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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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The Glorious Presence
Ernest E. Wood
An explanation of the Vedanta Philosophy, including Shankara's Ode to the South-facing Form.

1 "The whole universe is in a flow of universal in-fluence in which everything is in some degree potent in everything else."

2 "There is something marvellous in the power within a seed, and when that seed is the human soul, containing the powers of will, thought and love, no one should dare to measure its possibilities by an undeveloped imagination…it is for him to be his own gardener, to understand his own destiny, and to make his circumstances assist him in its swift achievement."

3 "I see that when souls reach a certain clearness of perfection, they accept a knowledge and motive above selfishness." Ralph Waldo Emerson

4 "Everything that occurs is worthy of our most appreciative attention, since it is in some way Brahman."

5 "Being is one, though named variously."

6 "This belief that our world is one indivisible thing is held by modern scientists today, and they come very near to proving it also – at least nothing ever happens to create a doubt of its truth….the world of our experience is in some way one."

7 "Being IS unity."

8 "Every little thing can be a gateway to infinity."

9 "The Vedanta Philosophy has as its basis the belief that the universe of our experience is only one reality and it can be known."

10 "Everything depends upon everything else, and, in fact, IS everything else as well as itself."

11 "There is no complete error, no complete ignorance – ever. In the world what resists us helps us, as the ground which obstructs our feet, but is necessary in walking. There is no escape from the self."

12 "The aim is direct knowledge of the One Reality, and the process begins with the hearing of testimony, goes on to reasoning, and ends with direct vision of the truth of the statement or experience being pondered on."

13 "The One Reality can be known by exploring the I, the self – the true, not the false self."

14 "We are brothers; sons of one sweet mother."

15 "Man CAN KNOW that one reality – men have known it in the past and can do so now."

16 "We cannot get away from one ultimate enveloping cause, present in all causes and constituting their essential nature."

17 "God or the One Reality is the material cause of all things…the substance of all things is that One."

18 "From the unreal to the real is not from one thing to another, but from the complexity of duality and multiplicity to the simplicity of unity."

19 "Everything is in intimate touch with other things….with no empty space between. This is a dance in which the partners are holding each other closely."

20 "Anyone who is intent upon knowing the One Reality finds the One Reality everywhere."

21 "In that fullness of unity the whole is fully present in the part."

22 "Love is a kind of knowledge, an awareness of other lives. With it we begin to live in others, and cannot ignore the wounded bird or the lost child."

23 "Greece, Rome, Chaldea, Peru, Egypt and all live now in us. Their material triumphs have turned to dust, their old languages are dead, but the gain of character that was achieved by those ancient labors is ours now and forever."

24 "The three mental steps towards knowledge of the One Reality are: 1. Listening, 2. Reflecting, 3. Contemplating. Listening means paying attention to the statements of the Scriptures with reference to the One Reality, and also to the words of seers and sages on the subject."

25 "That the whole world is constituted of the One Reality is one of the essential principles of Vedantic thought."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite