Many / One
A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite
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"God acts the part of a Geometrician….His government of the world is no less exact than His creation of it." John Norris, 'Practical Discourses'
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"You must recognize as brothers and sisters all who live; and free to will, free to act, free to enjoy, you shall know the worth of existence." Richard Wagner, 'The Creative Force'
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"As a countenance is made beautiful by the soul's shining through it, so the world is beautiful by the shining through it of God." Johann Georg Jacobi
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"The great soul of this world is just." Thomas Carlyle, letter to Thomas Erskine
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"Laws of Nature are God's thoughts thinking themselves out in the orbits and the tides." Charles Henry Parkhurst, 'Sermons: Pattern in Mount'
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"The study of Nature is intercourse with the Highest Mind." Jean Louis Agassiz, 'Agassiz at Penikese'
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"Always and in everything let there be reverence." Confucius, 'The Book of Rites', I
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"Trusting in Him who can go with me and remain with you, and be everywhere for good, let us confidently hope that all will yet be well." Abraham Lincoln
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"In God's will is our peace." Anonymous
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"Love is God's essence." Richard Garnett, 'De Flagello Myrteo', IV
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"God is the perfect poet, Who in his person acts his own creations." Robert Browning, 'Paracelsus'
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"Not all the subtilties of metaphysics can make me doubt for a moment of the immortality of the soul, and of a beneficent providence. I feel it." Jean Jacques Rousseau
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"Prayer is the recovery of the soul's breathing." Gerald Heard, 'The Christian Century'
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"Every man's life is a plan of God." Horace Bushnell
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"Of a truth we are mystically united; a mysterious bond of brotherhood makes all one." Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881)
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"History is the revelation of providence." Lajos Kossuth
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"The heavens above, and the procession of the seasons as they month by month walk among the stars, are various manifestations of God." Henry Ward Beecher
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"Nature is the living, visible garment of God." Johann Wolfgang vonGoethe
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"Nature is too thin a screen; the glory of the omnipresent God bursts through everything." Ralph Waldo Emerson
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"Man is a soul formed by divine ideas, and bodying forth their image. His mind is the unit and measure of things visible and invisible." Amos Bronson Alcott, 'Tablets, II'
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"God hides nothing. His very work from the beginning is revelation – a casting aside of veil after veil, a showing unto men of truth after truth." George Macdonald