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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Soul Centered Astrology, A Key to Your Expanding Self
Alan Oken
Theosophical interpretation of Astrology

1 "The urge for service to others is very much on the upswing, in terms of people's general orientation to life. Many people…are finding an inner void that can only be filled through creating some focus of contribution to the greater whole of humanity. This urge to serve – this need to help heal the planet and its people – will require the implementation of the Law of Right Human Relations."

2 "Love gives one the objective of coordinating one's active intelligence so that it produces cohesive acts of goodwill and furthers right human relations."

3 "I recognize and affirm that I am a center of pure self-consciousness. I am a center of will, capable of observing, directing, and using all my psychological processes." Roberto Assagioli, 'The Act of Will'

4 "Humanity's destiny is to fulfill the function of the World Savior. Think about the implications of that! Humanity must save itself! Humanity must save itself, must choose to manifest its own wholeness, its groupness, before it can save the world." Frances Adams Moore, 'Group Life – a New Age Reality'

5 "The Soul of Humanity is the synthesis of all individual human Souls."

6 "As the number of Self-realized men and women of goodwill increase, humanity as a whole will progress to its natural state of abundance on all levels."

7 "Divinity is always whole, even though It may manifest Itself through Its infinity of parts. Even in parts, It is whole, and It is whole beyond Its parts. Divinity is immanently Whole and transcendentally Whole."

8 "The Christ Consciousness is the revelation of the Soul's reality."

9 "Visualize the Law of Right Human Relations as two clasped hands encircling a bright, glowing planet Earth. Contemplate and consider the implications of Right Human Relations. Make a plan as to how you may demonstrate Right Human Relations individually in the world."

10 "The Father/Mother, my Group of brothers and sisters and I, are One. I am a conscious expression of the Power of the Universe acting through the Will-to-Good. This enlightened understanding awakens me to my Self."

11 "As Soul infusion begins to take place, one begins to perceive the world in increasingly more collective terms, without losing sight of its individual, component parts. One is thus able to see oneself, others, and all manner of interconnectedness clearly and simultaneously."

12 "The Law of Love in Action reveals the interconnectedness and unity of all life."

13 "People are discovering their essential unity at an ever-increasing rate and are helping one another to utilize their respective differences for the sake of the whole."

14 "The Universe unfolds through the creation of the myriad forms of its expression, yet it always remains essentially One."

15 "The Earth is our planetary home and our global village. An entire generation of men and women of goodwill made sure that through their political, artistic, and spiritual activities, the idea of the One Humanity was clearly sounding during this period of the late 1960's and early 1970's. One of the greatest contributions that the generation of the 'flower children' made was to bring to the forefront of human affairs this sense of a world community. The 'We are all One' frame of reference…has indeed synthesized its way into the collective human orientation."

16 "The Soul is that essential, inclusive, and intelligent Love Principle which, when joined and fused with the lower self, creates a whole person who is most definitely greater than the sum of his or her parts."

17 "The Whole manifests simultaneously on all levels of manifestation. The Whole is also immanent in nature; that is, present in its Oneness and undivided in its Wholeness no matter in what form or in the number of its manifestations."

18 "Affirm with love in your heart that a living consciousness of unification, synthesis, and universality is the crystallizing focus of human evolution in our time and in the time to come."

19 "The Soul is a unifying, collectivizing energy whose power of attraction and magnetism is Love. Our task both individually and collectively is to create those necessary channels for the Soul's expression in our daily lives."

20 "Each individual person has been created to love, and to be loved. Doesn't matter race, doesn't matter religion – every single man, woman, child is a child of God, in the image of God, and that is what we look at." Mother Teresa

21 "The need to establish Right Human Relations is paramount."

22 "Love is consciousness and consciousness is love. There is no difference between the two in terms of the Ageless Wisdom. The more conscious a person becomes, the more loving. The more loving a person becomes, the more conscious."

23 "The smallest cell does not pulsate, nor the largest sun emanate, without their vibrations and energies being felt throughout the Cosmos."

24 "Divinity and the Spiritual Presence are always available to us."

25 "The undying Spirit of Life is always creating new Ideas, and humanity consists of the Sons and Daughters of Mind."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite