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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Esoteric Psychology II
Alice A. Bailey

1 "We use the word 'God' to signify the one expression of the One Life which animates every form."

2 "The entire universe is a great theater of mirrors, a set of hieroglyphs to decipher; everything is a sign, everything harbors and manifests mystery. The principles of contradiction, of excluded middle, and of linear causality are supplanted by those of resolution, of included middle, and of synchronicity."

3 "Man is the sum total of those energies and forces which are unified, blended and controlled by that 'tendency to harmony' which is the effect of love and the outstanding quality of divinity."

4 "We find in the Bible the words: 'In Him we live and move and have our being.' This is the statement of a fundamental law in nature, and the enunciated basis of the relation which exists between the soul, functioning in a human body, and God. It determines also…the relation between soul and soul. We live in an ocean of energies. We ourselves are congeries of energies, and all these energies are closely interrelated and constitute the one synthetic energy body of our planet."

5 "The result of the age-old trend or tendency towards divinity is inherent in every member of the human family."

6 "Humanity is the macrocosm of the microcosm; the gains and peculiar properties of the other kingdoms in nature are his, having been resolved into capacities of consciousness."

7 "The instinctual sense of divinity..leads to reorientation in the right direction. This leads to – 1. The intelligent use of the mind so that it becomes consciously aware of the soul and of the laws which govern soul unfoldment: 2. The intuitive recognition of reality, which resolves the differentiated parts into a unit, producing illumination: and 3. This illumination reveals the essential oneness which exists on the inner side of life and negates the outer appearance of separativeness."

8 "Let love of God's eternal Plan control your life, your mind, your hand, your eye. Work towards the unity of plan and purpose which must find its lasting place on earth. Work with the Plan; focus upon your share in that great work."

9 "The Laws of the Universe express the divine Will, and lead to the manifestation of divine Purpose. This is wisdom. They ordain and nurture the Plan."

10 "The service humanity is to render is that of producing unity, harmony, and beauty in nature, through blending into one functioning, related unity the soul in all forms."

11 "The mystery of the devil will eventually be seen to be that of the light of God's countenance, which reveals that which is undesirable and must be changed and renounced, and which thus transforms life by the light that God's nature pours forth."

12 "By pondering upon the good, the beautiful, and the true, we transmute our lower instincts into higher divine qualities. The attractive power of God's instinctual nature, with its capacity to synthesize, to attract and to blend, cooperates with the unrealised potencies of man's own nature, and makes his eventual at-one-ment with God, in life and purpose, an inevitable, irresistible occurrence."

13 "The first of the factors revealing the divine nature and the first of the great psychological aspects of God is the tendency to synthesis."

14 "Essence, consciousness and appearance are the three aspects of divinity and of humanity; the personality, when fully developed, is the appearance of God on earth."

15 "There are today enough centres of light, scattered all over the world, and enough disciples and aspirants, that the little beams or threads of light (speaking symbolically) which radiate from each of them, can meet and interlace, and form a network of light in the world."

16 "Humanity is intended to be the intelligent arbiter of its own destiny, and a conscious exponent of its own innate divinity, of the God within."

17 "Despair is the negation of truth." Alice A. Bailey,

18 "The word goes forth from soul to form. 'Both sides are one. There is no war, no difference and no isolation. The warring forces seem to war from the point at which you stand. Move on a pace. See truly with the opened eye of inner vision and you will find, not two but one; not war but peace; not isolation but a heart which rests upon the center. Thus shall the beauty of the Lord shine forth. The hour is now.'"

19 "Today, we have a world which is steadily coming to the realisation that 'no man lives unto himself', and that only as the love, about which so much has been written and spoken, finds its outlet in service, can man begin to measure up to his innate capacity."

20 "Each one is, within himself, a hierarchy, a reflection of a great chain of being – the Being which the universe expresses."

21 "Each soul grows into the way of light through service rendered, through experience gained, through mistakes made, and through lessons learnt. That necessarily must be personal and individual. But the work itself is one. The Path is one. The love is one. The goal is one. These are the points that matter."

22 "By the use of the creative imagination, the bridge between the lower aspect and higher can be built and constructed. 'As a man thinks, hopes and wills' so is he. This is a statement of an immutable fact."

23 "Any psychological difficulty is universal and not unique. It is the sense of uniquenes – with its separative tendency and its realised loneliness – which is often the all-engrossing factor….The crisis faced indicates progress and opportunity, and it does not indicate disaster and failure….In the last analysis, psychological crises are indicative of progressive steps upon the Way."

24 "There is no need for too great an upward straining or too intense an outward looking….That which is to be revealed lies all around us and within us."

25 "Steadily the unfolding purpose of our own souls (those 'angels of persistent and undying love') should gain fuller and deeper control over each of us, and this, at any personal cost and sacrifice, should be our steadfast aim. For this, in truth and sincerity, we should strive."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite