Many / One
A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite
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1 | "Deity can be found by introspection within the human mind." Jay G. Williams, 'On Re-Imagining Angels' | |
2 | "The religious spirit celebrates unity in diversity and the infinite as inseparable from finite things. It mandates integrity of relationship from deep within the human psyche, ordering an unfoldment of powers which makes possible communion and cooperation." | |
3 | "The sun makes of our planet an alchemical retort in which the ocean waters are lifted to heaven and then, their impurities distilled away, are returned to the earth in drops of rain. This continuous circular process epitomizes the natural interrelationship between heaven and earth – between the archetypal figures of the collective unconscious and man's ego reality." Sallie Nichols, Jungian author | |
4 | "I have capitalized the word 'Nature' because it is the Numen in manifestation, the expression of God's law and will." Laurence J. Bendit, 'The Incarnation of the Angels' | |
5 | "Good will is the harmony of the cosmos made audible in human consciousness. It is that good will which is the true end and meaning of every human life." Jay G. Williams, Ph.D., Chair of the Dept. of Religion at Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y. | |
6 | "What encourages cooperation, togetherness, integrity, oneness is of the very essence of the life divine." Jeanine Miller, 'The Shining Ones of the Vedas' | |
7 | "Ultimately, to be sure, there is only one Monad (a term from Greek that means 'unity'). But as that Monad is reflected in evolved matter and the developed kingdoms of life, it is continually refracted, so that it seems to itself to become increasingly limited and fragmented. Thus the One apparently divides into the many." John Algeo, 'Dark Angels' | |
8 | "The imprint of the eternal is everywhere. We have only to vision a little more deeply to see it." | |
9 | "Creative spiritual impulses constantly flow like music into the world. At times harmonious, at other times dissonant, spiritual forces 'sound forth' into human lives, giving new impulses and shaping reality….This 'heavenly music' sets the world and human souls vibrating with inner movements, which are experienced as insights, soul-moods, impulses of will and inspirations." James H. Hindes, contemporary American philosopher and author | |
10 | "In the religious as well as psychological sense, the path of holiness is movement toward wholeness, individual and collective." | |
11 | "The genius of the myth-makers of history has been that they choose the forms of expression consistent with their own inner leading….Myths are the products of creative imagination, which the dictionary defines as 'the power to represent the real more fully and truly than it appears to the senses and in its ideal and universal character.'" | |
12 | "Humanity possesses within itself a spark of the highest spiritual consciousness." Stephan A. Hoeller, 'Angels Holy and Unholy' | |
13 | "We must not only bring the earth's life into balance again but bring the human family together." | |
14 | "Though religion, psychology, philosophy, science and the arts all have varied languages, they all reveal related aspects of one life." | |
15 | "Humans are…beings who serve as a focus for the outworking of patterns of meaning as well as content. Sacred psychology calls for renewing our commitment to a science of the soul, in which imagining is primary." | |
16 | "Do you wish to call Him Providence, rightly will you do so; for by His counsel…provision is made for this world so that it may proceed in an orderly fashion, and unfold His deeds to our view. Do you wish to call Him Nature? You will commit no sin; for He it is from whom all things are sprung and by whose spirit we breathe life. Do you wish to call Him the World? You will not be mistaken, for He…is all infused in its parts." Seneca (4? bc-65 ad), Roman philosopher | |
17 | "An Orphic teaching runs, 'One is the Self Begotten, and all things were derived from this same one.' The Egyptians called God 'Ua Neter', the One God." C. R. F. Seymour, contemporary esotericist | |
18 | "The Mystery schools based their training methods on the maxim, 'As above, so below.' They taught that man is a replica of the Great Cosmos." C. E. F. Seymour, 'The Old Gods' | |
19 | "Esoteric studies reveal Cosmos as a vast hierarchy of lives evolving through Law." | |
20 | "Depth psychologists say that imagining may be a primary means of perception and the creative agency of the soul. Imagination brings together spirit and matter in new wholes which are expressed in art, poetry, religion and science. It is a valid means of visioning the inner life of things." | |
21 | "Men have traversed the whole Earth, have penetrated the wilds, scaled the peaks and conquered the polar wastes. Let them now seek within the form, scale the height of their own consciousness, penetrate its depths, in search of that inner Power and Life by which alone they may become strong in will and spiritually enriched." Geoffrey Hodson, 'The Greater Gods' | |
22 | "Somewhere in the depths of our beings there is direct and individual touch with the angel which is also ourselves, and which we can call upon in various ways." Laurence J. Bendit, 'The Incarnation of the Angels' | |
23 | "Blessedness consists in unanimity and harmony, so that many, even very many, suppose themselves to be one….for from the harmony of many there exists a One from which there is blessedness and happiness." Emanuel Swedenborg | |
24 | "One whole governs the moving and the stable, that which walks and flies, this variegated creation." Rigveda III.54.8 | |
25 | "First let every soul consider that it is the World Soul which created all things, breathing into them the breath of life – into all living things which are on Earth, in the air, and in the sea, and the stars in heaven, the Sun, and the great heaven itself. The Creative World Soul sets them in their order and directs their motions." Plotinus (205-270ad), founder of Neoplatonism | |