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A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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A Treatise on White Magic
Alice A. Bailey

1 "World unity, brotherhood in its true sense, the growth of telepathic interplay, the elimination of the non-essentials which serve to separate the thoughts of men and bring about separateness on the physical plane, and the laying of a true emphasis upon the fundamentals of the Ageless Wisdom, the manifestation of a true understanding, the bringing about of at-one-ment with the soul, the recognition of those who belong to the group of world Saviours – this is the immediate work to be done."

2 "Love breaks down every barrier, and fuses diverse groups in union….Love gathers all to itself, and carries all on with itself, welding separated units into a unified homogeneous whole."

3 "All forms are…externalizations of the one Infinite Being."

4 "The One Existence has brought the phenomenal world into being."

5 "All that is forms part of the current of ideas emanating from the divine Thinker. All thoughts are part of a divine stream."

6 "A gradual and steady growth in group consciousness and responsibility, a submergence of the wishes of the personal self and the manifestation of a loving spirit characterise those who are oriented towards the divine whole."

7 "The Delphic injunction 'Man, know thyself' was an inspired utterance, intended to give man the clue to the mystery of deity."

8 "That the inner vision may be ours, the eye see clearly the glory of the Lord, and the voice speak only in benediction, and the hands be used only in helpfulness, may well be the prayer of each of us."

9 "The thoughts of men have ever been religious. There has never been a time when religion or the thoughts of men about God, about the infinite, and about the Life which has brought all into being has not been present."

10 "Intuitional illumination is the present goal of consciousness."

11 "Harmlessness is the expression of the life of the man who realizes himself to be everywhere."

12 "God breathes and His pulsating life emanates from the divine heart and manifests as the vital energy of all forms."

13 "Krishna…laid down in the 'Gita' the simple rules whereby depression and doubt can be overcome. They may be briefly summarised as follows: a. Know thyself to be the undying One. b. Control thy mind, for through that mind the undying One can be known. c. Learn that the form is but the veil which hides the splendour of Divinity. d. Realize that the One Life pervades all forms so that there is no death, no distress, no separation."

14 "The love of God is that free flowing, outgoing, magnetically attractive force which leads each pilgrim home to the Father's House. It is that force which stirs in the heart of humanity and finds expression through the medium of world avatars, through the mystical yearning found in every human being, through all movements that have for their objective the welfare of humanity."

15 "All grades of matter meet in man, and all the states of consciousness are possible to him. Mankind can work in all directions and lift the subhuman kingdoms into heaven and bring heaven down to earth."

16 "The heart of humanity is sound and out of the present chaos and perhaps largely because of it, there will emerge those competent to deal with the situation and adequate to the task of unification and synthesis."

17 "I dwell within a world of unity. I know all souls are one." Atlantean chant

18 "The smallest unit is an integral part of the whole."

19 "The Hindus say very beautifully that 'the Great Singer built the worlds, and the Universe is His Song."

20 "The Light Supernal, that central Life or Energy, holds hid within Itself the purpose and plan towards which all Being tends."

21 "All lines gather into One. Let the soul realize the One in Many."

22 "Through humanity, the nature of reality will be revealed; the true and the beautiful will be manifested; the divine plan will eventually work out, and that energy be transmitted to all forms in nature which will enable the inner spiritual reality to emerge."

23 "The energy of thought is for the good of all and for the furtherance of the Plan of God."

24 "In the thoughts of purity, dedication, love and service, are summed up the nature and the destiny of man."

25 "In man's achievement and spiritualization is the hope of the world. Mankind itself is the world Saviour, of which all world Saviours have been…the guarantee."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite