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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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The Inner Life
Charles W. Leadbeater
This book is a Theosophical classic which intuitively describes our psycho/spiritual Nature.

1 "God is within you, and God cannot fail."

2 "Realize that you are a god in the making. All the power and force of the universe are on your side. The result is certain."

3 "All evolution came forth from the Divine, and we ourselves are sparks of the Divine flame."

4 "He [Buddha] declared that in spite of all the sorrow and misery of the world, the great scheme of which man is a part is a scheme of eternal justice, and that the law under which we are living is a good law, and needs only that we should understand it and adapt ourselves to it."

5 "If we are actively helping in the progress of all, we are living in God's will, which penetrates nature, and this is felt by nature at once."

6 "When we understand the underlying unity of all we cannot be otherwise than helpful, we cannot stand aside from our brother's sorrow."

7 "Any directive process….implies a reference to the future. The equifinality of developmental processes, the striving of the blastula to grow into an embryo, regardless of the obstacles and hazards to which it is exposed, might lead the unprejudiced observer to the conclusion that the pull of the future is as real and sometimes more important than the pressure of the past." Arthur Koestler, 'Nature', 1965

8 "The will of the Logos is man's evolution. In our blindness we may for a time resist Him, but to Him time is naught, and if we cannot see today He waits patiently till tomorrow, but always in the end His will is done."

9 "The brotherhood of man is a fact in nature."

10 "The whole force of the universe is pressing upwards towards unity, and the person who is willing to make his life an intelligent cooperation with nature gains an ever-increasing perception of the reality of this unity."

11 "Even in its very worst and lowest aspects the world is improving."

12 "What then can we do practically to help great national affairs? This at least: that when in our presence unkind or sneering remarks are made about other nations, we can make a point of always putting forward considerations on the other side, and saying something kindly."

13 "Everything around a person is calculated to assist him, if he only understands it."

14 "The will of the Logos is humanity's evolution. In our blindness we may for a time resist Him, but to Him time is naught, and if we cannot see today, He waits patiently until tomorrow, but always in the end His will is done."

15 "The best way to see truly is to begin determinedly to look always for the good in every one."

16 "Even I myself am God, so all others, too, are God, and in truth there is nothing but God."

17 "There is a consciousness wide enough to comprehend all, which never fails in its response to any earnest effort in the direction of an increased spirituality."

18 "The Will of the Logos is infinitely stronger than any human will, and not even the utmost exertion of perverse ingenuity can possibly prevail against Him."

19 "While the child Bacchus (the Logos) plays with his toys he is seized by the Titans and torn to pieces. Later these pieces are put together and built into a whole…..this, however clumsy it may seem to us, is an allegory which represents the descending of the One to become the many, and the re-union of the many in the One, through suffering and sacrifice."

20 "According to occult (esoteric) philosophy, all of nature – including humanity – is evolving according to a grand design. The ancient Greeks held the idea of teleology, a purposed end that controls the course of events….Sir Alister Hardy and L. L. Whyte, among others, suggest that internal factors in organisms, that it – life itself – plays an important part in guiding evolution. Goal-directedness and purposiveness are obvious throughout the world of life." Shirley Nicholson, introduction

21 "God is working simultaneously through every religion, and utilizing all that is good in the way of devotion and self-sacrifice in each."

22 "The Supreme Self (is) in everything and everything in It….the Self is endeavoring to express itself through the form. One method of practice for this is to try to identify your consciousness with that of various creatures, such as a fly, an ant, or a tree. Try to see and feel things as they see and feel them, until as you pass inwards all consciousness of the tree or the insect falls away, and the life of the Logos appears."

23 "The devotion of the truly unselfish person moves in an open curve, and though some of its effects inevitably react upon the sender, the noblest part of its force ascends to the Logos Itself, and the response, the magnificent response of benediction which instantly pours forth, falls into a reservoir for the helping of humanity. So it is within the power of every one of us, even the weakest and the poorest, to help the world in this most beautiful manner."

24 "What we have hitherto supposed to be our consciousness, our intellect, is simply not ours at all, but God's; not even a reflection of God's but literally and truly a part of the Divine Consciousness."

25 "The only way of casting off the fetter of doubt is by knowledge and intelligent comprehension."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite