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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Reincarnation: The Phoenix Fire Mystery
Cranston/Head, editors

1 "From infancy every forgotten day and hour has added to our experiences, to our growth and capacity, made its contribution to the mind and soul." W. Macneile Dixon

2 "Behind the many guises of truth there is ONE truth." Martin James, 'Art News', 1957

3 "There is a light which enlightens every one that comes into the world; there is a faculty in all to perceive spiritual truth when distinctly presented." George Ripley, founder of Brook Farm, a 19th century Transcendentalist commune, letter to friends

4 "Heaven, Earth, and I were produced together, and all things and I are one." Chuang Tzu (c. 300 bc), Chinese philosopher, from 'The Texts of Taoism', James Legge, translator, Dover 1962

5 "Yes, a divine instinct that always grows in light and strength helps us to comprehend that nothing in the whole world wholly dies." George Sand (1803-1876), French author

6 "It is not really the ears or eyes that hear or see…The sense-organs are instruments the Self uses for Itself….The Self is here right before us in full revelation." D. T. Suzuki, 'Self the Unattainable'

7 "We are always given a second, and another chance, and another chance, until all of us are able to graduate, to return to the Source and Creator of all life." Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, foreword

8 "Let us face it: 'deep down' nobody in his right mind can visualize his own existence without assuming that he has always lived and will live hereafter; and the religious world-views of old endowed this psychological feeling with images and ideas which could be shared, transmitted, and ritualized." Erik H. Erikson (b. 1902), 'Gandhi's Truth'

9 "Life is One, and all its forms are interrelated. It follows that every act and thought by any form of life, from the highest to the lowest, must react on every other form." Christmas Humphreys (b. 1901), British author and Buddhist philosopher, 'Karma and Rebirth'

10 "Only through awakening to the oneness of one's true Self with the Eternal, does liberation come." Sankaracharya, 'The Crest Jewel of Wisdom'

11 "Somehow or other, things do eventually 'balance out' in the moral realm; each moral action produces, eventually, its quite specific moral reaction." Herbert Fingarette (b. 1921), American philosopher and psychologist', 'The Self in Transformation'

12 "From my own research in life after death…it becomes very clear that we are all born from the Source, from God, as human beings who are blessed with all the gifts necessary to fulfill our destiny." Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, foreword

13 "Cosmic law will help us to become all that we can possibly wish to be." Lafcadio Hearn (1850-1904), Author, teacher, 'Exotics and Retrospectives'

14 "Our soul, that is, the personality behind our mind, is born with a true knowledge of fundamental realities. This knowledge is in a subconscious form, but by intellectual efforts, stimulated and aided by observations, we can bring it up to the level of consciousness." Gustav Stromberg (1882-1962), Swedish-American astronomer and physicist, 'The Searchers'

15 "Then everything becomes one, all individualities are merged into one, yet each knowing itself, a mysterious teaching indeed. But then, that which to us now is non-conscious or the unconscious, will then be absolute consciousness." H. B. Blavatsky, 'Transactions of the Blavatsky Lodge'

16 "Attached to the Real, the man goes to the Real, through steadfastness in the one; so the larva, meditating on the bee, is transformed into the nature of the bee, enters into the being of the bee; so the seeker for union, meditating on the reality of the supreme Self, enters therein through steadfastness in the one." Sankaracharya, 'The Crest Jewel of Wisdom'

17 "Acting from the highest levels in his being, man is the creative and controlling force in the Universe;….Hence Maeterlinck's famous saying, 'Let us always remember that nothing befalls us that is not of the nature of ourselves.'" Christmas Humphreys (b. 1901), British author and Buddhist philosopher, 'Karma and Rebirth'

18 "The ringing challenge of the Delphic Oracle has resounded through the centuries: MAN, KNOW THYSELF!"

19 "I am conscious of Eternal Generation, that I am what never lay in the cradle and no coffin can hold, but sits behind smiling at what was brought forth..." Cyrus A. Bartol (1813-1900), Unitarian minister, 'The Rising Faith'

20 "The form ever changes, ever perishes, the informing spirit neither changes nor perishes." Mohandas K. Gandhi (1869-1948), Indian Apostle of non-violence, letter to Madeleine Salde, a British admiral's daughter

21 "Philosophically viewed, the whirling wheel and its ever motionless center can be a potent symbol of the human struggle toward insight and harmony…..Only in the still center of the imperishable Self is true perspective apparently achieved."

22 "The Stoics [ancient Greek philosophers] held man to be a microcosm who reproduces in his being the constitution of the universe." Editors

23 "Having flung aside the sword, there is nothing except the cup of love which I can offer to those who oppose me." Mohandas K. Gandhi (1869-1948), Apostle of non-violence, letter to Madeleine Salde, a British admiral's daughter

24 "Spiritual knowledge and spiritual freedom are born as one." Herbert Fingarette (b. 1921), American philosopher and psychologist, 'The Self in Transformation'

25 "The only One breathed breathless by itself. Other than It there nothing since has been." The Hymn of Prajapati in the Rig Vega

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite