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A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Isis Unveiled
Helena P. Blavatsky

1 "Who can study carefully the ancient religious and cosmogonic myths without perceiving that this striking similitude of conceptions, in their esoteric spirit, is the result of no mere coincidence, but manifests a concurrent design? It shows that already in those ages which are shut out from our sight by the impenetrable mist of tradition, human religious thought developed in uniform sympathy in every portion of the globe."

2 "There is but one Magnet in the universe, and from it proceeds the magnetization of everything existing."

3 "It is undeniable that the theologies of all the great nations dovetail together and show that each is a part of one stupendous whole."

4 "Every particle contains God within itself."

5 "God blesses equally every beast of the field and every living creature, and He endows them all with Life, which is a breath of His own Spirit."

6 "Nothing can be free from the divine presence." Giordano Bruno

7 “Freemasonry proclaims, as it has proclaimed from its origin, the existence of a creative principle, the great Architect of the universe.”

8 "Matter is nothing more than the.. effect of the emanative energy of the Deity."

9 "The forces of the universe are ever in perfect harmony with the one great Immutable Law."

10 "You have in yourself something similar to God, and therefore use yourself as the temple of God."

11 "One is the Spirit of the living God, blessed be His Name, who lives forever!" 'Sepher Jezireh', the kabalistic Book of Creation

12 "As the Soul of the World permeates the whole Cosmos, even beasts must have in them something divine."

13 "The soul, which is immortal, has an arithmetical, as the body has a geometrical, beginning. This beginning, as the reflection of the great universal Archaeus, is self-moving, and from the centre diffuses itself over the whole body of the microcosm."

14 "Harmony in the physical and mathematical world of sense, is justice in the spiritual one."

15 "Plato's cardinal idea was that there existed a permanent principle of unity beneath the forms, changes, and other phenomena of the universe."

16 "There never was nor ever will be a truly philosophical mind, whether of Pagan, Jew or Christian, but has followed the same path of thought. Gautama-Buddha is mirrored in the precepts of Christ; Paul and Philo Judaeus are faithful echoes of Plato, and Ammonius Saccas and Plotinus won their immortal fame by combining the teachings of all these grand masters of true philosophy. 'Prove all things; hold fast that which is good,' ought to be the motto of all brothers on earth."

17 "You have in yourself something similar to God, and therefore use yourself as the temple of God. The greatest honor which can be paid to God is to know and imitate his perfection." Sextus the Pythagorean

18 "Simple common sense precludes the possibility that the universe is the result of mere chance."

19 "There is a Supreme God who produced in his own mind a 'paradeigma' of all things."

20 "The undercurrent of this world is set toward one goal; and inside of humanity is a power almost infinite, a holy faith capable of apprehending the supremest truths of all existence."

21 "The love of truth is inherently the love of good; and so predominating over every desire of the soul, purifying it and assimilating it to the divine, thus governing every act of the individual, it raises humanity to a participation and communion with Divinity."

22 "The real selfhood is at the basis of all."

23 "The magnetism of pure love is the originator of every created thing."

24 "Every soul has some portion of 'nous', reason, a person cannot be a person without it."

25 "Space is not an empty void, but a reservoir filled with the models of all things that ever were, that are, and that will be."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite