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A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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The Finding of the Third Eye
Vera Stanley Alder
This is a guide to attainment of awareness through the path outlined by ancient wisdom, comparing it with the discoveries of modern science.

1 "Universal love…produces an understanding of all that exists in nature."

2 "The flame of regeneration and renaissance is burning high already, and many are the little sparks, fanned by patient souls, ready now to flare into a rich fulfillment."

3 "Believe in the One great Divinity."

4 "Everything which you can love you can understand."

5 "A wonderful era may soon dawn when humanity will figuratively rub its eyes to find that blinkers and barriers of so many kinds have somehow melted away and that it has learnt to turn its back upon the illusion of Division, and seeks only to unite and fuse all people and all activities into one coherent Whole which ever becomes simpler and more complete."

6 "Men and women have the choice as to what they will do with this power within them. Shall they exhaust it in the various self-indulgences, both mental and physical, or shall they use it to become creative in the realms of the spirit and higher mind – a force for good? It is this tremendous choice which every human being has to face."

7 "All of life is built upon the law of opposites, as in the negative and positive poles of electricity, day and night, heat and cold, summer and winter, good and evil. The constant friction between these opposites causes development, change, adjustment – in other words originality, or the free-will which functions throughout all creation, and through which creation itself learns eventually to become creative."

8 "When universal love, neighbourliness and brotherhood eventually spread across the world, East and West will learn from each other and pool their attributes."

9 "Man is said to contain within himself a facsimile of and a link with everything in the universe."

10 "Enlightenment has ever poured fourth over humanity from the heart of God."

11 "The world is built up of thousands of differing rates of vibrations, all these having their origin in the One original vibration of the mind of the Creator."

12 "Mankind, as well as all of Nature, is to rise out of the imperfect state, to become complete and creative, and to develop the full quota of qualities and capacities."

13 "'Love thy neighbour as thyself' – so simple and so clear! And quite enough to change this tortured earth to a lovely place."

14 "The world appears to be made up of the energy of the Being or Mind behind it, whose idea it was!"

15 "God is within us. We are each able to contact the world of spirit within our own little bodies, because in the final analysis it is the life of that world which is interpenetrating and sustaining us."

16 "The cry for world-unity, peace, brotherhood and the casting down of barriers is increasingly making itself heard."

17 "The greatest things we can have – wisdom, health and power – are all-pervading and cannot be divided. They can only develop and be shared."

18 "He whose aspirations are high, sincere and enduring may begin at once to achieve Godhood and acquire first-hand knowledge of the secrets of the universe."

19 "If the pure and original root of these different [religious] beliefs can be uncovered, it will be found to be identical in most respects. In each case we will discover that the One God over all was acknowledged."

20 "Everyone should breathe in the divine Breath of Life with all his heart and sing his song of thanksgiving no less regularly than do the birds."

21 "Everything in life is evolving upwards and onwards to a higher and more perfect state, having had its beginning in an uncreative, unconscious and elementary form, and growing and progressing through striving, sacrifice and struggle to a condition of creative selfconscious potent strength."

22 "When the aspirant can grow to love his neighbours for their struggles and faults, and utterly abstain from any critical feeling, then 'will all things be added unto him.' There will be no barriers to prevent it. Like attracts like, and his own honesty and charity will inevitably draw to him as to a magnet all that is good."

23 "Service leads to working with others, the beginning of that Universal Brotherhood which is inevitably and actually coming into being before our eyes."

24 "The spirit in man has always been divinely alive." Alice A. Bailey, Preface

25 "Nothing is lost, nothing is wasted, everyone finally reaches the same goal of perfection."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite