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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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A Treatise on Cosmic Fire
Alice A. Bailey
This is a detailed scheme of cosmology, philosophy and psychology which elucidates the relation between Spirit and Matter, demonstrating as Consciousness. It shows the coherent development of the all within the One.

1 "People should remember that through the power of their thoughts and their spoken words they definitely produce effects upon other human beings…and upon the entire animal kingdom."

2 "Radiation is transmutation in process of accomplishment."

3 "We might answer the questions: 'What is the Mind and why is it so important?' by saying that the mind aspect is in reality the ability or capacity of.. Existence to think, to act, to build, and to evolve in order to develop the faculty of active love."

4 "Millions of infinitesimal cells, each embodying a life, each in a condition of constant activity, and each repulsing other cells so as to preserve individuality or identity, yet each held to each by a central attractive force. Thus…the objective form of a crystal, a vegetable, an animal, a man, a planet, a system."

5 "All substance with which man creates, all forms which he builds, and all processes of concretion which he carries on, are created, built and carried on within the physical body of the Logos."

6 "This Law of Correspondences or of Analogy is the interpretive law of the system, and explains God to humanity."

7 "The One embraces all, and carries all from great activity into the heart of cosmic peace."

8 "Mind is the pivot of the human structure, or the centre on which the spititual and material parts of man are made to turn."

9 "The truth must ever be borne in mind that no human atom arrives at 'fullness of life' without adding much to the general nature of his own group. The elevation of a unit results in the raising of the group."

10 "It is all one vast system of transmission and of interdependence within the system. All receive in order to give, to pass (it) on….Upon every plane this process can be seen."

11 "Nature is the appearance of the physical body of the Logos, and the laws of nature are the laws governing the natural processes of that body. The Life of God, His energy, and vitality, are found in every manifested atom; His essence indwells all forms."

12 "Growth and development in one part of the body produces a corresponding advance in the whole. No one can make definite progress without his brother benefiting, - this benefiting taking the form of: the increase of the total consciousness of the group; the stimulation of units in the group; and the group magnetism producing increased healing or blending effects upon allied groups."

13 "Man is in fact a fragment of the Universal Mind, or world soul, and as a fragment is thus partaker of the instincts and quality of that soul, as it manifests through the human family."

14 "It is the Law of Love that holds all together, and that draws all upward."

15 "Humanity is evolving the inner vision and must learn to see…Humanity is innately Love, the Force which produces coherency."

16 "Soul is an aspect of every form of life from a Logos to an atom….Brotherhood is a fact in nature, not an ideal."

17 "From the standpoint of the Eternal Now, none is greater nor less than another, for the last shall be first, and the first last."

18 "Love is the right apprehension of the uses and purposes of form."

19 "The magnetic force, the life of the Logos, gathers together His body of manifestation."

20 "Naught in time and space can hinder, for every form being simply an expression of energised life, tends to serve every other form."

21 "Humanity has to bring into conscious full control, the God within."

22 "Magnetism governs the synthesis of the many aspects into a form of unity."

23 "The oneness of the tiniest unit with the one great informing Life shows the integral beauty of the scheme. The life of the greatest cosmic Lord of Love pulsates in infinitesimal degree in the heart of His tiniest reflection, and for this reason the atom man can likewise say, 'I too am God; His Life is mine."

24 "All that can be known is but forms ensouled by ideas."

25 "It is the harmony of the individual with himself and with his environing units, and his realisation of the essential oneness of all life which brings about the great expansions of consciousness and leads to individual identification with some greater whole."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite