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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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New Thoughts for a New Millennium
Michael A. Maday, editor

1 "Remember that every effort you make in the direction of wholeness and the common good contributes to shifting the overall consciousness of our world." Dr. Barbara L. King, 'Will: The Foundation Faculty of the New Global Order'

2 "The Force that created us knows what it is doing. Behind the apparent entanglements and difficulties of our life there is a cosmic conspiracy unfolding. It's always there – behind our clouded judgments and discomforts – and it can be trusted." Christopher H. Jackson, 'Zeal: A Fuel for Spiritual Pioneering',

3 "God has given us the freedom to think what we choose and the creative capacity to bring forth worlds accordingly. What we think, we experience." Marianne Williamson, Foreword

4 "We are beginning to truly understand and appreciate that we are all connected, that we are all part of a whole. New physics teaches us what mystics have known for millennia: that ultimately everything is connected in a unified field and that the natural drift of the universe is toward wholeness. In Hinduism, we find the story of Indra's net. Indra, the god of the firmament, has a huge net. Everything in creation hangs on this net as jewels. If one jewel shakes, the entire net and all the jewels shake. We are learning as never before that what we think, what we believe, and what we do shake the entire net of creation." Rosemary Ellen Guiley, 'The Fire of Faith'

5 "Prayer is not an attempt to get God to come to our rescue; rather, it is a refocusing of our consciousness from the appearance of lack and limitation to the reality of wholeness." Eric Butterworth, Unity minister and radio broadcaster, 'The Age of Wisdom'

6 "In fact, we are the beloved of our Creator. We are worthy. We are capable. We are divine creations, just the way we are right now." Christopher H. Jackson, 'Zeal: A Fuel for Spiritual Pioneering'

7 "Underneath our familial heritage, underneath our gender, underneath our race, underneath our sexual preferences, we are all the same. We all share the oneness, the allness that is God. Underneath our various veneers, we are one. When we are healed of our petty thoughts, prejudices, and attitudes, we can finally realize this wondrous Truth of our being." Joan Gattuso, 'Toward Living the Abundant Life'

8 "Each of us is called from within to stabilize ourselves as cocreative humans, humans capable of accessing the eternal aspect of God and simultaneously awakening to the evolving aspect – humans expressing our God-given creative essence as Spirit-in-action in the world." Barbara Marx Hubbard, 'Discovery of a New Ordering of the Future'

9 "Show love to all creatures and thou wilt be happy; for when thou lovest all things, thou lovest the Lord, for he is all in all." Tulsi Das Hindu spirituality

10 "We cannot be separate from God. Our life is not a separate thing. We are one with all the life there ever has been or ever will be. Every thought we think, every word we speak, every action we take, affects the whole." Rosemary Fillmore Rhea, 'A New Heaven and New Earth'

11 "What is the plan?....We could call it a 'divine plan', or we could call it an 'evolutionary imperative', which is essentially the same thing. It is the plan to which Teilhard (deChardin) referred when he envisioned evolution as the movement toward conscious oneness with God." Robert Brumet, 'Power Shift: A New Paradigm for the New Millennium'

12 "Nature has been forming synergistic systems for billions of years. Holism, the tendency to form whole systems out of separate parts, is the nature of reality." Barbara Marx Hubbard, 'Discovery of a New Ordering of the Future'

13 "'I', each of us as an 'I', is an expression of the whole process of creation. In our genes are all the generations come alive now. Our atoms, molecules, cells, organs, and early brain have the memory of the whole story of creation. We are awakening to that story as our own birth story." Barbara Marx Hubbard, 'Dicscovery of a New Ordering of the Future'

14 "Love is not a feeling. Love is spiritual energy, pure creative energy at its highest level. Love expressed in human form actualizes your divine Self. Love is a divine energy that harmonizes and integrates, thus permitting our true divine identity to be expressed." Dr. Barbara L. King, 'Will: The Foundation Faculty of the New Global Order'

15 "When the social body comes together as a whole, it is Spirit that binds the parts, the same Spirit that synthesized the metals and minerals in our Earth, that organizes the cells in our bodies into stupendous communities of trillions of cells." Barbara Marx Hubbard, 'Discovery of a New Ordering of the Future'

16 "The evolutionary selection process favors our tendency toward spirituality, universality, inclusivity, connectedness, morality, and cosmic consciousness." Barbara Marx Hubbard, 'Discovery of a New Ordering of the Future'

17 'We are all kin to one another in the family of humanity." Christopher H. Jackson, 'Zeal: A Fuel for Spiritual Pioneering'

18 "Within each soul, a divine plan guides its evolution. Within the collective soul of humanity, a divine plan directs the path of our evolution. The evolutionary design to which Teilhard, Hubbard, and others have alluded is a divine intelligence operating throughout all of creation." Robert Brumet, 'Power Shift: A New Paradigm for the New Millennium'

19 "As we trust the divine plan at work in our life, we move into harmony with the spirit of evolution that inexorably carries us – collectively and individually – forward into the next stage of the process leading to Omega: conscious oneness with God." Robert Brumet, 'Power Shift: A New Paradigm for the New Millennium'

20 "Humanity, as a species, is part of a divine plan that is seeking expression through the process of evolution. We, as individuals, likewise have divine plans that are unique to each of us…..through listening to the heart in meditation, through the practice of self-awareness, through a commitment to fulfill our destiny, we discover and fulfill our divine plan." Robert Brumet, 'Power Shift: A New Paradigm for the New Millennium'

21 "In fact, freedom increases with complexity, as Jan Smuts first pointed out in 'Holism and Evolution'. As we move up the chain of life, freedom of choice increases." Barbara Marx Hubbard, 'Discovery of a New Ordering of the Future'

22 "We are all to become, experientially, members of the living body of Christ, each unique, each equally valuable and needed." Barbara Marx Hubbard, 'Discovery of a New Ordering of the Future'

23 "The central teaching of Unity (School of Christianity) is this: There is only one Presence and one Power in the universe – God, the Good and Omnipotent." James Dillet Freeman, 'Imagination: The Wondrous Power of Conception'

24 "We are a transitional species evolving toward that higher, divine human which has been embodied by the great avatars of the human race and which is being activated in millions of us now, as the whole planetary body enters its 'crisis of birth', its time of trial, when the whole must coordinate and integrate itself as one living system." Barbara Marx Hubbard, 'Discovery of a New Ordering of the Future'

25 "Our innermost, secret motivations are an expression of the very same ordering tendency that was, is now, and ever will be creating the universe! The Force is with us." Barbara Marx Hubbard, 'Discovery of a New Ordering of the Future'

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite