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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Isis Unveiled
Helena P. Blavatsky

1 "The universe is the combination of a thousand elements, and yet the expression of a single spirit."

2 "As the Soul of the World permeates the whole Cosmos, even beasts must have in them something divine."

3 "The human spirit is so great a thing that no one can express it; as God is eternal and unchangeable, so also is the spirit of humanity." Paracelsus

4 "One nature delights in another, one nature overcomes another, one nature overrules another, and the whole of them are One." Synesius

5 "Every imagination of humanity comes through the heart, for this is the sun of the microcosm, and out of the microcosm proceeds the imagination into the great world….the imagination of humanity is a seed."

6 "The myth is the undisclosed thought of the soul. The characteristic trait of the myth is to convert reflection into history."

7 "You have in yourself something similar to God, and therefore use yourself as the temple of God. The greatest honor which can be paid to God is to know and imitate his perfection." Sextus the Pythagorean

8 "There is a Supreme God who produced in his own mind a 'paradeigma' of all things."

9 "It is undeniable that the theologies of all the great nations dovetail together and show that each is a part of one stupendous whole."

10 "A person's idea of God is that image of blinding light that he sees reflected in the concave mirror of his own soul."

11 "There is but one Magnet in the universe, and from it proceeds the magnetization of everything existing."

12 "The unity of God, the immortality of the spirit, belief in salvation only through our works, merit and demerit; such are the principal articles of faith of the Wisdom-religion."

13 "The forces of the universe are ever in perfect harmony with the one great Immutable Law."

14 "The will of the Creator, through which all things were made and received their first impulse, is the property of every living being."

15 "Not a nation, not a people, nor the most abject tribe, but after their own fashion has believed in an Unseen God, the First cause of unerring and immutable laws, and in the immortality of our spirit. No creed, no false philosophy, no religious exaggerations, could ever destroy that feeling. It must, therefore, be based upon an absolute truth."

16 "Everything is drawn to its like, and converges with natures congenial to itself. Out of this sympathy and antipathy arises a constant movement in the whole world, and in all its parts, and uninterrupted communion which produces universal harmony. …one thing affects another one, even at great distances, notwithstanding the intervening space."

17 "You have in yourself something similar to God, and therefore use yourself as the temple of God."

18 "The human mind has, under the necessary operation of its own laws, been compelled to entertain the same fundamental ideas, and the human heart to cherish the same feelings in all ages."

19 "The Divine mind is eternal, and it is pure light, and poured out through splendid and immense space." Codex Nazaraeus, 1. 23

20 "Harmony in the physical and mathematical world of sense, is justice in the spiritual one."

21 "He (Christ) termed himself the son of God, but took care to assert repeatedly that they were all the children of God….in preaching this, he repeated a doctrine taught ages earlier by Hermes, Plato, and other philosophers."

22 "There never was nor ever will be a truly philosophical mind, whether of Pagan, Jew or Christian, but has followed the same path of thought. Gautama-Buddha is mirrored in the precepts of Christ; Paul and Philo Judaeus are faithful echoes of Plato, and Ammonius Saccas and Plotinus won their immortal fame by combining the teachings of all these grand masters of true philosophy. 'Prove all things; hold fast that which is good,' ought to be the motto of all brothers on earth."

23 "There is a canon of interpretation, which should guide us in our examinations of every philosophical opinion: The human mind has, under the necessary operation of its own laws, been compelled to entertain the same fundamental ideas, and the human heart to cherish the same feelings in all ages."

24 "Every particle contains God within itself."

25 "Deity is the central and immortal germ of all that exists in the universe."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite