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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Spiritual Literacy, Reading the Sacred in Everyday Life
Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat

1 "To pray is to take notice of the wonder, to regain a sense of the mystery that animates all beings, the divine margin in all our attainments." Abraham Joshua Heschel, Jewish theologian

2 "If you love it enough, anything will talk with you." George Washington Carver, American who discovered over 200 uses for the peanut plant

3 "The world's sacred poetry, ritual, prayer, and art are filled with images of incarnated divinity, or the eternity that lies in the temporal, or the transpersonal that animates our personal lives." Thomas Moore, introduction

4 "If I deny the oneness of man, I deny the oneness of God. Therefore I affirm both. Without a belief in human unity, I am hungry and incomplete." Norman Cousins, American editor

5 "We are here to awaken from the illusion of separateness." Thich Nhat Hanh, Buddhist poet

6 "The world is alive and moving toward you with rare epiphanies and wonderful surprises. Remember you are standing on holy ground."

7 "We all have, without exception, a very deep longing to give – to give to the earth, to give to others, to give to the society, to work, to love, to care for this earth. That's true for every human being." Jack Kornfield, 'Roots of Buddhist Psychology'

8 "We are vessels containing the Holy One."

9 "Seen from space, Earth has no national borders, no military zones, no visible fences. Quite the opposite. You can see how storm systems swirling above a continent may well affect the grain yield half a world away. The entire atmosphere of the planet – all the air we breathe, all the sky we fly through, even the ozone layer – is visible as the thinnest rind. The picture eloquently reminds one that Earth is a single organism." Diane Ackerman, 'The Rarest of the Rare'

10 "Our lives extend beyond our skins, in radical interdependence with the rest of the world." Joanna Macy

11 "All things are interconnected. What happens in one place affects all places."

12 "Who is our neighbor? The Samaritan? The outcast? The enemy? Yes, yes, of course. But it is also the whale, the dolphin and the rainforest. Our neighbor is the entire community of life, the entire universe. We must love it all as our self." Brian Patrick, author

13 "In a real sense all life is interrelated. All people are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny." Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

14 "If you wish to know the Divine, feel the wind on your face and the warm sun on your hand." Buddha

15 "Treat everyone you meet just like you would if you just had your breath taken away by the most beautiful person in the world. Treat each situation in the day as though you were head-over-heels in love." Scout Cloud Lee, Native American elder

16 "Love is the pattern that stitches the universe together."

17 "The interrelationship of all of Creation is sensitive in a way we are just beginning to understand." Madeleine L'Engle, 'A Stone for a Pillow'

18 "It is very significant indeed that physics now sees the whole universe as a web of dynamic interrelationships. When we come to the human person, our lives are also a network of interrelationships." Bede Griffiths

19 "Everything that happens to us and everything we encounter contribute to our journey toward wholeness."

20 "Every happening great and small is a parable whereby God speaks to us." Malcolm Muggeridge, Christian journalist

21 "Accept that you are a child of God. Sing your own song with gusto. Fulfill your mission as a copartner with the Holy One in the unfolding drama of the universe."

22 "Anything can become a disclosure of grace. We experience intimations of the divine in a lover's embrace, a rainbow, a baby's smile, a bird's flight overhead, a friend's forgiveness, a dolphin's leap, or the selfless service of a volunteer."

23 "To pray is to move to the center of all life and all love. The closer I come to the hub of life, the closer I come to all that receives its strength and energy from there….What does the hub represent? I think of it as my own heart, the heart of God, and the heart of the world. When I pray, I enter into the depth of my own heart and find there the heart of God, who speaks to me of love. And I recognize, right there, the place where all of my sisters and brothers are in communion with one another." Henri J. M. Nouwen, Catholic author, 'Here and Now'

24 "I believe in the essential unity of all people and for that matter, of all that lives. Therefore, I believe that if one person gains spiritually, the whole world gains, and if one person falls, the whole world falls to that extent." Mahatma Gandhi

25 "Take good care of the best that is within you. Self-exploration and personal growth continue throughout our lifetimes and equip us to tend to the needs of others."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite