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A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Spiritual Literacy, Reading the Sacred in Everyday Life
Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat

1 "All the inhabitants of the world – the trees, flowers, fields, streams, hills, rocks, dolphins, bears, birds, and babies – are our relations, as Native Americans express it."

2 "I am called to seek wholeness inside of myself. Healing begins here, in myself. Wholeness and unity begin inside of myself. If I am growing toward wholeness, then I'll be an agent of wholeness. If our community is an agent of wholeness, then it will be a source of life for the world around it." Jean Vanier, 'From Brokenness to Community'

3 "It feels as if everyone who acts compassionately, works to raise consciousness, to save the planet, to make a difference in some significant way is linked to everyone else who also does." Jean Shinoda Bolen, 'Crossing to Avalon'

4 "One day when I was sitting quiet and feeling like a motherless child, which I was, it came to me: that feeling of being part of everything, not separate at all….I knew that if I cut a tree, my arm would bleed." Alice Walker, 'The Color Purple'

5 "It is very significant indeed that physics now sees the whole universe as a web of dynamic interrelationships. When we come to the human person, our lives are also a network of interrelationships." Bede Griffiths

6 "I have often felt myself to be a point of light, connected to everyone I have ever loved or mattered to, each also being a point of light, in turn connected to those they love, so that somehow we are all part of a vast web of twinkling lights." Jean Shinoda Bolen, 'Crossing to Avalon'

7 "In each of us is a seed of understanding. That seed is God." Thich Nhat Hanh, Buddhist author and activist

8 "If you love it enough, anything will talk with you." George Washington Carver, American who discovered over 200 uses for the peanut plant

9 "Let Spirit flow through you in little acts of kindness, brief words of encouragement, and manifold expressions of courtesy. These deeds will add to the planet's fund of good will."

10 "All things are interconnected. What happens in one place affects all places."

11 "Even the common articles made for daily use become endowed with beauty when they are loved."

12 "In every moment of genuine love, we are dwelling in God and God in us." Paul Tillich, contemporary Protestant theologian

13 "Anything can become a disclosure of grace. We experience intimations of the divine in a lover's embrace, a rainbow, a baby's smile, a bird's flight overhead, a friend's forgiveness, a dolphin's leap, or the selfless service of a volunteer."

14 "The universe is a great system of vibrations we draw to us by our feelings: fear draws fear, love draws love." Lynne Sharon Schwartz, novelist, 'Fatigue Artist'

15 "Your encounters with others reveal your connection with the Oneness."

16 "If I deny the oneness of man, I deny the oneness of God. Therefore I affirm both. Without a belief in human unity, I am hungry and incomplete." Norman Cousins, American editor

17 "If you wish to know the Divine, feel the wind on your face and the warm sun on your hand." Buddha

18 "Practice reverence for life. The sacred is in, with, and under all things of the world. Respond with appropriate respect and awe."

19 "The real world…is not a world of isolate things, but of processes in concert." William Bryant Logan, 'Dirt'

20 "Everything in life is speaking, is audible, is communicating, in spite of apparent silence." Hazrat Inayat Khan, Sufi teacher, musician and poet

21 "Every happening great and small is a parable whereby God speaks to us." Malcolm Muggeridge, Christian journalist

22 "When I touch the flower, I touch my consciousness, your consciousness, and the great planet Earth at the same time….If you really touch one flower deeply, you touch the whole cosmos….When you touch one, you touch many, when you touch many, you touch one….Look more deeply, and you will see yourself as penetrating everywhere, interbeing with everyone and everything." Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Buddhist monk, 'Cultivating the Mind of Love'

23 "Take good care of the best that is within you. Self-exploration and personal growth continue throughout our lifetimes and equip us to tend to the needs of others."

24 "The moving finger of God in human history points ever in the same direction. There must be community." Howard Thurman

25 "Accept that you are a child of God. Sing your own song with gusto. Fulfill your mission as a copartner with the Holy One in the unfolding drama of the universe."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite