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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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God Is A Verb, Kabbalah and the Practice of Mystical Judaism
Rabbi David A. Cooper

1 "Whatever happens anywhere in the universe reverberates throughout the totality of creation. Thus our lives are affected by what is happening everywhere; moreover, whatever we do in our lives affects everything in the universe."

2 "Acts of lovingkindness, over the long run, will bring a higher level of consciousness to everyone in the world."

3 "Each time we make use of our free will by giving, we are in copartnership with the infinite Bestower. When this is accomplished with clear awareness of what we are doing, we raise the consciousness of creation."

4 "Free will at its core is…the ability to bestow light."

5 "Nothing is inconsequential. Each grain of sand holds amazing secrets. Each event contains mysterious messages. Every encounter with another being is a point of contact upon which the universe pivots. When we enter into this frame of mind, reality as we see it becomes a vast opportunity to experience the interconnectedness of all creation. From this perspective, we come to the realization that every piece is integral in the unfolding of creation, including us."

6 "The imaginative mind has marvelous access to other realms of reality. The point is not whether or not we are making things up, but instead, that if we can imagine it, some aspect of it exists – 'As above, so below.'"

7 "Each part in the universe is in dynamic relationship with every other part."

8 "You may fall to the lowest depths, heaven forbid, but no matter how low you have fallen, it is still inappropriate to give up hope. The ability to return to God surpasses everything, and so there is no room for despair. Even sins can be transformed into virtue; even your failings and shortcomings can be brought back to God."

9 "There is only one reality, and all multiplicity is imaginary. The world seems pluralistic only because our awareness has limitations."

10 "God's presence is everywhere, including one's own consciousness

11 "Everything in the universe is a vessel that 'wills' to receive the light of the infinite bestower. Each molecule, plant, animal, rock and human is a vessel; each has the 'will' to be exactly what it is."

12 "The ancient kabbalistic idea is a holistic, energetic model of the universe. It cuts across layers of reality and includes every possible dimension of creation….According to this Jewish mystical viewpoint, everything and every 'non-thing' that ever was or will be in creation is interconnected."

13 "We are the accumulation of a set of archetypes that interact with the world drama that enfolds us."

14 "The linchpin of our relationship with God is founded on the belief that human beings have creative capability to intervene in the 'normal' course of events. One word, one gesture, or even one thought can change the direction of the creative process. This being so, we are led to conclude that human beings play a cocreative role."

15 "Our entire life is a perpetual experience of resurrection, if only we were able to perceive it in this way."

16 "May we be blessed to grow together in increasing awareness, to bring a new consciousness to the world, and to experience true peace in our time."

17 "Just as we know that there was some kind of paradigm shift from animal consciousness to prehistoric human consciousness, and that human consciousness has gone through stages measured in various ways, such as social awareness, technological development, or basic intelligence…there is yet to come a major paradigm shift toward an entirely new level of awareness. In this advanced state, pain and suffering as we know it will vanish, war will end, our relationships with one another will dramatically be altered, the lion will lie with the lamb, so to speak, and life will be completely different from anything we might imagine."

18 "One's actions, particularly deeds of lovingkindness, profoundly impact upon the universe. Minor actions can have significant consequences;…everything happening to us is connected with a complex weave of variables. Moreover, angelic forces are associated with our thoughts, words and deeds."

19 "May our lives be filled with the ongoing truth in which we are saturated with love, caring, and kindness. And may we serve the world from the level of awareness."

20 "Eternal life is available to every one of us, here and now."

21 "Our acts of lovingkindness not only matter, they are the medium through which we can bring the world together in a new era of human relationship."

22 "The greater our awareness, the more our perception of multiplicity dissolves."

23 "All living souls in the world cumulatively make up part of a universal soul….the soul giving us vitality is connected to, and draws sustenance from, a universal soul."

24 "The dimension of this moment is supported in its entirety by the nature of the Divine. Thus there is a vital relationship between God and every aspect of creation. Each breath I draw is initiated, sustained, and nourished by the power of creation. Each event is permeated by the magic of the Divine Presence."

25 "We are connected via our souls to the source of creation, and we can transform the flow of creation."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite