A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite
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"When White Buffalo Calf Woman came among us bringing the Sacred Pipe which represents wholeness and holiness – the respectful honoring of our unity with all things – she reminded us of its importance for the continuance of Life itself. Ken Carey in 'Return of the Bird Tribes' brings us her words: 'Creation does not take place where there is a scattering and dissipation of energies,' she explained, 'Creation requires a gathering together and focusing of your power within a circle of commitment – like a seed, an egg, a womb or a marriage. If you would create and not destroy, you must remember always the Sacred Hoop. Consider wisely the ways in which you would use your power and then around those ways draw the sacred circle of commitment. In the warm atmosphere of that circle, the power of love builds and builds like a storm above the wet summer prairie until the circle can hold no more and explodes in the conception of the new." Brooke Medicine Eagle, Native American healer, 'Creating a Path of Beauty' |
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"Our traditional Native American greeting in the Seneca language is 'Na:weh Skennio' – thank you for being! Whether you know it or not, each of you represents a spark of inspiration within the Great Mystery. You are needed. You touch the lives of many and are responsible for changing the lives of others for the better. For all that you do and for who you are, I thank you for being." Jamie Sams, 'Messages for the Women of the Millennium' |
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"Love is an energy. We don't experience it in the abstract. We experience it through the medium of our relationships. And so it is that the infusion of love that is being asked for above all is an enriching of all our relationships, our relationships with our spouses and lovers, with our parents and children, with the people with whom we work, and even with our enemies and strangers." Daphne Rose Kingma, 'A Profound Infusion of Love', quoted |
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"The ancient Sanskrit metaphor of Indra's Net and the modern formulation of quantum physics remind us that we are all woven together. The human challenge is to become fully aware of, full participants in, and fully conscious co-creators of the historic, the mythic, and the unitive realms, especially in times like ours when we are invited by the very depths of being to become co-creators of the future. As Zora Neale Hurston has said, 'There are years that ask questions and years that answer them.' I would add that these are the times. We are the people. And we are living in the answering years." Jean Houston, 'Living in One's and Future Myths' |
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"There is a web of Being moving all of life forward, beyond that which we can control or manipulate. That numinous web is evident to our deeper awareness whenever we take time to quiet ourselves in nature." Brooke Medicine Eagle, Native American healer, 'Creating a Path of Beauty' |
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"We are opening our senses to the web of relationships, the deep ecology, in which we have our being. Like our primordial ancestors, we begin again to see the world as our body and (whether we say the word or not) as sacred." Joanna Macy, Ph.D., 'The Great Turning' |
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"Serving the global vision through our personal vision may change thousands if not millions of lives, and in turn change our world." Rama Vernon, President of the Center for International Dialogue, 'Manifesting the Vision' |
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"When we are being who we are and honestly living with inspired integrity, we automatically inspire the imaginations of everyone we encounter." Jamie Sams, 'Messages for the Women of the Millennium' |
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"The universe is impersonally invested in evolving toward goodness and uses any available conduit for the purposes of doing so." Marianne Williamson, 'Spiritual Politics' |
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"Myth is always about soul-making and about the pathos that accompanies the journey of the soul as it travels from out-moded existence to the amplified life in the kingdom. Thus it has much to teach us about where we are right now and where we are headed." Jean Houston, 'Living in One's and Future Myths' |
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"Part of the information that we need now is an awareness of the indivisibility of our relationship with each other – peoples of all races, nationalities, ethnicities, and classes – and with the Earth and all her creatures." China Galland, 'The Black Madonna and the Limits of Light: Looking Underneath Christianity, A Teaching for Our Time' |
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"We are being invited to an opening of our hearts and a deeper awareness of our souls, to an experience of the energy of love which is, in fact, our essence and to infuse it into every arena of our existence. What this means, very simply, is that we need to love more. We are being called to more conscious love, more kinds of love, more capacity to love, more freedom to love, more valuing of love, more trusting that love will carry us to where we need to go, more capacity to feel love that is constantly being offered to us in a myriad of forms – by lovers and strangers, by plants and animals and trees, by flowers and children, and by the gentle Earth itself. We are being asked to become creators of the changes through which, subtly, and with beauty, our world will become ever more infused with love." Daphne Rose Kingma, 'A Profound Infusion of Love' |
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"Spirit is crying out to us to become expressions of the gifts she offers in all we do and are. She is calling us to profound, radical, lasting change." Woodeene Koenig-Bricker, 'The Age of the Spirit' |
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"We have a magnificent metaphor for the presence of love in our midst. Our fabulous technological ingenuity has created a world that is now linked by a pulsating electronic web, a global nervous system which demonstrates in a very concrete way that as a body of humanity we are all beautifully linked together, that we are all incredibly connected…… the real challenge now is for us to see that it is love that is truly the web of our connection, that we are all of a piece as human beings and spirits, that we share the same joys and woes, that we partake of the same eternal spiritual destiny." Daphne Rose Kingma, 'A Profound Infusion of Love' |
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"In the old days, checking in with your soul was called 'prayer'. Daily prayer, in the morning and at night, is a time to turn your attention within. Teach the practice of prayer to your children; it's a mind-relaxing skill, and it allows the inner picture to synthesize. It doesn't matter what name you use for God; it only matters that you feel you are talking to God, to your conception of the divine. Then you will be linked with that energy. The flow will be with you." Z Budapest, 'Harmonizing with the Fates' |
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"The (mythic) stories of spiritual principals who are everywhere and all at once recalls the finding in quantum physics concerning the ways in which everything is part of everything else – every electron having knowledge and influence upon every other electron – and each one of us is ubiquitous throughout the great hologram that is our universe." Jean Houston, 'Living in One's and Future Myths' |
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"Some wheels of life are turning just now, some already have turned, some will begin to turn at any moment. These forces in concert were called many things – Divine Providence, Fate, the Astrological Ages. All these names denote a kind of order, a dependable system which we don't quite fully understand but that we know is present." Z Budapest, 'Harmonizing with the Fates' |
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"Any step that I take in my life of true healing, of true integration so that I really shift my experience, affects everyone in the world and affects what's happening in the world." Shakti Gawain, speaker/workshop leader, 'Moving Toward the New Millennium' |
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"Everywhere I am seeing not only the harvesting of the world's potentials but the harvesting of the great mythic stories. It is as if we are in a time of radical restorying. It is as if the soul of the world is rising." Jean Houston, 'Living in One's and Future Myths' |
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"Before all else, know that we are always in deep and energetic transformation. Always." Z Budapest, 'Harmonizing with the Fates' |
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"The only way to come home to spirit is to allow our love nature, Eros, to be stronger than fear. Easy to say, difficult to practice. We need to bless those who challenge us to be fully loving; they mirror to us where we may withhold our love by being close-hearted, half-hearted, and weak-hearted. They are great teachers for us, and remind us that the greatest remorse for human beings is love unexpressed." Angeles Arrien, 'Transformation in the Millennium' |
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"Just as everyone of us has a genetic code, so each of us has a genius code which holds our unique creativity….In our genius are the ideas, projects, and capacities needed to transform ourselves and our world." Barbara Marx Hubbard, 'Awakening to Our Genius, the Heroine's Journey' |
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"There's a level on which we are all one consciousness, deeply connected to the one mass consciousness." Shakti Gawain, speaker/workshop leader, 'Moving Toward the New Millennium' |
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"We are all beautifully interwoven into a single consciousness." Daphne Rose Kingma, 'A Profound Infusion of Love' |
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"Our inner development as persons comes about as we are able to bear the wholeness of the opposites, to experience them as mutually completing, as interdependent and interpenetrating, in some sense simultaneous. To see them, in other words, as alive, moving, and interweaving, like the distinct and yet interflowing rivers that course through the oceans." Mary Caroline Richards, poet and teacher, 'Separating and Connecting: The Vessel and the Fire' |