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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Shamanism, Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy
Mircea Eliade

1 "No religion is completely 'new', no religious message completely abolishes the past. Rather, there is a recasting, a renewal, a revalorization, an integration of the elements – the most essential elements! – of an immemorial religious tradition."

2 "Any cultural moment whatever can provide the fullest revelation of the sacred to which the human condition is capable of acceding."

3 "In the humblest hierophany there is an eternal new beginning, an eternal return to an atemporal moment."

4 "Everywhere in the cosmos archaic man recognizes a source of the sacred, that any fragment of the cosmos can give rise to a hierophany."

5 "The sacred does not cease to manifest itself, and with each new manifestation it resumes its original tendency to reveal itself wholly….at every moment a fuller revelation of the sacred remains possible."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite