Many / One

A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Collected Works
Carl Jung

1 “The elements are conjoined in the circle of true friendship.” Petrus Bonus

2 "The life of nations is a great rushing river which is utterly beyond human control, in the hands of One who has always been stronger than men."

3 "According to Hippolytus ('Elenchos', IV, 43. 4), the Egyptians said that God was an indivisible unity."

4 "The collective unconscious, as the ancestral heritage of possibilities of representation, is not individual but common to all, and perhaps even to all animals, and is the true basis of the individual psyche."

5 "The human psyche is a complex whole actuated not only by instinctual processes and personal relationships, but by the spiritual needs and supra-personal currents of the time."

6 "There is probably no more suitable psychological concept for this (the Anima Mundi) than the collective unconscious, whose nucleus and ordering principle is the self, the 'monad' of the alchemists and Gnostics."

7 "Even though mythology may not be 'true' in the sense that a mathematical law or a physical experiment is true, it is still a serious subject for research and contains quite as many truths as a natural science; only, they lie on a different plane. One can be perfectly scientific about mythology, for it is just as good a natural product as plants, animals or chemical elements."

8 "God is a psychic fact of immediate experience, otherwise there would never have been any talk of God."

9 "God has expressed himself in many languages and appeared in divers forms."

10 "The individuation process subordinates the many to the One. But the One is God, and that which corresponds to him in us is the 'imago Dei', the God-image."

11 "Mandalas…are produced spontaneously, without external influence, even by children and adults who have never come into contact with any such ideas….The mandala symbolizes, by its central point, the ultimate unity of all archetypes as well as the multiplicity of the phemonenal world, and is therefore the empirical equivalent of the metaphysical concept of a 'unus mundus' [one world]."

12 "Archetypal ideas are part of the indestructible foundations of the human mind. However long they are forgotten and buried, always they return….continually reproducing themselves in new forms representing the timeless truths that are innate in man's nature."

13 "God fashioned the sphere of light round himself. 'God is an intelligible sphere whose centre is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere'(cf. St. Bonaventure, Itinerarium, 5). The point symbolizes light and fire, also the Godhead in so far as light is an 'image of God' or an 'exemplar of the Deity.' This spherical light modelled on the point is also the shining or illuminating body that dwells in the heart of man."

14 "The self is made manifest in the opposites and in the conflict between them; it is a 'coincidentia oppositorum'."

15 "The physicist's models ultimately rest on the same archetypal foundations that also underlie the speculations of the theologian."

16 "The spirit is at work in science, in art, philosophy, and religious experience…for there is something in man that is of divine nature….This spirit wants to live."

17 "Empirically it can be established, with a sufficient degree of probability, that there is in the unconscious an archetype of wholeness which manifests itself spontaneously in dreams, etc., and a tendency, independent of the conscious will, to relate other archetypes to this centre."

18 "Man is a single Monad, uncompounded and indivisible, yet compounded and divisible; loving and at peace with all things yet warring with all things and at war with itself in all things; unlike and like itself, as it were a musical harmony containing all things;…showing forth all things and giving birth to all things." Hippolytus, 'Elenchos' VIII, 12, 5ff.

19 "The Self which includes me includes many others also, for the unconscious does not belong to me and is not peculiar to me, but is everywhere."

20 "The fact is that with the knowledge and actual experience of these inner images [archetypes] a way is opened for reason and feeling to gain access to those other images which the teachings of religion offer to mankind."

21 "God is everywhere entire." Jacob Boehme

22 "The collective unconscious, unlike the personal unconscious, is one and the same everywhere, in all individuals, just as all biological functions and all instincts are the same in members of the same species."

23 "Just as in me, a single individual, the darkness calls forth a helpful light, so it does in the psychic life of a people."

24 "We must awaken our innermost wisdom, pure and divine, called the Mind of Buddha…It is the divine light, the inner heaven, the key to all moral treasures, the centre of thought and consciousness,..the seat of kindness, justice, sympathy, impartial love, humanity, and mercy, the measure of all things. When this innermost wisdom is fully awakened, we are able to realize that each and every one of us is identical in spirit, in essence, in nature with the universal life." Kaiten Nukariya, professor at the So-To-shu Buddhist College in Tokyo

25 "Every advance, every conceptual achievement of mankind, has been connected with an advance in self-awareness."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite