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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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David Leeming
This book suggests the degree to which myth pervades all aspects of life, subconsciously as well as consciously.

1 "A voyage through world mythology transcends individuals, religions, tribes, nations, and even cultures. Ethnic mythologies are fascinating for what they show us about particular people at a particular time, but to find an answer to the question 'What does mythology have to do with me?" we must turn to a cross-cultural approach. Only by means of such an approach – only by releasing ourselves from the confines of chronology and history – will we find the meaning behind the gods who die and come back to life, the gods who contain in themselves infinite love and infinite power, and the heroes who are born of virgins and who descend to the underworld only to return stronger than before."

2 "The message of Western mythology is that the quest is agonizing but that the goal, eternal life….is well worth the effort."

3 "The words and images of mythology express man's sense of what he is in relation to the cosmos. As man's life has changed over the centuries so have the external forms of his myths – but the inner structure of those myths has remained essentially the same."

4 "Myths transcend history and culture to reveal common human emotions and the collective dreams of the human race."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite