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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Encyclopedia of Religious Quotations
Frank S Mead, editor
12,000 quotations from all faiths and all times

1 "God acts the part of a Geometrician….His government of the world is no less exact than His creation of it." John Norris, 'Practical Discourses'

2 "Prayer is the recovery of the soul's breathing." Gerald Heard, 'The Christian Century'

3 "The soul of man is immortal and imperishable." Plato, 'The Republic', Bk. X

4 "As a countenance is made beautiful by the soul's shining through it, so the world is beautiful by the shining through it of God." Johann Georg Jacobi

5 "The course of nature governs all! The course of nature is the heart of God." Edward Young, 'Nighr Thoughts', Night IX, 1. 1280

6 "You must recognize as brothers and sisters all who live; and free to will, free to act, free to enjoy, you shall know the worth of existence." Richard Wagner, 'The Creative Force'

7 "Virtue is to the soul what health is to the body." Francois de LaRochefoucauld, 'Maximes Posthumes', No. 541

8 "God of the granite and the rose, Soul of the sparrow and the bee, the mighty tide of being flows through countlesss channels, Lord, from Thee." Elizabeth Doten, 'Reconciliation'

9 "A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all other virtues." Cicero, 'Oratio Pro Cneao Plancio, XXXIII

10 "Do you ask where the Supreme Good dwells? In the soul." Seneca, 'Epistolae ad Lucilium', Epis. 87, 21

11 "God is perpetually pouring his soul through time and space." Henry Ward Beecher

12 "Prayer is the most powerful form of energy one can generate….Prayer is a force as real as terrestrial gravity. It supplies us with a flow of sustaining power in our daily lives." Alexis Carrel, 'Prayer'

13 "All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all." Mary Baker Eddy, 'Science and Health'

14 "God hides nothing. His very work from the beginning is revelation – a casting aside of veil after veil, a showing unto men of truth after truth." George Macdonald

15 "The study of Nature is intercourse with the Highest Mind." Jean Louis Agassiz, 'Agassiz at Penikese'

16 "Everything science has taught me – and continues to teach me – strengthens my belief in the continuity of our spiritual existence after death." Werner vonBraun

17 "Many millions search for God and find Him in their hearts." Sikh Proverb

18 "Always and in everything let there be reverence." Confucius, 'The Book of Rites', I

19 "The law of mutual charity perfects the law of justice." Pope Leo XIII (1810-1903), 'Graves de communi', January 18, 1901

20 "God's thoughts, his will, his love, his judgments are all man's home. To think his thoughts, to choose his will, to love his loves, to judge his judgments, and thus to know that he is in us, is to be at home." George Macdonald

21 "I do not believe in God – I see God everywhere." Jean Favre

22 "The universe is a thought of God." Johann C. F. vonSchiller, 'Essays: Aesthetical and Philosophical', Letter IV

23 "In some time, His good time, we shall arrive; He guides me and the bird in His good time." Robert Browning, 'Paracelsus'

24 "God is the perfect poet, Who in his person acts his own creations." Robert Browning, 'Paracelsus'

25 "Every man's life is a plan of God." Horace Bushnell

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite