Many / One

A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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One | Circle | Center | Opposites | Archetypes | Good | Ethics | Living Wholeness | Random

Collected Works
Carl Jung

1 "And where would God's wholeness be if he could not be the 'wholly other'?"

2 "In God all opposites are abolished."

3 "Nothing is achieved by merely negative criticism. It is justified only to the degree that it is creative."

4 "The Self which includes me includes many others also, for the unconscious does not belong to me and is not peculiar to me, but is everywhere."

5 "In myths and fairytales, as in dreams, the psyche tells its own story, and the interplay of the archetypes is revealed in its natural setting as 'formation, transformation/the eternal Mind's eternal recreation.'"

6 "That there is something beyond the borderline, beyond the frontiers of knowledge, is shown by the archetypes and most clearly of all, by numbers, which this side of the border are quantities but on the other side are autonomous psychic entities, capable of making qualitative statements which manifest themselves in a priori patterns of order." 'Flying Saucers: a Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Skies'

7 "I believe in the Word become flesh, in the spirit-filled body, where yang and yin are wedded into a living form."

8 “Meister Eckhart says:….’One with the One, One from the One, and in the One itself the One, eternally!’”

9 "In accordance with the principle of compensation which runs through the whole of nature, every psychic development, whether individual or collective, possesses an optimum which, when exceeded, produces an enantiodromia, that is, turns into its opposite."

10 "The Word is incarnate in God's creatures, and there, in a manner of speaking, we may touch it with our hands." Orthelius, 'Epilogus et recapitulatio Orthelii'

11 "The powers of the right and the left unite in the harmony of wisdom." The Acts of John, The Apocryphal New Testament

12 "Unity embraces the multiplicity of all beings."

13 "The unity of the soul rests empirically on the basic psychic structure common to all souls, which, though not visible and tangible like the anatomical structure, is just as evident as it."

14 "Self-knowledge is not an isolated process; it is possible only if the reality of the world around us is recognized at the same time."

15 "In the history of the collective as in the history of the individual, everything depends on the development of consciousness. This gradually brings liberation from imprisonment in unconsciousness, and is therefore a bringer of light as well as of healing."

16 "Man has the gift of thought, which can strive after the highest things."

17 "The circle, as the symbol of completeness and perfect being, is a widespread expression for heaven, sun, and God; it also expresses the primoridal image of man and the soul."

18 “In the one thing are hidden all parts.” Laurentius Ventura, 16th century Venetian physician

19 “God is known as One.” The Zohar

20 "The way in which man inwardly pictures the world is still, despite all differences of detail, as uniform and as regular as his instinctive actions."

21 "Every advance, every conceptual achievement of mankind, has been connected with an advance in self-awareness." 'General Aspects of Dream Psychology'

22 "Since olden times the circle with a centre has been a symbol for the Deity, illustrating the wholeness of God incarnate."

23 "Every tension of opposites culminates in a release, out of which comes the 'third'. In the third, the tension is resolved and the lost unity is restored."

24 “All things proceed from the meditation of the One.”

25 "When all visible lights are extinguished, one finds, according to the words of the wise Yajnavalkya, the light of the self."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite