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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Lectures on Ancient Philosophy
Manly P. Hall

1 “Since the generated world is a collective whole, if we apply the ears of our intellect to the world we shall, perhaps, hear it thus addressing us: ‘There is no doubt but I was composed from all animals, entirely sufficient to myself, and destitute of nothing;…All things are contained in my ample bosom.” Plotinus, ‘On Providence’

2 "Intelligence exists in every department of creation. The entire universe is controlled by definite laws that evidence the omniscience of the Eternal Thinker."

3 “The establishment of the mind in wholes (unities) is essential to right thinking.”

4 "The sum of all individual minds is the one Universal Mind, so that in the last analysis, gods, men, and worlds are each fragments of the whole."

5 "Glory to the unchangeable, holy, eternal, supreme Vishnu, of one universal nature….Glory to the supreme Vishnu, the cause of the creation, existence, and the end of this world; who is the root of the world and who consists of the world." The Vishnu Purana

6 “All things are one in essence.”

7 "All principles and their progeny are finally centered and rooted by their summits in the first great all-comprehending one. Thus all beings proceed from, and are comprehended in the first being; all intellects emanate from one first intellect; all souls from one first soul; all natures blossom from one first nature;…all these great monads are comprehended in the first one, from which both they and all their depending series are unfolded into light. Hence, this first one is truly the unity of unities, the monad of monads, the principle of principles, the God of Gods, one and all things, and yet one prior to all."

8 “God is all there is….God is the heavens and the earth, and all the creatures that inhabit them.” Anonymous East Indian sage

9 “When we adore the God of harmony, we shall know the inner mystery of life.”

10 “All things are one in reality and in essence.”

11 “Every substance, object, element, and agent in the universe is capable of instructing us in those phases of divine order which are involved in its own constitution.”

12 "The whole partakes of the attributes of the parts in fullness and perfect harmony. Hence the whole is the master of its parts, which are powerless to force their fragmentary agencies upon the structure of wholeness itself."

13 "The new message is the gospel of identity. It is not an effort to unite lives in a common interest, but a recognition of the fact that all forms are but manifestations of one indivisible agent….Indissoluble unity is fundamental throughout the universe."

14 “Having ultimately attained through right thinking, right feeling, and right living to the condition of the beautiful within ourselves, with enraptured vision we can respond in perfect measure to the eternal beauty which flows from the inexhaustible fountain of the one Good.”

15 "Slayer and savior alike are marching on through the ages toward inevitable perfection."

16 “He who becomes luminous shines not with a separate light but rather is merged with the one light whose radiance is diffused throughout all worlds.”

17 “For this age we must have a doctrine of synthesis, a code actuated and dominated by the spirit of unification.”

18 "Man, gazing into the eyes of man, beholds therein his Maker. His Creator sings to him with the voice of the wilderness, and descends upon him from the stars that spangle the heavens by night."

19 “The sure and eternal path winds through the illusion and leads ultimately to the attainment of perfect good.”

20 “Brotherhood extends to all corners of the earth, including all races and species without distinction.”

21 “The One Supreme Power manifesting throughout the cosmic organism should be considered as manifesting through all created things.”

22 “Plato maintained that the One is All-Being.”

23 “There is but one spirit in the universe….there is but one consciousness.”

24 “Good continually inclines toward unity or wholeness.”

25 "Wholeness is an archetypal quality – an attribute of Deity. Regardless of the nature of its expression, every activity, quality, or condition is essentially a wholeness. This wholeness is made manifest by a division within itself whereby its nature becomes a mass of innumerable fragments, each of the fractions partaking of the quality resident in the original wholeness, and manifesting it through the wholeness of its own fractional part."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite