Many / One

A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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The Alternative Gospel
John Baldock
Written for readers of all religious persuasions, this new interpretation of the gospel story shows how the events described by the gospel writers - from the virgin birth of Jesus to his ascension - offer us expansive images of a cosmic process.

1 "We are a means of expression for the eternal and infinite I AM, the Spirit; the dynamic flow of energy, the all-encompassing motivating force that Is the One Reality."

2 "The life of a moment and the life of thousands of years, your life and the lives of all creatures seen and unseen, is one." Leo Tolstoy, 'Esarhaddon, King of Assyria'

3 "The One manifests as the Many while never ceasing to be the One."

4 "A sign of the continuing evolution of human consciousness is the re-emergence of our synthesizing mind from the shadows and our growing awareness of 'wholes' – not only in our increasing realization of the underlying interconnectedness of all things, but even in the endeavours of our conscious, analytical mind to find the ultimate Theory of Everything."

5 "What we are looking for lies within us. Or, as spiritual tradition tells us: 'What you are looking for is what is looking.'"

6 "We cannot separate ourselves from the creative power of the Spirit. Whatever we do, wherever we go, the Spirit is there within us."

7 "Interconnectedness permeates all things visible and invisible, the Many Are the One."

8 "The self (the individual human being) is an aspect of a greater Self (the Spirit or universal I AM)."

9 "Collective or perennial wisdom is the foundation stone of all religious and spiritual traditions, through which it expresses itself in the form of universal truths."

10 "Once we begin to understand the workings of mythical language – the language of the collective wisdom – we can begin to use that same understanding to connect with the deeper significance and purpose that lie beneath the apparently mundane events of our everyday lives."

11 "According to the principle of 'ask and you will receive', spiritual food is freely available to us all from within ourselves."

12 "Wherever you turn, by certain traces which wisdom has impressed on her works, she speaks to you, and recalls you within, gliding back into interior things by the very forms of exterior things." St. Augustine, De lib. Arb II, 41

13 "While each of us is a unique human being, we are all equal in essence."

14 "The Will of God seeks to accomplish itself through our human will as the self-expression of our essence."

15 "Unconditional love is nondualistic. Like the Spirit from which it emanates, it is all-embracing, open-hearted and freely given."

16 "The Divine Will, Wisdom, the Spirit, the Word or Logos, or whatever else we like to call it, permeates the cosmos, giving it both form and life."

17 "Home is the One Reality, the Ultimate Mystery, God, the One, the All, the Absolute – or whatever else we like to call it – which can perhaps best be described as a non-dualistic, Self-revealing, Self-knowing state of being."

18 "Interconnectedness permeates all things visible and invisible, and binds the Many inseparably to the One."

19 "In the One Reality there is only One Healer, One Teacher, to whom we all have free and instant access."

20 "All is One."

21 "What each of us learns individually contributes to the learning process of humankind as a whole."

22 "Direct experience of the One Reality is itself the One Teacher."

23 "It is the belief that we somehow have to 'get' to God which is itself the primary cause of our dualistic sense of separation from him."

24 "The I AM, the One, is the 'Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.'"

25 "Collective wisdom goes straight down into our innermost parts – to our heart, or soul – from where, through 'hearing' the words with our inner ears, we may receive valuable insights into the nature of human being."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite