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A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Divine Light and Fire, Experiencing Esoteric Christianity
Peter Roche deCoppens

1 “The spirit of man, itself essentially divine, is capable of immediate communion with God, the One Reality.” Evelyn Underhill, ‘Practical Mysticism’

2 “God is Love; in all the love that exists in the world, in all that we love, he is there as that love. And in this love, which began and binds and redeems the world, he is with us, working his plan with us, never abandoning us.”

3 “Human consciousness and the human mind, heart, and will are not static and fixed but alive, dynamic, unfolding.”

4 "In the heart and roots of each religion, one can find God, the Source and Essence of all, acting by various means but with the same fundamental purpose – to bring about the incarnation, evolution, actualization, and redemption of human beings in this earthly life."

5 “True saints, seers, and sages have existed and do exist in ALL religions.”

6 "The language of imagery and analogy is the language of the Deep Mind and of the sages."

7 “The God who has hung our solar system in space, and has poured His life into it that we and His other creatures might come into being, superintends the progress of that tremendous Experiment with benevolent, paternal interest.” Charles W. Leadbeater, 'Science of the Sacraments'

8 “It is important to remember that when someone truly works on self-actualization and personal growth, he or she also works for the world (as one becomes more conscious, knowledgeable, loving, capable, responsible), just as one who truly works for the world is working on his own development and perfection (since every objective action in the world has a subjective reaction in the psyche and on the person). Hence, the two are really two sides of the same coin.”

9 "Prayer, the basic exercise of the spirit, must be actively practiced by men and nations. For if the power of prayer is again released and used in the lives of common men and women, if the spirit declares its aims clearly and boldly, there is yet hope that our prayers for a better world will be answered." Alexis Carrell, Nobel Laureate, 'Homme c'est Inconnu'

10 "Symbols, images, and archetypes are indeed, and function as, a bridge or connection between the known and the unknown, the conscious and the Deep Mind, actuality and potentiality. They are elements in a progressive developmental path or curriculum by which the many can become one, by which the profane can be linked with the sacred, and by which the supreme synthesis of finding Union with God can be realized – the true purpose and destiny of all human beings on earth."

11 “Of all knowledge open to a human being, self-knowledge is both the most important and the indispensable prerequisite for any other kind of systematic knowledge.”

12 “All the world religions, if properly understood, loved, and lived lead to the same ‘inner Temple’, to the One God and God-Experience.”

13 “All the great religions do come from the same Source for the purpose of helping evolving humanity on its path of self-actualization.”

14 “It is within the power of every one of us, even the weakest, poorest, and least educated, to contribute to the welfare of the world.”

15 "The Temple in which we now find ourselves, the physical Temple and the Temple 'not made with hands, eternal in the Heavens', the psyche, is sacred ground, the place where one stands in the living presence of God."

16 "Symbols are units, instruments, and media designed to convey and elicit thoughts, feelings, and intuitions, the core of the symbol being its ability to activate and focus the intuition."

17 “This is the time of history when the Great Synthesis can come about….What is most urgently needed are the teachings of the Spiritual Tradition, backed up by personal observation and experience.”

18 “It is clearly the Will of God that human beings evolve, actualize their potentialities, and learn to see and understand Him better and to comprehend His plan better, that they might have the opportunity and privilege to cooperate in this wondrous scheme of Creation.”

19 “Self-knowledge, a knowledge of human nature and of human consciousness, and a spiritual science of man and of human consciousness are essential and, indeed inevitable.”

20 “The Grace of God, the Divine Light, and Spiritual Energies, are poured incessantly upon the world, in many ways and at many levels.”

21 "Living synthesis is found and expressed in the images, symbols, myths and allegories of all the world religions."

22 "The essence of Life is Love – of the Creator and Supreme Intelligence, and of our fellow humans – which leads to the awakening of spiritual consciousness. The heart of the Art of Living revolves around someone to love, something to do which one truly enjoys, and hope in a better future."

23 "Archetypes use the analogical-allegorical method rather than the descriptive-analytical one. This means that they are multidimensional, having not one set of meanings, preestablished and socially standardized, but many sets of meanings and correspondences….they are not static and closed but rather dynamic and open, with ever-new emergent levels that come to the foreground as new layers and states of consciousness are activated; they are based on the principle of correspondence and homology, derived from the classical assumption that all things in the universe are interrelated and that the microcosm (human nature) is a reflection of the macrocosm (the world."

24 "Each one of the great living religions..has one central and overriding purpose: to bring about a conscious communion and then living union, both internal and external, with God, the Ultimate Reality."

25 "Symbols, images, and archetypes…are the key regulators and main 'switches' of human consciousness and of one's inner life. It is through them that all alterations, focusing, and expansion of human consciousness take place, for they are the regulators, accumulators, and transformers of human consciousness. They enable a person to connect himself (and his field of consciousness) temporarily and to identify with something greater and larger than he is and, thus, slowly to transcend himself and actualize his latent energies, faculties, and potentialitites."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite