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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Insearch: Psychology and Religion
James Hillman
Hillman suggests in this book that we should befriend our own unconscious, confront the shadow side of our loving, and establish through creative insearch a living sense of soul.

1 "We are God's creatures and we are what we are owing to His purpose working in the soul rather than to accidents of upbringing and circumstances."

2 "The human encounter depends on an inner connection. To be in touch with you I need to be in touch within."

3 "All images and experiences of my soul are images and experiences of your soul. This field of psychic reality which is immanent to each transcends the individual differences between us, giving us the common language based on our common patterns of experience. Through our unconscious we all connect."

4 "The loving, courageous connection with life – that is the real heart, not the ticker which can as well pulsate isolated in a glass bottle."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite