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Compiled by JoAnn Kite

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The Essence of Sufism
John Baldock
Explores the rich body of literature the Sufis have produced to guide spiritual travellers.

1 "We all have a duty of care towards our fellow beings within the Divine Unity, especially those who are less well off than ourselves."

2 "Say: Allah is One! Eternal. All things depend on Him." Koran, Surah 112, the Unity

3 "'I' and 'you' are but the lattices in the niches of a lamp, through which the One Light shines." Shabistari (d. 1320), Persian mystic, 'The Secret Rose Garden'

4 "In spite of appearances, there is unity in multiplicity."

5 "There is nothing in existence but Allah, His Names, Attributes and Actions; all is He, by Him, from Him and to Him." Sayyid Amuli, 'Inner Secrets of the Path'

6 "The Arabic word 'islam' means 'submission', or to be more precise 'the surrender of one's whole being, to the Divine Unity, to the Oneness that is God."

This body of quotes compiled by JoAnn Kite