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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Soul Centered Astrology, A Key to Your Expanding Self
Alan Oken
Theosophical interpretation of Astrology

1 "The urge to reconcile all duality and to create synthesis out of polarization is at the core of much of our individual and collective self-development."

2 "All matter, originating as it does from its One Source, is essentially divine."

3 "Repeat the following affirmation: May everyone with whom I come in contact in any way be blessed in the universal brother- and sisterhood of the One Humanity."

4 "We are One Essential Whole, expressing Itself through a limitless number of forms and varieties."

5 "The undying Spirit of Life is always creating new Ideas, and humanity consists of the Sons and Daughters of Mind."

6 "The Earth is our planetary home and our global village. An entire generation of men and women of goodwill made sure that through their political, artistic, and spiritual activities, the idea of the One Humanity was clearly sounding during this period of the late 1960's and early 1970's. One of the greatest contributions that the generation of the 'flower children' made was to bring to the forefront of human affairs this sense of a world community. The 'We are all One' frame of referenceā€¦has indeed synthesized its way into the collective human orientation."

7 "The essential quality of Love is at the root of all manifestation."

8 "The Law of Love in Action reveals the interconnectedness and unity of all life."

9 "The grace of this knowing [of ourselves] is that in the process, each of us comes to identify ourselves as Divinity in manifestation. We learn through the frequently painful processes of transformation and reorientation, as well as through our many births and rebirths, that the quality of our consciousness is Love Itself."

10 "All of Life comes from the One Life. There is thus an essential affinity between all forms of that Life."

11 "Visualize the Law of Right Human Relations as two clasped hands encircling a bright, glowing planet Earth. Contemplate and consider the implications of Right Human Relations. Make a plan as to how you may demonstrate Right Human Relations individually in the world."

12 "The evolution of human consciousness can never ceaseā€¦.The crises of reorientation in our approach to our own indwelling Divinity (and the accompanying victories and joys) continue into greater and greater unity of purpose and awareness for each of us. Human destiny is infinite."

13 "Link yourself through the heart and through your inner eye of perception to all men and women of goodwill all over the world. Affirm your unity with them."

14 "Countless movements based on goodwill are attempting to create a better world, and there is a growing recognition of humanity's essential unity." 'World Service through the Power of Thought', published by Lucis Trust, New York 1974

15 "A sense of inner freedom is achieved when the personal will is aligned to the Will of the Collective Source."

16 "The smallest cell does not pulsate, nor the largest sun emanate, without their vibrations and energies being felt throughout the Cosmos."

17 "The more conscious we become, the more we can work within the larger wholeness of the Plan, and thus come to co-create the direction of our destiny and the levels of our evolutionary unfoldment."

18 "As the number of Self-realized men and women of goodwill increase, humanity as a whole will progress to its natural state of abundance on all levels."

19 "All the problems of the individual and of humanity have to do with a block in (and most important, may be resolved by) the flow of love/consciousness."

20 "As Soul infusion begins to take place, one begins to perceive the world in increasingly more collective terms, without losing sight of its individual, component parts. One is thus able to see oneself, others, and all manner of interconnectedness clearly and simultaneously."

21 "The eventuation of a strong, unified, creative humanity requires that each one do his or her individual part in the One Work of human evolution."

22 "The sons and daughters of men and women are one, and I am one with them. I seek to love, not hate; I seek to serve and not exact due service; I seek to heal, not hurt." 'Mantram of Unification'

23 "The Soul is a unifying, collectivizing energy whose power of attraction and magnetism is Love. Our task both individually and collectively is to create those necessary channels for the Soul's expression in our daily lives."

24 "I recognize and affirm that I am a center of pure self-consciousness. I am a center of will, capable of observing, directing, and using all my psychological processes." Roberto Assagioli, 'The Act of Will'

25 "The need to establish Right Human Relations is paramount."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite