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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Beasts and Saints
Helen Waddell
Stories of animals and saints taken from the Desert Fathers and the Celtic saints. In these stories, readers are taken back to the early days of the Christian heritage and the holistic spirituality that belongs to that world

1 "There is order, certainly, but it is the order of the dance, not of the clock. Men and women are part of this order as partners in a dance, not as observers of the skillful operation of a celestial watchmaker. The creation in which we find ourselves is not like being part of a machine: rather it is like being part of a continuing process in which God himself is involved, constantly maintaining, empowering, renewing."

2 "With the end of the purely rational and dualistic understanding of the world, of Newtonian physics and its logical categories and divisions, we are now beginning to speak in the terms of inter-connectedness, of the web of creation, of the network which brings all things together into a shared unity."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite