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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Pathways of the Inner Life, An Anthology of Christian Spirituality
Georges A. Barrois, editor

1 "Thou, Lord, art the supreme good, the eternal good, from Whom is all good, without Whom there is no good." St. Francis of Assisi (1181-1226), 'Opuscula S. P. Francisci'

2 "He [God] does not cease in one internal way or another to manifest Himself without ceasing to the gaze of those who seek Him, so that the word may be fulfilled which said: 'Behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world.' (Matthew 28:20)." Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153),

3 "The spiritual advance of the soul is the result of love." Georges Barrois

4 "Let a man once begin to think about the mystery of his life and the links which connect him with the life that fills the world, and he cannot but bring to bear upon his own life and all other life that comes within his reach the principle of Reverence for Life, and manifest this principle by ethical world-and life-affirmation expressed in action." Albert Schweitzer (b. 1875), 'Out of My Life and Thought'

5 'He is the Word making no sound, but penetrating the soul; not full of words, but powerful in effects; not sounding in the ears, but speaking the language of love to the affections." Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153)

6 "You have within yourself the standard by which to apprehend the Divine. For He who made you did at the same time endow your nature with this wonderful quality. For God imprinted on it the likeness of the glories of His own nature, as if moulding the form of a carving into wax." Gregory of Nyssa (ca. 335-395), 'On the Beatitudes', Sermon 6

7 "God alone is, alone Himself is an infinite ocean of being." Savonarola (1452-1498), 'Expositio in Psalmum 'In te Domine Speravi'

8 "Whatever creed we may recite, our primary faith ought to be in the potential greatness of life." Rufus M. Jones (1863-1948), 'The Luminous Trail', ch. 2

9 "The inner dwelling….is like the home of a rich father, and the human soul like a tender son, who is reared in his father's house with as much care as he is dearly loved." Hugh of St. Victor (ca. 1100-1141), 'De Vanitate Mundi', Bk. 2

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite