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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Angels and Mortals, Their Co-Creative Power
Maria Parisen, compiler

1 "Freedom and love are specifically the mission of the human race." James H. Hindes, contemporary American author

2 "From the Lord's Prayer (Thy will be done) to the Taoist idea of 'wu-wei' (action through nonaction), the consensus among spiritual masters is that to come into full ownership of our being we have to abandon ourselves to divine providence." Michael Grosso, 'The Cult of the Guardian Angel'

3 "Humans are…beings who serve as a focus for the outworking of patterns of meaning as well as content. Sacred psychology calls for renewing our commitment to a science of the soul, in which imagining is primary."

4 "The all-powerful and ineffable God, who was before all ages but herself had no beginning nor will she cease to exist after the end of the ages – she it is who formed every creature in a marvelous way by her own will." Hildegard of Bingen, quoted by Matthew Fox, 'All Beings Celebrate Creation'

5 "The spiritual origin of all matter is hinted at in the theories of modern physics when the subatomic constituents of matter are described as nothing more than mathematical structures, essentially mental." James H. Hindes, contemporary American philosopher and author

6 "Do you wish to call Him Providence, rightly will you do so; for by His counsel…provision is made for this world so that it may proceed in an orderly fashion, and unfold His deeds to our view. Do you wish to call Him Nature? You will commit no sin; for He it is from whom all things are sprung and by whose spirit we breathe life. Do you wish to call Him the World? You will not be mistaken, for He…is all infused in its parts." Seneca (4? bc-65 ad), Roman philosopher

7 "Deity can be found by introspection within the human mind." Jay G. Williams, 'On Re-Imagining Angels'

8 "Man can get into intimate touch – almost at will – with the world soul once he has realized that the mind touches that which it constantly and sympathetically thinks about." C. R. F. Seymour, contemporary esotericist

9 "Religions embody wide-ranging ideas about God, angels, and saviors. But what is vital is the underlying vision of wholeness….a celebration of diversity, commitment to connectedness, and furthuring of altruism."

10 "All upon the earth lives, moves and has its being and is dependent upon this intelligence called the Earth Soul or Earth Mother." C. R. F. Seymour, 'The Old Gods'

11 "The sun makes of our planet an alchemical retort in which the ocean waters are lifted to heaven and then, their impurities distilled away, are returned to the earth in drops of rain. This continuous circular process epitomizes the natural interrelationship between heaven and earth – between the archetypal figures of the collective unconscious and man's ego reality." Sallie Nichols, Jungian author

12 "All things and events in the world are established and maintained in Being by divine influx." Roberts Avens, depth psychologist

13 "In the religious as well as psychological sense, the path of holiness is movement toward wholeness, individual and collective."

14 "I have capitalized the word 'Nature' because it is the Numen in manifestation, the expression of God's law and will." Laurence J. Bendit, 'The Incarnation of the Angels'

15 "We must not only bring the earth's life into balance again but bring the human family together."

16 "An Orphic teaching runs, 'One is the Self Begotten, and all things were derived from this same one.' The Egyptians called God 'Ua Neter', the One God." C. R. F. Seymour, contemporary esotericist

17 "One whole governs the moving and the stable, that which walks and flies, this variegated creation." Rigveda III.54.8

18 "All beings and all things are filled with the indwelling Life or Fire of God." Geoffrey Hodson, 'The Greater Gods'

19 "Somewhere in the depths of our beings there is direct and individual touch with the angel which is also ourselves, and which we can call upon in various ways." Laurence J. Bendit, 'The Incarnation of the Angels'

20 "Though religion, psychology, philosophy, science and the arts all have varied languages, they all reveal related aspects of one life."

21 "Creative spiritual impulses constantly flow like music into the world. At times harmonious, at other times dissonant, spiritual forces 'sound forth' into human lives, giving new impulses and shaping reality….This 'heavenly music' sets the world and human souls vibrating with inner movements, which are experienced as insights, soul-moods, impulses of will and inspirations." James H. Hindes, contemporary American philosopher and author

22 "Depth psychologists say that imagining may be a primary means of perception and the creative agency of the soul. Imagination brings together spirit and matter in new wholes which are expressed in art, poetry, religion and science. It is a valid means of visioning the inner life of things."

23 "We live and move and have our being in the Universal Mind." Jeanine Miller, 'The Shining Ones of the Vedas'

24 "Eternity is manifested continually by means of time to those who dwell within time." Emanuel Swedenborg

25 "Humanity possesses within itself a spark of the highest spiritual consciousness." Stephan A. Hoeller, 'Angels Holy and Unholy'

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite