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A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Basic Theosophy
Geoffrey Hodson

1 "Man is a God-in-the-becoming. This, the ancient Sages taught, is the destiny of man: fully to make manifest his inherent powers."

2 "In happiness and suffering, in joy and in grief, we should regard all creatures as we regard our own self, and should therefore refrain from inflicting upon others such injury as would appear undesirable to us if inflicted upon ourselves." Yogashastra, 2:20 (Jain scripture)

3 "There is in existence in the whole Universe only one Spiritual Essence, one Spiritual Being, one Divine Flame – and the Spiritual Self of man is forever at one with that all-inclusive One Alone. This is the one great truth."

4 "Man in his spiritual nature is a divine, immortal, imperishable being."

5 "The growth and the splendour of the immortal soul of man are without limit."

6 "We live in God. That's what we breathe."

7 "Regard your neighbor's gain as your own gain: and regard your neighbor's loss as your own loss." T'ai Shang Kan Ying P'ien (Taoist)

8 "Spiritual awakening in mankind is as natural as is the appearance of bud and flower in the plant."

9 "That One Alone becomes manifest…as all the exuberant variety and richness of individuality everywhere apparent throughout Nature."

10 "If with the ears of the Spirit the Song of Life could be heard, what would be its theme? The answer, in a phrase, is: 'Life is One'. There exists but One Life, One Light, One Power, One Love, and that is the central spiritual truth, in realization of which the Inner Self perpetually abides."

11 "Think your way towards the principle of Oneness as far as you possibly can."

12 "Try to see this world and the personalities of men as vehicles for the Divine Presence and the Divine Life, remembering also: All are but parts of one stupendous whole."

13 "A gardener or farmer plants his seeds underground and, in due course, the new plants appear and complete their cycle of growth, which is generally consummated in the production of more seeds. The One Life, the One Law and the One Energy, to which the name 'God' has been given, would seem similarly to provide for the innermost selves of humanity the conditions necessary for the germination and development of their limitless, but at first seed-like deific powers. These conditions have some analogy with those provided for the seed of a plant when it is planted in the soil."

14 "Always be kinder than the situation demands. Earth's greatest Teachers and Sages have taught this."

15 "Man is indeed a mystery, since he contains germinally within himself all his Creator's manifested attributes and powers and, in addition, those which will continue to become manifest throughout unending ages."

16 "All work is, indeed, performed as part of the One Work and on behalf of the One Worker."

17 "The pain of bereavement and the fear of death say to us: 'Seek the inner consciousness and seek it ardently. For when found it will banish both fear of death and pain of bereavement.' In our inner selves and in our hearts, if we will let them speak, we know these things."

18 "In the state of consciousness in which the Spiritual Self abides, separation is impossible, parting in unknown."

19 "Ultimate and complete success is assured by virtue of the presence of an infinite, divine power, ceaselessly at work within the Soul of every man."

20 "In reality all are united and vitalised by the omnipresent divine Life."

21 "Perfection is the assured goal of every human being."

22 "The purpose and goal of human life is the evolution of the human Soul to the stature of the Perfect Man – a state of complete fulfilment and highest development."

23 "The Lord Buddha said: 'To those who revile me, I will give the protection of my most ungrudging love. And the greater their hostility, the greater shall be the measure of my love.'"

24 "All experience is valuable; nothing is wasted, even if it appears so, for silently the seed is developing. Thus, life is educative in the truest sense."

25 "Universal love is the password to the realms of light."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite