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A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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The Hero Within: Six Archetypes We Live By
Carol Pearson, Ph.D.

1 "Energy is focused at this time in history on helping people take responsibility for their own lives so that we might not only save the planet but make the world a more genuinely humane and free place to be."

2 "Fundamentally we are not that different from one another. We are all in the same boat, and we are all, ultimately, interdependent."

3 "Archetypes are deep and abiding patterns in the human psyche that remain powerful and present over time."

4 "Trusting yourself and your own process means believing that your task is to be fully yourself and that if you are, you will have everything you genuinely need for your soul's growth….Recognize that what you want and what you need often are not the same and that it is quite rational to trust the universe, God, or your higher self and let go."

5 "We each are unique AND we all are one."

6 "Suffering is the leveler that reminds us of our common mortality, that none of us is exempt from the difficulties of human life. When suffering and despair come together, they provide us with the opportunity to affirm hope, love ourselves, and to say, against all odds, 'And yet I will love, and yet I will hope.' It is then that we learn transcendence; it is then that we know the beauty of oneness, of being part of the network of connectedness."

7 "We depend on the earth for our very survival, for the air we breathe and the food we eat. We depend on each other. None of us has all the gifts necessary to create the full and rich lives that our combined talents make possible."

8 "The archetypes are here to help us evolve, collectively and individually. In honoring them we grow."

9 "We are all really one."

10 "As Christ taught us, even death by crucifixion is followed by resurrection. Similarly, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross in 'Death: The Final Stage of Growth' tells about the peace and freedom experienced by people who have been declared clinically dead and come back to life – how their experiences of love and light freed them from the fear of death that so interferes with most people's lives."

11 "In fact we are safe even though we often experience pain and suffering. They are part of life, and ultimately we all are held in God's hand."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite