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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Making Peace With God, A Practical Guide
Harold Bloomfield, M.D. & Philip Goldberg, Ph.D.

1 "Your heart beats on its own. Your lungs take in oxygen and expel carbon dioxide without your willful assistance. Nature puts you to sleep and wakes you up. Why shouldn't life-supporting choices flow just as freely from a mind that's attuned to the evolutionary currents of the cosmos?"

2 "God is transcendent and also immanent, formless and form, beyond time and space and within time and space, perfect unity and infinite diversity, one and many, motionless and perpetual motion."

3 "All the great teachers have said: As you make your way through the mists of uncertainty, trust that the combined wisdom of your heart and mind will lead you to the truth."

4 "Choices send ripples throughout the universe, altering the world for better or for worse. Since we're already changing the world with every action we take, why not do it with the highest intention?"

5 "Every place is hallowed ground. There is nowhere that God is not."

6 "At its core, the Quintessential Self is radiant light, the essence of essence, the holiest of holies, the part of you that touches God."

7 "What Ralph Waldo Emerson stated in the nineteenth century – 'I know with certainty that who I am does not end at the top of my head' – was echoed in the twentieth century by neuroscientists like Wilder Penfield and Karl Pribram. To them and others, consciousness is nonlocal, not confined to specific points in time and space but inextricably woven into the cosmic fabric."

8 "Every spiritual tradition contains teachings that say, essentially, God is not hiding; God is present here and now, within and without, always and ever, in every here and every now….'Wherever you turn is God's face', said the prophet Muhammad, who also said, 'Whoever knows himself knows God.' Why? Because God is in us as us."

9 "Deep down the universe is benign."

10 "We are all the children of one God."

11 "Love is the delicate magnetic force that unifies diversity and brings wholeness to variety."

12 "The eternal Oneness underlies and permeates all impermanent phenomena."

13 "The love of God is eternally present, like gravity or electro-magnetism. We don't have to earn it, we have to awaken to it."

14 "We are blessed beings, eternally embraced by divine love."

15 "In the view of every wisdom tradition, the essence of the universe is love and light and goodness. Our grand purpose is to awaken to our essential nature, which is the very same love and light and goodness."

16 "We know enough now to state unequivocally that everything is connected, that we are all part of one another and everything each of us does affects the rest of the planet. We are also blessed with communication and transportation technologies that shrink the globe and bring together minds and bodies in ways that illuminate the unity of our diverse species. Most of all, we have the spiritual technologies to make Oneness a conscious reality not just an abstract idea, and to make kindness and compassion a felt experience not just a noble aspiration."

17 "Think of the enlightened ones as having earned the equivalent of an advanced degree. Their descriptions of communion with the Infinite are so remarkably similar, despite their differences in language, culture and religious context, that they can be considered as reliable as repeated observations in science."

18 "How about practicing by seeing the spark of the Divine in the next person you encounter, as in the traditional Hindu greeting, 'Namaste'? From there it can spread, one step at a time."

19 "God can be seen as infinite generosity, ever and always giving him- or herself away like the sun gives away light – or, to use biblical imagery, like a burning bush that is not consumed by its flame. As manifestations of the sacred, created so to speak in the image and likeness of God, our very nature is generosity. The more access we have to the inexhaustible source of love and goodness at the center of our being, the easier and more natural it is to give some of it away."

20 "I am He whom I love and He whom I love is I." Al-Hallaj

21 "Yearning for God in every thought, directing every breath toward the One, intending no harm, that is prayer." Bawa Muhaiyaddeen

22 "The miracle is that, even in the midst of immense distress, human beings have managed to find the light."

23 "We are all roommates, cohabitating in a universe of unbroken wholeness."

24 "The peace of the awakened individual spreads, not only through acts of goodness but by pulsating outward like radio waves through prayer, meditation and the pure emanations of the soul."

25 "The main impetus for change will come from the millions of individuals like you, who are experiencing directly the peace of God and thereby know – not just believe, not just understand, but know – that the spokes of all religions merge at the hub of divine union. Those who embrace that truth can lead the way to a collective spiritual awakening."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite