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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Lamps of Western Mysticism
Arthur Edward Waite

1 "The end of Western Mysticism was the return of the many into the One."

2 "Every urge of our activity is a mode of love and every dedication has love as the root thereof."

3 "God [is] All in all for all that lives and has its being in Him."

4 "We are dwelling already in that love which is wedded to its source in God."

5 "Our human nature is a temple of the Divine Presence."

6 "The secret law which underlies manifested being is that of the Presence of God."

7 "Begin where one may in the universe, all roads lead ultimately to God."

8 "Everything that exists is the outward sign of an inward intent of God."

9 "There is much to be gained by the study of mystic symbolism, in which we find everywhere a disguised humanity. It is a catholic [universal] illustration of the truth that there is but one vase and one matter."

10 "That One is the beginning and end of all."

11 "The science of the soul is a science of active love."

12 "The first realisable truth concerning the soul of man is the native nobility of that which can dream of union with God, can also attain it,…and by the experience of such attainment discovers that in the soul itself…is God realised and known in the sacred nature of things."

13 "Under all outward illusion, and beneath all external phenomena, the Absolute is to be found within."

14 "Let us think…of the oneness to which all our nature testifies."

15 "The sign of life is in the symbolism; the life itself is in the grace behind the symbolism."

16 "The love of goodness is the first experience of the natural man, and all spiritual advancement is an extension of the soul's journey through its great distance."

17 "The grace behind Nature is Divine Immanence, and we know that it flows in through all channels; it stands at the door and knocks; it is with us all days."

18 "Goodness communicates its lights to men and remakes them to the likeness of His Sovereign Perfection."

19 "The Divine in man is not in separation from the Divine in the cosmos…it is one with one."

20 "Knowledge is an inward state of our own essential being."

21 "We are parts of a whole, and the whole must draw us as soon as we open our doors: this is grace working upon and within us."

22 "God must be the Father of the soul before the soul can become, in a profound symbolical and mystical sense, the Mother of God."

23 "God is in the soul and the soul in God…a mutual and inseparable indwelling, ever renewed in love."

24 "'It is love which makes the world go round', says an old, familiar adage…the truth of all is behind it."

25 "The years of spiritual life on earth are as certain moons following conception, during which the form of divine desire is developed within us; and in due season we shall issue forth to see with our own eyes that which all things now foreshadow, all faiths make evident."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite