Many / One
A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite
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"In so far as we within ourselves are as we should be, we make holy all that we do, whether it be eating, or sleeping, or waking, or what it may." Meister Eckhart (1260-1327),
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"In this embrace, in the essential Unity of God, all inward spirits are one with God in the immersion of love; and are that same one which the Essence is in Itself, according to the mode of Eternal Bliss." John Ruysbroeck (1293-1381), Dutch mystic
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"It [the soul] could and should abide in God, in God alone! God above all graces, God above every cross!" Lucie Christine, French mystic, author
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“’Everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. He who does not love does not know God; for God is love.’ Thus writes St. John in his First Epistle.” Don Luigi Sturzo (1871-1959), social reformer
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"Indeed in no being is it possible to discover a nature so independent that it could exist without partaking in that one and only true being." St. Gregory of Nyssa,
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"One must hunt down one's nature in an implacable course towards perfection, to the end that one may exhale and infuse one's whole being, open mouthed, into the mouth of God." Fr. Joseph LeClerc du Tremblay, quoted by Aldous Huxley in 'Grey Eminence'
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"Eternal Wisdom: My beloved ones are encompassed by My love, and are absorbed into the One Thing alone without imaged love and without spoken words, and are taken and infused into that good out of which they flowed." Henry Suso (1295-1366), German mystic
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"This being (God) is life itself, light, wisdom, goodness, eternal blessedness and blessed eternity; and it is everywhere and always." St. Anselm of Canterbury (b. 1033), Archbishop and philosopher
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"All creatures have a certain good of their own, to the completeness and perfection of their nature." St. Augustine (b.354)
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“God works in the soul, so that He may bring it back to the source from which it first flowed out.” From the Book of the Poor in Spirit
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"The sacred inclination to love God above all things has remained in us, as well as the natural light by which we recognize that His Sovereign Goodness is loving over all." St. Francis deSales (1567-1622), Doctor of the Church, founder of a humanistic school of mysticism
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"I am a peak in God, and upward must I pace upon myself, that God may show His tender face." Angelus Silesius (1624-1677), physician, priest
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"There was talk of a man who wanted to begin his life anew and I spoke in this way: man shall become a seeker of God in all things, and a finder of God at all times, and everywhere and among all people and in every way. And therein one can always and incessantly wax and grow and there shall be no end of waxing." Meister Eckhart (1260-1327)
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"Man is the hand of God." Theologia Germanica, 14th century,
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"Whoever loves something fervently and with all his strength….he will never forget what he so loves, and in all things he will see the Image of the One, and he will see it within him more clearly as his love grows deeper and deeper." Meister Eckhart (1260-1327)
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“With the One, all diversity is unity.” Meister Eckhart (1260-1327)
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"Knowledge is a principle of love; the knowledge of the true good, insofar as it is real and full knowledge, is undoubtedly love." Don Luigi Sturzo (1871-1959), Italian social reformer
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"And in all his works and in all things, man should consciously use his reason and always have a reasonable insight into himself, into his inner being, and grasp God within all things in the highest possible sense." Meister Eckhart (1260-1327)
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"Hold for certain that what happens to you internally and externally is for the best." J. P. deCaussade (1675-1751), French priest, teacher
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“When with her pure intellect now illumined with divine light, the naked soul sees God, then she knows herself.” Meister Eckhart (1260-1327)
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"In that spiritual home where the Uncreated, the Formless, the Ineffable, keeps the soul infinitely removed from all the specific detail of created shadows and atoms, we remain calm even when our senses are the prey of the tempest." Fr. J. P. deCaussade, S.J. (1675-1751), French teacher