Many / One

A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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The Rays and The Initiations
Alice A. Bailey

1 "From synthesis to synthesis the life of God passes. First the synthesis of the atomic lives into ever more perfect forms until the three kingdoms of nature appear [mineral, vegetable, animal]; then the synthesis in consciousness, enabling the human being to enter into the larger awareness of the Whole."

2 "Freedom is an essentially spiritual attribute, underlying the entire evolutionary process; this should always be remembered as a strengthening and conditioning reality by all men everywhere. It has survived aeons of opposition from the principle of enslaving selfishness and is largely responsible, at this time, for the struggle in which we are all participating."

3 "Obedience to the Plan brings revelation of the hidden Purpose."

4 "Oneness is the major characteristic of the Universal Mind."

5 "The will-to-good is essentially the will of God."

6 "Pentecost…signifies the universal dissemination of the Christ consciousness throughout all time in the heart of every human being."

7 "The nature of the soul is relationship."

8 "We must seek to understand the sum total in the light of the part, the Macrocosm in the light of the Microcosm."

9 "Divinity is all there is."

10 "The divine creative Plan is motivated by love and intelligently carried forward."

11 "Seek those new attitudes and those new creative approaches which will result not alone in the building of the individual, but also in the fusion of the many 'radiant strands' which will produce those 'connecting cables', speaking symbolically, which will relate the planetary centres and present the medium along which can pass the fiery will and the predetermined purpose of Deity. This will bring about the reconstruction of the manifested worlds, and in this task each and every one of you can have his share."

12 "Coherency, affecting lives, forms and substances, is an expression of will and purpose, motivated by love and implemented intelligently in carrying forward the plans through which the Purpose seeks expression."

13 "The divine Mind spins the thread of connecting light and relates all beings into Itself."

14 "The circle with the point in the centre is symbolic of the perfected man. He is rounded out; he is inclusive both vertically (soul contact) and horizontally (human relationship)."

15 "Age by age the thinking capacity of man and his creative imagination have wrought out the slowly unfolding design, and will continue to do so."

16 "Life is loving synthesis in action."

17 "The nature of the One must be grasped and comprehended."

18 "Individual purpose must be identified with group purpose which is as much of the purpose of the Whole or the One Life as the little life can grasp at any given point in time and space."

19 "Bliss is associated with complete Being; it concerns the interior attitude of the Whole."

20 "The principle of freedom is a leavening energy which can permeate substance in a unique manner;….This principle of freedom is one of the attributes of Deity (like will, love and mind)."

21 "The quality of spirituality is Love."

22 "Realise practically that the souls of [humanity] are one, and learn to look beyond the immediate outer seeming to the inner spiritual consciousness."

23 "Let the OM be heard right at the center of the group, proclaiming God is All."

24 "The birth hour may be long and the form may be 'in labour' for much time, but the Christ will be born and the nature of the Christ and His consciousness will permeate and colour all human affairs."

25 "All basic and fundamental changes taking place upon the physical plane are necessarily the result of inner subjective causes, emanating from the divine consciousness."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite