Many / One
A database of 11,000+ illuminated guiding quotations in 40 categories from 600+ inspired books by our most brilliant and influential authors.
Compiled by JoAnn Kite
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"Nature does not require that we be perfect; it requires only that we grow, and we can do this as well from a mistake as from a success."
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"Humanity owes its greatness to being impregnated by divinity."
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"That we bear upon us the 'image of God' is the source of our greatness and dignity; we are worth something since we are a coin stamped with the imprint of deity."
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"Life ultimately has a good meaning."
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"Love is not a matter of perfection or imperfection, success or failure; it is a human experience that contains all kinds of failures woven through with divine threads that give it a more than human glow."
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"One has only to look into human personality to find the imprint of God and to discover the yearning for God in every human action."
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"The qualities of reason, moral conscience, and aesthetic sense make man something more than a mere animal. And he has a still more important gift, freedom, which means he is free to endeavor to actualize these potentialities of reason, rightness, and beauty."
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"When one serves one's fellowmen, one is working with the universal creative mind, the logos."