Many / One

A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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The Rays and The Initiations
Alice A. Bailey

1 "Humanity is today on the verge of major awakening and joint registration of a unity not hitherto reached; the growth of the spirit of internationalism, the inclusiveness of the scientific attitude, and the spread of a universal humanitarian welfare movement are all indicative of this meeting place."

2 "The divine Mind spins the thread of connecting light and relates all beings into Itself."

3 "We are all the children of God; we are all equally divine; we are all on our way to the revelation of divinity."

4 "The history of evolution upon the Earth, from the angle of humanity, is one of progress, emphatic revolutionary decisions and climaxing crises. Without such a history we should not realise the progress made and the steady though gradual growth of sensitive response to environment, to contact and to impressions – mental and spiritual."

5 "All basic and fundamental changes taking place upon the physical plane are necessarily the result of inner subjective causes, emanating from the divine consciousness."

6 "Law, Love, Union or Synthesis – all these great energies have seeped into the human consciousness and now provide the platform upon which the new civilisation can be founded, the new approach to God be taken, and new human relations be implemented."

7 "Realise practically that the souls of [humanity] are one, and learn to look beyond the immediate outer seeming to the inner spiritual consciousness."

8 "Oneness is the major characteristic of the Universal Mind."

9 "The Laws of the universe are the modes of expression, the life impulses and the way of existence or activity of the One in Whom we live and move and have our being."

10 "Coherency, affecting lives, forms and substances, is an expression of will and purpose, motivated by love and implemented intelligently in carrying forward the plans through which the Purpose seeks expression."

11 "The circle with the point in the centre is symbolic of the perfected man. He is rounded out; he is inclusive both vertically (soul contact) and horizontally (human relationship)."

12 "Freedom is an essentially spiritual attribute, underlying the entire evolutionary process; this should always be remembered as a strengthening and conditioning reality by all men everywhere. It has survived aeons of opposition from the principle of enslaving selfishness and is largely responsible, at this time, for the struggle in which we are all participating."

13 "The unfoldment of the love nature is that which opens the door which leads to the Way of the Higher Evolution and nothing else will open it."

14 "Religion is the name given to the invocative appeal of humanity and the evocative response of the greater Life to that cry. It is, in fact, the recognition by the part of its relationship to the Whole, plus a constantly growing demand for increased awareness of that relation."

15 "Evil is after all only an impelling sense of difference, leading inevitably to separative action."

16 "We are equally and essentially…expressions of the Monad, the One."

17 "Obedience to the Plan brings revelation of the hidden Purpose."

18 "The task of the Christ…is to establish relationships."

19 "There is in the last analysis but one world and one humanity."

20 "All form a great interlocking directorate through which the will of God is working out."

21 "Let the OM be heard right at the center of the group, proclaiming God is All."

22 "The divine creative Plan is motivated by love and intelligently carried forward."

23 "Individual purpose must be identified with group purpose which is as much of the purpose of the Whole or the One Life as the little life can grasp at any given point in time and space."

24 "We must seek to understand the sum total in the light of the part, the Macrocosm in the light of the Microcosm."

25 "The goal of the initiate is identification with all forms of the divine life, so that he can know himself to be an integral part of that Whole and can tune in on all states of divine awareness, knowing for himself (and not just theoretically) they they are also his own states of awareness."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite