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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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The Soul Afire, Revelations of the Mystics
H. A. Reinhold, editor

1 "All creatures have a certain good of their own, to the completeness and perfection of their nature." St. Augustine (b.354)

2 "Soul of Christ sanctify me through the riches of your inner life." Anonymous

3 “God works in the soul, so that He may bring it back to the source from which it first flowed out.” From the Book of the Poor in Spirit

4 "Thou [God] art beauty with infinite affability. Thou art grace in shape and form, the word with the way." Suso (1295-1366),

5 "I saw the One I love, with eyes that learned to see. I saw within my soul that He was waiting there." Mechtild of Magdeburg (ca. 1207-1294), German mystic

6 "Man is the hand of God." Theologia Germanica, 14th century,

7 "One must hunt down one's nature in an implacable course towards perfection, to the end that one may exhale and infuse one's whole being, open mouthed, into the mouth of God." Fr. Joseph LeClerc du Tremblay, quoted by Aldous Huxley in 'Grey Eminence'

8 "The presence, the participation of God, His being in the midst of us, His dwelling within us, are all approximate expressions of His intimacy with us…We may say that in Him is our life, our activity, our being." Don Luigi Sturzo (1871-1959), Italian social reformer

9 "Whatsoever is good shall no one take unto himself as his own, seeing that it belongs to the Eternal Goodness only." Theologia Germanica, 14th century

10 "The sacred inclination to love God above all things has remained in us, as well as the natural light by which we recognize that His Sovereign Goodness is loving over all." St. Francis deSales (1567-1622), Doctor of the Church, founder of a humanistic school of mysticism

11 “The Soul sees in the Divine light how considerately, and with what unfailing providence, God is ever leading it to its full perfection, and that He does it all through pure love.” St. Catherine of Genoa (1447-1510), sister of the Annunciation Order

12 "In One is all my peace." Angelus Silesius

13 "And we shall all become gods and intimately united with God…For the One who has become many remains the One undivided, but each part is all of Christ." Symeon the Younger (949-1022), mystic of the Eastern Church

14 "All is God's, all concerns God. All prayers are God's, all work is God's; all play is also God's – when it is time to play." Charles Peguy (1873-1914), French poet

15 "Eternal Wisdom: 'I go forth to meet those who seek Me, and I receive with affectionate joy such as desire My love. All that you can ever experience of My sweet love in time is but as a little drop to the ocean of My love in eternity." Henry Suso (1295-1366), German mystic

16 "Knowledge is a principle of love; the knowledge of the true good, insofar as it is real and full knowledge, is undoubtedly love." Don Luigi Sturzo (1871-1959), Italian social reformer

17 "The concept of blessedness is graven in our spirit and through it, we know and we say concerning ourselves, in perfect certainty that is beyond all doubt: we want to be blessed." St. Augustine (b.354)

18 "I am a peak in God, and upward must I pace upon myself, that God may show His tender face." Angelus Silesius (1624-1677), physician, priest

19 "O Love, O Love, give me so strong a voice, O Lord, that when I call you love, I may be heard from East to West, and in all parts of the world…so that you may be known and adored as the true Love." St. Maria Maddalena de'Pazzi (1566-1607), mystic, teacher

20 "Free will is the power of relishing the divine good which intellect makes known to it." Meister Eckhart (1260-1327)

21 "God in His faithfulness gives each man what is best for him….For God in His Godhood sees each thing as it is at its best." Meister Eckhart (1260-1327)

22 “St. Augustine says: ‘God is a most simple being, and yet He works in a most manifold way, being all things in each single thing, and one in all of them together.” Blesed John Tauler (1300-1361), Dominican scholar

23 "The soul has an urge to a good which is beyond its judgment." St. Augustine (b. 354)

24 "St. Augustine says, 'Well and truly loves the man who loves where he well knows he is not loved; that is the best of all loving.'" Meister Eckhart (1260-1327)

25 "God comprises all things." 'The Book of the Poor in Spirit'

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite