Many / One

A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Collected Works
Carl Jung

1 “According to Basilius Valentinus, the earth is inhabited by a spirit that is its life and soul. All created things, minerals included, draw their strength from the earth-spirit. This spirit is life…and it gives nourishment to all the living things it shelters in its womb.”

2 "The unconscious, as the totality of all archetypes, is the deposit of all human experience right back to its remotest beginnings. Not, indeed, a dead deposit, a sort of abandoned rubbish-heap, but a living system of reactions and aptitudes that determine the individual's life in invisible ways."

3 "There is indeed a unity of God and man; God himself creates it." Karl Barth, 'Credo'

4 “However much its names may differ, yet it is ever one thing alone.” ‘Rosarium’, Art. Aurif., II

5 "There are no accidents, but only intentional designs."

6 "That everything proceeds from the One is a fundamental tenet of alchemy."

7 "Wholeness wants to be transformed from a latent state of unconsciousness into an approximate consciousness of itself."

8 "The fact is that with the knowledge and actual experience of these inner images [archetypes] a way is opened for reason and feeling to gain access to those other images which the teachings of religion offer to mankind."

9 "Every psychic phenomenon is compensated by its opposite, in agreement with the proverb, 'There is no misfortune so great that no good may come of it.'"

10 "Man must know something of God's nature and of metaphysical processes if he is to understand himself and thereby achieve gnosis of the Divine."

11 "For what, pray, can be added to the One, what is lacking to it, or on what can it be supported? For in truth nothing exists beside that One." Gerhard Dorn, medieval Alchemist

12 "There is no balance, no system of self-regulation, without opposition. The psyche is just such a self-regulating system." 'On the Psychology of the Unconscious'

13 "The inner spiritual man bears a resemblance to Christ."

14 "The collective unconscious contains the whole spiritual heritage of mankind's evolution, born anew in the brain structure of every individual." 'The Structure of the Psyche'

15 “The spirit of life is not only indwelling in all living things, but immanent in everything that exists, as the world-soul.”

16 "Life, being an energic process, needs the opposites, for without opposition there is, as we know, no energy. Good and evil are simply the moral aspects of this natural polarity."

17 "The 'imago Dei' [image of God] pervades the whole human sphere."

18 "God made man to partake of his glory and created him in his image."

19 “For the One is the whole;…because of the One everything is.” Barnaud

20 "Our own psyche [is] constantly at work creating new spiritual forms and spiritual forces which may help us."

21 "The fact that there is a religious movement upon which many brilliant minds have worked over a period of many centuries is sufficient reason for at least venturing a serious attempt to bring such processes within the realm of scientific understanding."

22 "Love is the dynamism that most infallibly brings the unconscious to light."

23 "The invisible centre is Adam Kadmon, the Original Man."

24 “The ‘Tao Teh Ching (ch. 25) says of the Original Being: ‘There was something formless yet complete that existed before heaven and earth; without sound, without substance, dependent on nothing, unchanging, all pervading, unfailing. One may think of it as the mother of all things under heaven.’”

25 "Sooner or later nuclear physics and the psychology of the unconscious will draw closer together as both of them, independently of one another and from opposite directions, push forward into transcendental territory, the one with the concept of the atom, the other with that of the archetype."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite