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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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Tomorrow's God, Our Greatest Spiritual Challenge
Neale Donald Walsch

1 "The human race is moving to critical mass. The day of atonement – that is, of at-ONE-ment – is near at hand."

2 "Here are four words to memorize: We are all One. Model that when you make your next choices and decisions."

3 "The Big Idea is that all we have to do is love each other, and everything else in our world will take care of itself out of our willingness to act in loving ways with each other."

4 "God is that which is Constantly Present and Constantly Changing, suiting Itself to each moment, so that God may be understood in that moment, embraced in that moment, experienced in that moment, and expressed in that moment."

5 "God is the All, and Everything. There is nothing God creates that is not God Itself. All that you see, everywhere around you, is God, expressing. God IS everything."

6 "The process of seeing and experiencing more and more of God is never-ending. That's the joy of it."

7 "In one word, LIFE is the stuff that God is."

8 "Love does become you – it makes you look very wonderful, indeed – and it turns into You while it turns You into it. That is what Love does. It is transformative."

9 "John Wheeler has proposed a conception of the universe that he has called 'observer-participancy', or a closed-loop participatory universe in which – as quantum physics would have it – nothing that is observed is unaffected by the observer. In other words, the Creator and the Created are One."

10 "If you believe that the way Life is showing itself to you now is God, you will see it as God. If you do not believe that the way Life is showing itself to you now is God, you will not see it as God. Some say that seeing is believing, but I tell you that believing is seeing."

11 "All [masters] live today even as they did then, in the days of what you call your past. And all the masters and all the messengers – Buddha, Abraham, Baha'u'liah, Jesus, Krishna, Moses, Muhammad, and all the others – love you today as they did then, and invite you today as they did then to accept and embrace the wonder and the glory of Who You Are."

12 "When individuals come into resonance with universal purpose, they know it in their hearts, they feel it in their bones. There is a great assent, a cosmic yes, an arc of energy across the void. What stands revealed in such moments is the entelechy, the creative seed of greatness each of us contains." Jean Houston, 'Jump Time'

13 "The part of the world you touch is never the same, nor is the World Entire, for your impact reaches beyond your imagining."

14 "I want to share that if you simply love everyone whose life you touch endlessly, unconditionally, with nothing needed or wanted in return, you have become enlightened and you have shown everyone how they may be enlightened as well. As fast as any other system that exists, like THAT….And if you learn to love yourself unconditionally, as well as everyone else, you heal your entire self."

15 "Oh, the future is so bright if lit by the light of you, right here, right now. Therefore, let your light so shine before all people that they cannot fail to know at last Who They Really Are."

16 "God doesn't exist for you if He exists for you only in the things and the people you like. God isn't real for you if She is experienced by you only in those things with which you agree. The real master is the one who knows and understands that God exists in, as, and through all things. That God is absent from no one and nothing."

17 "God – the force, the energy, the design, the experience that some call Divinity – shows Itself in your life in the way that is exactly and perfectly suited to the time, place, and situation at hand."

18 [God:] "I have said to all of humanity, unto you will I send my messengers, and among you will they walk. Not only one, but many, not only in ancient times, but through all the ages, bringing you the knowing of the truth of your being, even as that truth emerges in and through them, AS them."

19 "There is no such thing as 'chance.' The universe does nothing by accident."

20 "A revolution is a 'revolving'. It is a coming full circle. And this is what Life as expressed through Humanity is doing right now. You are on a circle, from the fullness of knowing to the emptiness of forgetfulness to the fullness of knowing again. From Oneness to Separation to Oneness again. From Total Consciousness to Unconsciousness to Total Consciousness again. This movement, this process, is part of the endless Cycle of Life….It is spoken of in your philosophies and revealed in your religions and expressed in all of your cultural stories. It is found in your poems and songs, in your dances and rituals of every kind. It is held in your minds and embraced in your hearts and known in your souls."

21 "Life is the process of awakening. It is the process of Becoming. It is the process of knowing that one has become what one always was. It is the process of rejoining the inseparable – and that is not a process of actual rejoining, but of simply knowing again that separation never occurred."

22 "Live this message of the nonseparation, of the Unity of Life and the Oneness of All Things. Live it in a practical way, not merely in a conceptual way. Allow it to seep into your being at the deepest level, and become a part of your subconscious and immediate response to every life encounter."

23 "People will join together in clusters in their communities, towns, and villages, connecting up with other groups around the world via a network created by the lot of them and facilitated by today's communication technologies."

24 "All the tools have been given you….in all the esoteric writings and sacred teachings of your global civilization."

25 "Love and fear are mutually exclusive."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite