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A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Symbols, Guiding Lights Along the Journey of Life
Kathleen R. Prata

1 "The universe and the expressions of all natures within same are the manifestations of that one force, one power, one spirit, one energy known as Universal Force, Creative Energy, or God." Edgar Cayce

2 "Concentric circles, with one circle inside another, represents the cosmos."

3 "In early Christian remains, the circle frequently appears as a serpent with its tail in its mouth." Violet Shelley, 'Symbols and the Self'

4 "The circle is a symbol of completeness; as indicated by the words, 'The Lord thy God is One.' (Mark 12:29)." Edgar Cayce

5 "A symbol always means more than you can put your finger on. Its field of meaning is constantly expanding. The more you ponder a symbol, the more it means to you. As you contemplate a symbol, it generates a growth of consciousness."

6 "Universal symbols are common to all humankind and are used to express our relationship to our Creator and to teach universal truths. They also tell us a great deal about our true selves."

7 "The circle represents the superconscious mind, perfect and complete before creation. It is the symbol of unmanifested Deity, including everything and wanting nothing, without beginning or end, neither first nor last, timeless, sexless, absolute." Violet Shelley, 'Symbols and the Self'

8 "You can think of a symbol as a stained glass window. It shapes and colors the light of ideals. Yet it's the light and not the pattern that is the greatest value."

9 "Circles are archetypal images, representing the self."

10 "All activities emanate from the One." Edgar Cayce

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite