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A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Adam, Eve, and the Serpent
Elaine Pagels
'Ms. Pagels has taken a complex and seemingly arcane subject and made it fascinating and accessible.' Wall Street Journal

1 "For Clement of Alexandria, moral freedom is our glory; that we are made in the image of God really means that we have what he calls 'autexousia', a term often trnslated as 'free will', but, more accurately, 'the power to constitute one's own being'."

2 "Human nature…participates in the wholeness and goodness of the original creation."

3 "The image is not in part of our nature, nor is the divine gift in any single person…but this power extends equally to the whole race; and a sign of this is that the mind is implanted alike in all; for all hear within themselves the divine image." Gregory of Nyssa, 'De Hominis Opificio', 16,17

4 "For nearly the first four hundred years of our era, Christians regarded freedom as the primary message of Genesis 1-3 – freedom in its many forms, including free will, freedom from demonic powers, freedom from social and sexual obligations, freedom from tyrannical government and from fate; and self-mastery as the source of such freedom."

5 "The soul directly reveals its royal and excellent quality in that it is governed and ruled autonomously by its own will." Gregory of Nyssa, De Hominis Opificio 4,1

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite