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A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Basic Theosophy
Geoffrey Hodson

1 "All beings are synthesized to constitute one great Intelligence."

2 "There is nowhere in which to be lost. God is omnipresent."

3 "The growth and the splendour of the immortal soul of man are without limit."

4 "Send out affection to all – flooding every living creature with the power of love."

5 "The One Life has been described as a conscious, hypersensitive, electric, creative energy. All effects, pleasurable or painful, produced upon one living creature are communicated by this electric, telegraphic Life-force, elan vital, throughout the whole of manifested life."

6 "Behind all existence is one Supreme Power, one Energy, one Force, one Law, and, because of this characteristic of oneness, all the components of that One are united in the One Alone."

7 "In happiness and suffering, in joy and in grief, we should regard all creatures as we regard our own self, and should therefore refrain from inflicting upon others such injury as would appear undesirable to us if inflicted upon ourselves." Yogashastra, 2:20 (Jain scripture)

8 "God and man are one and indivisible throughout all eternity. This is the one supreme truth taught in all Mystery Schools and in all religions."

9 "The Lord Buddha said: 'To those who revile me, I will give the protection of my most ungrudging love. And the greater their hostility, the greater shall be the measure of my love.'"

10 "Neither individuals nor nations are paralysed by their past actions. Everything is not irretrievably fated, however good or bad the past. Man can master circumstances and make of each experience an opportunity for a fresh beginning, however heavily the past may weigh upon him."

11 "Wise was the injunction of the Mystery Schools of old, 'Man know thyself'; for when man truly knows himself, he knows all."

12 "The person who successfully probes his own inner nature and existence back to its Centre and Core, finds one single source of all men, all beings, all existence. Unity then emerges as the supreme verity, the everlasting truth."

13 "Man is a God-in-the-becoming. This, the ancient Sages taught, is the destiny of man: fully to make manifest his inherent powers."

14 "We live in God. That's what we breathe."

15 "Universal love is the password to the realms of light."

16 "The one Universal Law guides unerringly." H. P. Blavatsky, 'TheTheosophical Glossary'

17 "Every experience has its value in terms of a drawing out, an increase, of innate power, wisdom and knowledge."

18 "We are all one…..There are no 'others'."

19 "In very truth, recognition and ratification in conduct of the fact of the oneness of all life is the panacea."

20 "Realisation of the unity of life solves problems of human relations, personal, national and international. All are one, and realisation of this fact by a sufficient number of people will bring world peace."

21 "The pain of bereavement and the fear of death say to us: 'Seek the inner consciousness and seek it ardently. For when found it will banish both fear of death and pain of bereavement.' In our inner selves and in our hearts, if we will let them speak, we know these things."

22 "All are one. Minerals, plants, animals, men, supermen, angels, archangels, worlds, suns, stars and galaxies – all are one, inseparably united……This is the sublime truth, the Master fact – all are one."

23 "Oneness is the supreme truth."

24 "The health and the happiness of all sentient beings depend upon their mutual, humane relationship. We are all dependent upon one another for our well-being, progress, fulfilment."

25 "Even a partial realisation of the unity of life blends a person mentally and spiritually with his fellowmen and with Nature. At the same time, it endows him with power which he can use in character-correction and character-building."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite