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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Linked: the New Science of Networks
Albert-Laszlo Barabasi
How everything is connected to everything else and what it means for science, business and everyday life.

1 "Each of us is part of a large cluster, the worldwide social net, from which no one is left out. We do not know everybody on this globe, but it is guaranteed that there is a path between any two neurons in our brain, between any two companies in the world, between any two chemicals in our body. Nothing is excluded from this highly interconnected web of life."

2 "We are all connected. Our biological existence, social world, economy, and religious traditions tell a compelling story of interrelatedness. As the great Argentinean author Jorge Luis Borges put is, 'everything touches everything.'"

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite