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A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Basic Theosophy
Geoffrey Hodson

1 "The whole Universe with all its parts…is interlocked, interwoven, to make a single whole, one body, one organism, one life, one consciousness, cyclicly evolving under one law."

2 "Neither individuals nor nations are paralysed by their past actions. Everything is not irretrievably fated, however good or bad the past. Man can master circumstances and make of each experience an opportunity for a fresh beginning, however heavily the past may weigh upon him."

3 "Nation with nation, land with land, unarmed shall live as comrades free; in every heart and brain shall throb the pulse of one fraternity." John Addington Symonds (1840-1893),

4 "As a captain must know both his ship and his charted course, so man must know himself and his pathway in life."

5 "The one Universal Law guides unerringly." H. P. Blavatsky, 'TheTheosophical Glossary'

6 "The creative agent referred to by various names in the world's cosmogonies is the active expression of that eternal, incomprehensible One Alone."

7 "Spiritually man is one with God and the goal of life in terms of consciousness is fully to know, deeply to realise, and so physically to live in recollection of this truth."

8 "All the 'organs' or parts of this Macrocosm, though apparently separated in space and plane of manifestation, are in fact harmoniously interrelated and interacting."

9 "Regard your neighbor's gain as your own gain: and regard your neighbor's loss as your own loss." T'ai Shang Kan Ying P'ien (Taoist)

10 "In the state of consciousness in which the Spiritual Self abides, separation is impossible, parting in unknown."

11 "All is interwoven, interlocked, and this interweaving is based upon a universal system of vibrational correspondences or mutual resonances."

12 "The Adept-to-be is in us now. 'Ye are Gods.' (John X:34). 'Christ in you.' (Col. I:27). 'Look within: thou ART Buddha'."

13 "Actions motived by love, service and unselfishness produce a growing freedom of self-expression."

14 "How may the self be discovered? All teachers give the same answer: By meditation and contemplation; by self-purification; and by action in service of the Divine in all beings."

15 "All things are located everywhere. Everything is all, and all is each thing; infinite splendour is radiated around. Everything is great, for even the small is great." Plotinus

16 "The evolution to ever greater heights is the ultimate destiny of man, 'the one far-off divine event, to which the whole creation moves' (Tennyson, 'In Memoriam')."

17 "Even a partial realisation of the unity of life blends a person mentally and spiritually with his fellowmen and with Nature. At the same time, it endows him with power which he can use in character-correction and character-building."

18 "That One Alone becomes manifest…as all the exuberant variety and richness of individuality everywhere apparent throughout Nature."

19 "Each individual Soul is unified with the World-Soul, the all-pervading divine consciousness."

20 "This divine impulse, striving ever after fuller manifestation of life, is seen everywhere in nature, and has often been spoken of as the Will-to-live. It appears in the seed, which pushes its growing point towards the light, in the bud bursting its prison and expanding in the sunshine. It is the creative genius in the painter, the sculptor, the poet, the musician, the craftsman."

21 "The deity-to-be is already present embryonically within every human being."

22 "In reality all are united and vitalised by the omnipresent divine Life."

23 "What part should man play in the scheme of things? Selfless collaboration with the evolutionary plan."

24 "The principle of unfoldment under the irresistible pressure of a propellant energy operates from within the innermost essence of the Universe, and the spiritual seeds of all beings."

25 "One Life nourishes, sustains and unites all parts and all beings."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite