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A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Hero With A Thousand Faces
Joseph Campbell

1 "The energy behind the elemental pair of opposites, fire and water, is one and the same."

2 "Myth is a directing of the mind and heart, by means of profoundly informed figurations, to that ultimate mystery which fills and surrounds all existences."

3 "Since the Deity is immanent in all things, all things are to be regarded as divine."

4 "Peace is at the heart of all because…Boundless Love includes, regards, and dwells within (without exception) every sentient being."

5 "The Eight Hundred Myriads of Gods are but differing manifestations of one unique Deity…The Eternally Standing Divine Being of the Earth, The Great Unity of All Things in the Universe, The Primordial Being of Heaven and Earth, eternally existing." Izawa-Nagahide, 'Shinto-Ameno-Nuboko-no-Ki'

6 "The beautiful sound of eternity is heard by the pure mind throughout creation, and therefore within itself."

7 "Through all the contraries of phenomenality the Uncreate-Imperishable remains, and there is nothing to fear."

8 "We live not in this physique only, but in all bodies, all physiques of the world."

9 "Protective power is always and ever present within the sanctuary of the heart and even immanent within, or just behind, the unfamiliar features of the world. One has only to know and trust, and the ageless guardians will appear."

10 "The hearth in the home, the altar in the temple, is the hub of the wheel of the earth, the womb of the Universal Mother whose fire is the fire of life."

11 "Withersoever ye turn, there is the Presence of Allah." Koran, 2:115

12 "[In mythology] stand revealed the hidden processes of the enigma Homo sapiens – Occidental and Oriental, primitive and civilized, contemporary and archaic. The entire spectacle is before us. We have only to read it, study its constant patterns, analyze its variations, and therewith come to an understanding of the deep forces that have shaped man's destiny and must continue to determine both our private and our public lives."

13 "We are all reflexes of the image of the Bodhisattva."

14 "As we are told in the Vedas: 'Truth is one, the sages speak of it by many names."

15 "In myth the problems and solutions shown are directly valid for all mankind."

16 "God is love…He can be, and is to be, loved, and all without exception are his children."

17 "The ultimate experience of love is a realization that beneath the illusion of two-ness dwells identity: 'each is both'. This realization can expand into a discovery that beneath the multitudinous individualities of the whole surrounding universe – human, animal, vegetable, even mineral – dwells identity; whereupon the love experience becomes cosmic, and the beloved who first opened the vision is magnified as the mirror of creation."

18 "Briefly formulated, the universal doctrine teaches that all the visible structures of the world – all things and beings – are the effects of a ubiquitous power out of which they rise, which supports and fills them during the period of their manifestation, and back into which they must ultimately dissolve. This is the power known to science as energy, to the Melanesians as 'mana', to the Sioux Indians as 'wakonda', the Hindus as 'shakti', and the Christians as the power of God. Its manifestation in the psyche is termed, by the psychoanalysts, 'libido.' And its manifestation in the cosmos is the structure and flux of the universe itself."

19 "There can be no doubt that in the main the mental characteristics of man are the same all over the world." Franz Boas, 'The Mind of Primitive Man'

20 "Since the Godhead is immanent in all, He will make Himself known through any object profoundly regarded."

21 "It has always been the prime function of mythology and rite to supply the symbols that carry the human spirit forward."

22 "The way to become human is to learn to recognize the lineaments of God in all of the wonderful modulations of the face of man."

23 "The goal of the myth is to dispel ignorance by effecting a reconciliation of the individual consciousness with the universal will."

24 "Through all, the transcendent force…lives in all, in all is wonderful, and is worthy, in all, of our profound obeisance."

25 "Just as the figments of a dream derive from the life energy of one dreamer, representing only fluid splittings and complications of that single force, so do all the forms of all the worlds, whether terrestrial or divine, reflect the universal force of a single inscrutable mystery: the power that constructs the atom and controls the orbits of the stars."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite