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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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The Soul Afire, Revelations of the Mystics
H. A. Reinhold, editor

1 "The concept of blessedness is graven in our spirit and through it, we know and we say concerning ourselves, in perfect certainty that is beyond all doubt: we want to be blessed." St. Augustine (b.354)

2 "Outwardly practised and inwardly cherished virtue produces peace of soul." Blessed John Tauler (1300-1361), German scholar, mystic

3 "Eternal Wisdom: My love is of that sort which is not diminished in unity, nor confounded in multiplicity. I am as entirely concerned and occupied with you alone, with the thought how I may at all times love you alone, and fulfill everything that appertains to you, as though I were wholly disengaged from all other things." Henry Suso (1295-1366), German mystic

4 "The presence, the participation of God, His being in the midst of us, His dwelling within us, are all approximate expressions of His intimacy with us…We may say that in Him is our life, our activity, our being." Don Luigi Sturzo (1871-1959), Italian social reformer

5 "What, then, is real virtue? Anything wrought in the soul by divine love alone." Meister Eckhart (1260-1327),

6 "Thou [God] art beauty with infinite affability. Thou art grace in shape and form, the word with the way." Suso (1295-1366),

7 "One must hunt down one's nature in an implacable course towards perfection, to the end that one may exhale and infuse one's whole being, open mouthed, into the mouth of God." Fr. Joseph LeClerc du Tremblay, quoted by Aldous Huxley in 'Grey Eminence'

8 "Where charity and love are, there is God." Roman Missal

9 “Let us love one another with a sincere heart.” Roman Missal

10 "I see Paradise has no gate, but that whosoever will may enter therein; for God is all mercy, and stands with open arms to admit us to His glory." St. Catherine of Genoa

11 "The motions which are naturally akin to the divine principle within us are the thoughts and revolutions of the universe. These each man should follow…and by learning the harmonies and revolutions of the universe, should assimilate the thinking being to the thought, renewing his original nature." Plato

12 “God works in the soul, so that He may bring it back to the source from which it first flowed out.” From the Book of the Poor in Spirit

13 "Every day and every hour God is truly and spiritually begotten in our souls by grace and love." John Tauler (1300-1361),

14 "The soul is, as it were, all God-coloured, because its essence is bathed in the Essence of God." Louis deBlois (1506-1566), French Benedictine abbot

15 "Free will is the power of relishing the divine good which intellect makes known to it." Meister Eckhart (1260-1327)

16 "Soul of Christ sanctify me through the riches of your inner life." Anonymous

17 "There was talk of a man who wanted to begin his life anew and I spoke in this way: man shall become a seeker of God in all things, and a finder of God at all times, and everywhere and among all people and in every way. And therein one can always and incessantly wax and grow and there shall be no end of waxing." Meister Eckhart (1260-1327)

18 "God exists in all things, not as a part of their essence or as one of their accidents, but He exists in them as an agent is present in that which it works upon…Hence God is in all things, and is intimately in them." St. Thomas Aquinas (1226-1274)

19 "I am a man by nature, and God by the grace of God." Symeon the Younger (949-1022), mystic of the Eastern Church

20 "Whatsoever is good shall no one take unto himself as his own, seeing that it belongs to the Eternal Goodness only." Theologia Germanica, 14th century

21 "Our created being abides in the Eternal Essence, and is one with it in its essential existence. And this eternal life and being, which we have and are in the eternal Wisdom of God, is like unto God." John Ruysbroeck (1293-1381), Netherland mystic

22 "And this is the true end set before the soul, to take that light, to see the Supreme by the Supreme and not by the light of any other principle – to see the Supreme which is also the means to the vision, for that which illumines the soul is that which it is to see, just as it is by the sun's own light that we see the sun." Plotinus (203-269ad), Alexandrian Neo-Platonist

23 "God governs all His creatures in goodness." St. Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179), Abbess, visionary

24 "Eternal Wisdom: 'I go forth to meet those who seek Me, and I receive with affectionate joy such as desire My love. All that you can ever experience of My sweet love in time is but as a little drop to the ocean of My love in eternity." Henry Suso (1295-1366), German mystic

25 "In this embrace, in the essential Unity of God, all inward spirits are one with God in the immersion of love; and are that same one which the Essence is in Itself, according to the mode of Eternal Bliss." John Ruysbroeck (1293-1381), Dutch mystic

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite