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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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My Way of Life, The Summa Simplified for Everyone
Walter Farrell and Martin J. Healy
The authors present St. Thomas Aquinas' 'Summa Theologica' in a form which everyone can understand.

1 "Echoes of our living ring down the valleys of the lives of others like the voices of distant bells, quietly, impartially, implacably reaching out to the most secluded, almost forgotten hamlets of humanity."

2 "Man's intellect and will are tendencies toward universal truth and universal good."

3 "The allure of the good is an ennobling invitation; for it is essentially a promise that we can become a part of this loved thing or make it a part of ourselves."

4 "Justice is the necessary foundation of peace and order in human society."

5 "In a very real sense, there is a kind of knowledge of God buried deep in every human being, as deep as the demand for happiness."

6 "There is but one Governor of the world, as there is but one Architect and one Creator."

7 "We are, in a very true sense, wrapped around with God, penetrated by divinity, held up every instant by divine power that saturates all of reality and exceeds it…God is everywhere in the world as the soul is everywhere in the body; where God is not, nothing is."

8 "Good is an expanding force, capable of opening up the soul to the limitless vistas of the Divine Being."

9 "Love builds on justice or it is not love at all."

10 "To look at creatures is to marvel at the perfection of detail and symmetry of organization in the executed plan of the divine architect; infinite wisdom achieving the patterns of divinity, dazzling reflections of divinity glittering before the eyes. A glance ahead, down the road along which each creature rushes so intently, shows us the fixed purpose of all nature: to get closer to God, to struggle to that individual perfection which is a better imaging of the infinite perfection, to come to the beginning and the goal of all that is."

11 "In us, as in all creatures, perfection is reached by greater and greater complexity with more and more perfect order; the enriched powers and smooth precision of cooperation give a created image of the absolute simplicity that is divine richness. Created organization is the best possible reflection of divine unity."

12 "The goodness of God keeps the wheels of the universe whirring;…We set our feet on a road because there is goodness at the end of it; we keep our hands at a task because the goodness at the end of it makes all the labor well worthwhile; our minds probe into every corner of the universe because our hearts are hungry for the goodness to be discovered in the universe and its Maker."

13 "Eternity is a cloak wrapped about and enclosing yesterday, today and tomorrow in one moment that never ends."

14 "The great truths that must flood the mind of humanity with light are the limitless perfection of God and the perfectibility of humanity."

15 "Every detail of all the universe, every moment of every life, every hair of every head are all orderly parts arranged from eternity in the mind of God….All creation is God's work, a work intelligently done, and so planned, seen ahead of time."

16 "It would be more accurate to say that God contains us rather than that we have God within us."

17 "The world is built on truth and filled with goodness."

18 "Just as an apple tree works to produce fruit, so man works to produce good acts."

19 "We can see in the darkness if we will look through the eyes of God."

20 "Every least perfection in the lowest of creatures tells us something of God, for the perfections of all the universe are in God from whom they came."

21 "The world moves on, and everything in it, from sunrise to sunset, from new moon to full moon, from century to century, as if it had intelligence; as an arrow flies to its mark as though it had eyes. The arrow is in fact directed by eyes, but by the eyes and hands of the archer; the world too is directed by an intelligence, by the intelligence of God."

22 "We do indeed become the thing we love."

23 "Faith is a habit which perfects humanity's reason or intellect."

24 "In actual fact, the justice of God is the truth of God at work. It is the divine Architect's measuring mind tracing in creative lines the pattern of all that is….This divine mortising of the universe into a whole with order is the creative justice of God."

25 "The divine will must be seen first in its primary and eternal activity – as a roaring flame warming all the halls of eternity with the fervor of its love. We must see, in other words, something of the sublime attractiveness of the divine will before we can begin to see rightly its mysterious working with our own will, and with the world."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite