Mind which keeps the universe in order and one providence which governs it." Plutarch (ca. 46-120), Greek biographer, 'Lives'

15 "I will sing of well-founded Gaia, Mother of All, eldest of all beings, she feeds all creatures that are in the world, all that go upon the goodly land and all that are in the paths of the sea, and all that fly." Homeric Hymn (7th century bce),

16 "The body is affected by everything that is happening around you; it is not separate from what is happening around you. Whatever is happening there, is also happening here." U. G. Krishnamurti (b. 1918), 'Conversations with a Man Called U. G.'

17 "Great becomes the fruit, great the advantage of earnest contemplation, when it is set round with upright conduct." Buddha (563-483 bce), 'The Dialogues'

18 "To the question 'What must I do to free myself?' Zen replies: 'There is nothing you need do since you have never been enslaved and since there is nothing in reality from which you can free yourself." Hubert Benoit, contemporary French philosopher, 'The Supreme Doctrine'

19 "It is not a question of analysing yourself. It is a question of seeing yourself." Yogaswami (1872-1964), Sri Lankan teacher, 'Positive Thoughts for Daily Meditation'

20 "No form or shape has the incorporeal One most holy, beyond comparison. He was ere aught was made in heaven or earth; but His existence has no date or birth." The Kaddish, Prayers for the Pilgrim Festivals

21 "True happiness flows from the possession of wisdom and virtue and not from the possession of external goods." Aristotle (384-322 bce), 'Politics'

22 "Were I given a hundred thousand tongues instead of one, and the hundred thousand multiplied twentyfold, a hundred thousand times would I say, and say again, the Lord of all the worlds is one." Guru Nanak (1469-1539), Indian disciple of Kabir, 'Hymns of Guru Nanak'

23 "To train in compassion is to know all beings are the same and suffer in similar ways, to honor all those who suffer, and to know you are neither separate from nor superior to anyone." Sogyal Rinpoche, contemporary Buddhist monk and author, 'The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying'

24 "God is one….He sees as a Whole, perceives as a Whole, hears as a Whole." Xenophanes (570-475 bce), Greek philosopher, fragment

25 "May the vision that so many mystic masters of all traditions have had, of a future world free of cruelty and horror, where humanity can live in the ultimate happiness of the nature of mind, come, through all our efforts, to be realized." Sogyal Rinpoche, 'TheTibetan Book of Living and Dying'

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite