Many / One

A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Call to the Heights, Guidance on the Pathway to Self-illumination
Geoffrey Hodson

1 "Beneath all differences there lies concealed the unalterable fact of oneness."

2 “The Bhagavad Gita or the Lord’s Song states: ‘…And whoso thus discerns Me in all, and all in Me, I never let him go; nor loosens he hold upon Me.”

3 “All worlds at all levels from densest matter to purest spirit are in perpetual communication with each other.”

4 "No one, no living being, is wholly outside the range and reach of the state of consciousness of every other….Every member of the human family is in contact with all others, so that in varying degrees each one influences every human being."

5 “Love may be regarded as potentially the greatest gift which can be either bestowed or received.”

6 "In the inmost Self, every human being is intimately related to every other…However marked the differences may be at the levels of the mortal man, inwardly the spirit in each one is the same, an essence which is equally shared. Indeed, the same actual, identical Life-Essence is incarnate or embodied in the whole of nature, nothing existing without that Presence being inherently within it as a veritable Reality."

7 “Humanity will one day become illumined by realization of oneness and moved by its expression as love for all other forms of life.”

8 "Unity with the One Life in all is the well or spring from which the waters of life are drawn, and active expression of deeply compassionate concern is the natural direction in which that water inevitably flows."

9 "The Presence, as an indwelling spiritual life, is one and the same in every human being. It is the essential attribute of humanity's whole nature and is also one and the same in every single person on earth. Full realization of the interrelationship between people will bring the dawn of the Golden Age."

10 “Gentleness, tenderness, caring deeply – these are the ways, however humble, by which the very best in a person’s life can shine forth.”

11 “The one real world is always there in its undivided wholeness.”

12 "Every experience is valuable; nothing is wasted, even if it appears so, for silently the seed is developing."

13 "Oneness is the supreme truth; its full and continuous realization the highest attainment of humanity."

14 “Oneness binds all human beings together.”

15 "Immortal and eternally continuing being, and an over-all universal identity are unthinkingly natural at all levels of awareness 'above' that of conceptual thought."

16 “No matter how different forms may appear, the Life of this universe is One Life.”

17 “A truly awakened person is one who freely gives light, life, wisdom, knowledge, encouragement, and the outstretched hand to all with whom he comes into contact….the Divine shines out in him, awakening the aspiration to enlightenment in all those who are able to perceive it.”

18 "The One is all-pervading and without division."

19 "Man's spiritual Self perpetually unfolds potential capacities, this being the purpose for his existence."

20 "Every note and chord of physical experience – sound, light, vitality, emotion, and thought – contributes to the complete harmony."

21 “All life within all forms is One Life.”

22 “Humanity is made in God’s image.”

23 "At the very heart and center of existence, pervading the whole manifestation of the divine Idea, there exists one predominant Law. This Law – insofar as it may be comprehended by humanity – decrees that the tendency to preserve harmonious equilibrium, shall always be stronger than the tendencies toward discordance."

24 “Man is a God-in-the-becoming. This, the ancient sages taught, is his destiny: ‘Ye shall be perfect even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.’ (Matt. 5:48), ‘…look inward; thou art Buddha; become that which you are.’ (H. P. Blavatsky, ‘The Voice of the Silence’).”

25 "No matter how different forms may appear, the Life of this universe is One Life."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite