Many / One

A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Call to the Heights, Guidance on the Pathway to Self-illumination
Geoffrey Hodson

1 "Recognition of world-unity must become an absolutely governing principle in all relationships, between human beings, between man and animals, and all sentient creatures."

2 “Oneness binds all human beings together.”

3 “This is the great call, this is the voice which is never still – namely a call to attain to maximum effectiveness as a member of the human race on behalf of one’s fellowmen and younger brothers of the animal kingdom.”

4 "At the very heart and center of existence, pervading the whole manifestation of the divine Idea, there exists one predominant Law. This Law – insofar as it may be comprehended by humanity – decrees that the tendency to preserve harmonious equilibrium, shall always be stronger than the tendencies toward discordance."

5 “Scriptural records as remain and are reasonably accurate reveal that the teachings given by the Sages to the mass of mankind were surprisingly few and quite similar.”

6 “Spiritual light has an interior origin and perpetually shines. It is the radiation from the purest spirit-Self.”

7 "Oneness is the supreme truth; its full and continuous realization the highest attainment of humanity."

8 “Deeply penetrative self-examination, self-discovery and self-purification are essential if the divine in oneself and in one’s fellowmen is to be evoked.”

9 "Beneath all differences there lies concealed the unalterable fact of oneness."

10 "Oneness exists and rules completely and without escape."

11 "As humanity quite naturally travels the evolutionary pathway, this state of realized oneness will become more easily attained."

12 “Love may be regarded as potentially the greatest gift which can be either bestowed or received.”

13 "God is Life, and the forms of nature are but the tabernacles in which Deity is enshrined."

14 “Gentleness, tenderness, caring deeply – these are the ways, however humble, by which the very best in a person’s life can shine forth.”

15 "The inner Self abides in pure, simple, absolute awareness, radiant with its own light, expressing itself spontaneously in a secret infinity of joy."

16 “The bond of unity intimately relates all beings.”

17 “No matter how great the disturbances, how persistent and for how long they may continue, their effects are temporary. The universally operative law causes harmonious equilibrium to be restored in the disequiliberated region.”

18 "The One Life is THAT which is everywhere without limit, ever-existing without beginning or end, and – though words inevitably fail – ever-inclusive, implying that there is nowhere and no time at whch it does not exist."

19 "Planetary disasters such as wars and personal catastrophies caused by wrong thinking may very justly be diagnosed as inability to perceive intuitively the unity of all forms of embodied life."

20 "From within, from the very most interior center of existence and consciousness, the fact of oneness evermore proves to be the overriding truth."

21 “If regarded solely by the mind, the human race exhibits a great diversity; seen by intuitive perception and implicit insight, these differences are found to be largely limited to the surface. Below the surface can be discerned an underlying bond which holds together, in unbreakable unity, all human beings – indeed, all that exists.”

22 “No matter how different forms may appear, the Life of this universe is One Life.”

23 “All worlds at all levels from densest matter to purest spirit are in perpetual communication with each other.”

24 "The whole of humanity advances, however slightly, as each single human being progresses upon the spiritual pathway."

25 “All life within all forms is One Life.”

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite