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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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On Being Yourself, Reflections on Spirituality and Originality
Adrian VanKaam, C.S.Sp.

1 "The more I live in light of this Presence, the more I will be able to experience my works, dreams, tensions, and worries as patterns of a meaningful whole. I must allow my origin in the Sacred to dominate my life as the ultimate meaning of all I am and do. I may then regain the lost wholeness I seek."

2 "Awareness of my Sacred Origin has the power to uplift me to a serenity which no conflict or suffering can disturb. Yet to live in this awareness does not imply selfish placidity; it does not remove me from the anguish and effort of the common life. On the contrary, I am better equipped to stand up under the pressures and conflicts of daily existence. I feel stronger and wiser because I realize that our Eternal Origin originates each one of us uniquely."

3 "Presence to the mysterious Divine Origin of my life does not mean that I escape the struggle, effort, and conflict of humanity on its way to a better world. It makes me share more courageously in this struggle."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite