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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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The Apostolic Fathers
Jack Sparks, editor
New translations of these early Christian writers: Barnabas, I & II Clement, The Didache, Hermas, Ignatius, Polycarp

1 "First of all, believe that God is one, who created and completed all things." 'The Shepherd of Hermas', anonymous Christian writing, ca. 125 AD

2 "Whatever befalls you, receive these experiences as good, knowing that nothing happens without God." 'The Letter of Barnabas', late 1st to early 2nd century

3 "The height to which love leads us is beyond description. Love unites us to God, 'love covers a multitude of sins.' (1 Pet. 4:8; cf. James 5:20), love bears all things, is patient in all thingsā€¦.love does all things in harmony." Clement, bishop of Rome (92-101ad), 'Letter to Corinth', 49:4-5

4 "The great cannot exist without the small; neither can the small exist without the great: there is a certain mutuality in the whole, and this is beneficial to it. Take, for example, our body: 'and the least members of the body are necessary and useful to the whole body.' (cf. 1 Cor. 12:21-22); but they all coalesce and are alike subordinated for the health of the body as a whole." Clement, bishop of Rome (92-101ad), 'Letter to Corinth', 37:4-5

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite